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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Printable Version

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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - nunchakus - 12-01-2010

Comm ID: Ibrahim Malikk, OSI-Enigma
Location: Freeport 1, Omega-3


I've delivered this month's shipment of fertilizers. Here are the manifest.

Shipment 1: Pickup, Delivery
Shipment 2: Pickup, Delivery
Shipment 3: Pickup, Delivery

That is all, peace be upon you.

Ibrahim Malikk, OSI-Enigma

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Daedric - 12-02-2010

[Image: OSI-Header.png]
CommID: Lloyd Sienar
Location: Ames Research Station, Kepler
Subject: Shipment Manifests
Another day, another batch of cargo manifests for the paper pushers.

[color=#FFCC33]Ames Research Station Cargo Scans

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - nunchakus - 12-02-2010

Comm ID: Ibrahim Malikk, OSI-Enigma
Location: Ames Research Station, Kepler


Today I decided to fulfill some of the supply orders from Ames Research Station. The oxygen,water and food ration supply for this month are done, here are the manifest.

Oxygen Shipment

Shipment 1: Pickup, Delivery
Shipment 2: Pickup, Delivery
Shipment 3: Pickup, Delivery

Food Ration Shipment

Shipment 1: Pickup, Delivery
Shipment 2: Pickup, Delivery
Shipment 3: Pickup, Delivery

Water Shipment

Shipment 1: Pickup, Delivery
Shipment 1: Pickup, Delivery
Shipment 1: Pickup, Delivery

After I was done with the supplies, I headed towards Tau-23 and hauled Niobium Ore, which I bought from a couple of miners with callsign Mole and fred.stone, to Planet New Berlin before retiring back to Ames. Here is the manifest.

Niobium Ore Delivery

That is all, peace be upon you.

Ibrahim Malikk, OSI-Enigma

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - nunchakus - 12-02-2010

Comm ID: Ibrahim Malikk, OSI-Enigma
Location: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49


Felt like doing another contract so me and my crew went ahead to complete H-Fuel supply shipments for Ames Research Station. So here are the manifest.

H-Fuel Shipment

#1: Pickup, Delivery
#2: Pickup, Delivery
#3: Pickup, Delivery
#4: Pickup, Delivery
#5: Pickup, Delivery
#6: Pickup, Delivery
#7: Pickup, Delivery

That is all, peace be upon you.

Ibrahim Malikk, OSI-Enigma

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - nunchakus - 12-03-2010

Comm ID: Ibrahim Malikk, OSI-Enigma
Location: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Subject: Virulian Enclave Contract Report


I hereby report that the Bio-Neural Processors and Optical Chips requested by the Virulian Enclave have been successfully delivered. Here are the trade manifest.

Bio-Neural Processors Shipment

#1: Dropoff
#2: Dropoff

Optical Chips Shipment

#1: Dropoff
#2: Dropoff
#3: Dropoff

With that, I will now move on to other parts of the contract. Good day and peace be upon you.

Ibrahim Malikk, OSI-Enigma

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Daedric - 12-03-2010

[Image: OSI-Header.png]
CommID: Lloyd Sienar
Location: Crete, Omicron gamma
Subject: Shipment Manifests
Finished up the Ames contract and then payed a visit to Crete with a hold full of food rations. Ran into some Corsairs who wanted to pirate the food, but when I informed them it was bound for Crete in agreement with their Elders, they left me be.

[color=#FFCC33]Ames Research Station Cargo Scans
Food For Crete cargo Scans Total:18,000

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - nunchakus - 12-04-2010

Comm ID: Ibrahim Malikk, OSI-Srivijaya
Location: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Subject: Virulian Enclave Contract Report


Today is the maiden voyage of our newest ZBT-100Z call-signed OSI-Srivijaya. After last minute check-ups were done, the vessel went on to deliver H-Fuels and Nuclear Devices requested by the Virulian Enclave. I must say I am taking a great liking to this ship. Anyways, here are the trade manifest.

H-Fuel Shipment

#1: Dropoff
#2: Dropoff
#3: Dropoff
#4: Dropoff
#5: Dropoff
#6: Dropoff

Nuclear Device Shipment

#1: Dropoff
#2: Dropoff

That is all, peace be upon you.

Ibrahim Malikk, OSI-Srivijaya

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Daedric - 12-04-2010

[Image: OSI-Header.png]
CommID: Lloyd Sienar
Location: Freeport 5, Omega-41
Subject: Shipment Manifests
The crew and I finally christened our transport. From henceforth it will be called the Penumbra. I ran our quota of meds to Freeport 5.

Earlier in the day as I left Crete for Atka Research Station I was greeted with a dizzying array of alarms as I entered Omicron Theta from Gamma. There was a large scale battle taking place. SCRA, RoS, TBH, TCG, & (]o[) were all fighting pitched battles throughout the central region of the system.

I couldn't tell who was shooting who, but from open radio communications and distress signals from downed pilots it seemed the RoS were shooting both the SCRA and TBH. I am pretty sure the SCRA was shooting TBH also. As for the (]o[), they were shooting and being shot at by TBH, seems hostilities have broken out between the two groups again. The Outcast also showed up in force and attacked TBH.

[color=#FFCC33]Freeport 5 Cargo Scans

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - nunchakus - 12-04-2010

Comm ID: Ibrahim Malikk, OSI-Srivijaya
Location: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Subject: Virulian Enclave Contract Report & Corsair Supply Report


Using the OSI-Srivijaya, I manage to complete requests for Iridiums and Ship Hull Panels by the Virulian Enclave. Here are the trade manifests.

Ship Hull Panel Shipment

#1: Dropoff
#2: Dropoff
#3: Dropoff
#4: Dropoff
#5: Dropoff
#6: Dropoff

Iridium Shipment

#1: Dropoff
#2: Dropoff
#3: Dropoff
#4: Dropoff

In addition I delivered another 15,000 units of food rations for the Corsairs at Crete, here are the trade manifest.
Food Rations #1
Food Rations #2
Food Rations #3

Until next time, peace be upon you.

Ibrahim Malikk, OSI-Srivijaya

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - SigCorps - 12-05-2010

**Incoming Transmission**

CommID: Captain Daren Culberland, OSI-Coleridge

Message reads:

Well finally got all the bugs worked out of they system ( I think ). With the new contracts for GC and FP5 we figured we would start there since we were in the area.

We made a run to pick up some Nuclear Devices for Lanzarote. Here is proof of deilvery


Only got the delivery not the pick up since my log computer glitched again. I performed emergency repair procedure 1 on it, ( Kick It ) and it seemed to quit acting up. Currently on a second run for these items and will post pick up and delivery logs once done.

Cumberland out

**End of Message**