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OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Printable Version

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OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Omicron Supply Industries - 03-08-2011

//Recruitment has been reopened, applications will be processed with standard indifference and sarcasm.

OSI Recruitment (iRP) - MrChicken - 03-26-2011

*Incoming transmission*

Greetings OSI I am Kiao Kai, born on planet Kyushu, and I guess you can call me an ex-Junker. There is a small story behind my origin and recent occupation...but this is a recruitment application not storytime.

I wish to apply as an escort fighter as I was growing sick of wandering the debris fields day after day. I want to fly to the far reaches of the sector and explore beyond the mere scrap fields. I've learnt from collecting and selling scrap that there is always a buyer, people always require food and resources no matter who they are. It'd be nice to travel beyond the house systems to provide these services.

In terms of combat experience, I have survived my share of scuffles against both lawful and un-lawful but I generally avoid confrontations if possible as it's like the snowball effect. I have a knack for exploration, mapping out all the jump holes from Britonia, Liberty, Rhineland, and Kusari (the latter before escaping from the Hogosha).

Hope to hear from you if you're not skeptical of an ex-Junker,

*End Transmission

OSI Recruitment (iRP) - fencore - 03-26-2011

[Image: gheis_trans_top.png]
Mr. Kai,

While we've always got room for new pilots, I'm going to let you know up front that the escort division isn't exactly hurting for new people, and given that we take special care in our diplomatic relations, escorts are oftentimes not even necessary. You may find yourself sitting around more often than not.

If you still wish to apply, I've already forwarded the standard application packet to your personal inbox. Give that a read and send it back our way when you're done.

Gheis Mace
Director of Human Resources
[Image: gheis_trans_bottom.png]

OSI Recruitment (iRP) - fencore - 04-07-2011

[Image: gheis_trans_top.png]
As always, business is growing and there's room for more transport captains and scout pilots. If you're in the market for a profession that takes you throughout Sirius, we may be a good fit for you. If that's the case, give us a ring here and we'll set you up with an interview.

Gheis Mace
Director of Human Resources
[Image: gheis_trans_bottom.png]

OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Pacificator - 04-18-2011

/: Moduling frequence
/: Carrier found
/: Sending data

From : Arcane
ID : Zoner
Ship : BWT
Location : àààé_çè'(

To : Gheis Mace, Director of Human Resources

Greetings enlighten ones,

Having set up some trade all around Sirius, we now think we could put our efforts to the benefit of OSI in order to ensure supplying of the remote systems.

The neutrality of Zoners is the glue that holds us together, and the necessity of trade for survival the way we have walk so far.

We are funded, experienced and eager to prove ourselves where security of the Houses is but a memory.

Here is our diplomatic status.

As you can see, wa have been very carefull to remain neutral to nearly everyone.

We would gladly answer any of your questions in a interview to apply for a trader position in your compagny.

May the Goddess look upon her lost childrens.


/: Carrier lost
/: End of transmission

OSI Recruitment (iRP) - fencore - 04-18-2011

[Image: gheis_trans_top.png]

The enthusiasm is appreciated, but that's not all it takes to be a transport captain. I'm forwarding our standard application packet to your personal inbox. Fill it out and get it back to my office at your leisure, and then we'll talk about a possible future with OSI.

Gheis Mace
Director of Human Resources
[Image: gheis_trans_bottom.png]

OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Sarafar - 04-19-2011

/: start Transmission:

Greetings Gheis Mace, Director of Human Resources

I hereby show my interest in joining OSI.

I am fresh of planet Manhattan, and have worked as a freelance transporter/trader for some time. I curently own a Pelican, but are almost ready to upgrade.

What I seek is a community. Equals that charish the open roads of space, and the many hours of transporting the needed goods to the furthest systems. I feel that OSI could give me that.

In return OSI will get a dedicated employee that works hard, and can be trusted.

I hope for a positive responce

Nebu Chad-Nezzar

/:End transmission

OSI Recruitment (iRP) - fencore - 04-19-2011

[Image: gheis_trans_top.png]
Mr. Chad-Nezzar,

We'll be the judge of how well your skills fit with the company. I've forwarded the standard application packet to your inbox. Fill it out and get it back to my office. We'll talk more then.

Gheis Mace
Director of Human Resources
[Image: gheis_trans_bottom.png]

OSI Recruitment (iRP) - shemkel - 05-05-2011


Greetings, Mr. Mace

I would like to apply for a job as OSI transport skipper.
Currently I'm in command of BWT named Lusitania.
For last few years I was shipping cargo through Sirius Space.
I was starting with Rhino in Liberty then Camara on Liberty - Bretonia routes.
When I had nearly enough credits to buy a new ship, i got pirated by some rogues and had to drop all my cargo. It happened before, but ussualy I just had to pay "donations". This time I ran onto some extremely dumb ones - they were even unable to fit all the loot to their cargo compartments!
Anyway, when i finally got enough cash to buy my first transport - Bumblebee, I started taking some routes through Tau, Omnicron and Sigma systems. There, I met some Zoners and got inspired by their independence and will to live a hard but free life. I also got some good relations with Corsairs and Outcasts - so it was a bit easier to me to take routes through their systems.
I started to gather funds - for a BWT in the first place and to fund my own trading company in the second place. I wanted to get some of my friends together, help eachother to get his own transport, hire some escort pilots... Everything we would need to ship cargo through less populated systems.
A few weeks ago, when I was visiting a friend of mine in Freeport 6, I related my idea to him. Then he told me that there already exists such company - the OSI.
So - here I am. I offer my services to OSI.


Lucius Cogito


OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Sylvie557 - 05-05-2011


Hello Mr. Mace,

I am an independent trader looking to join the OSI. I wish to expand my trade routes to the Omicron Systems after becoming bored of trading in the tame House Systems and I thought what better way then to join OSI. I currently run a Kusari Bumblebee named Loki's Lie but I am willing to change ships either with or without company help.