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where are the pirates? - Printable Version

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where are the pirates? - onca - 11-23-2007

' Wrote:I agree with your ideas, but dock-camping isn't what you think it is. If a trader is docked waiting for a pirate to leave the area, that's base-idling, not dock-camping.<snip>
Oh ok.... well anyway you know what I mean.

where are the pirates? - Archelon - 11-23-2007

@ Juan_Arquero: If I'm waiting outside the docking ring for a trader to exit, I'm not violating any rule. If I start shooting the trader before the cut scene is over and actually kill the trader I would be. You can tell when the cut scene is over when you see their shield status appear. During the cut scene, all that shows is hull status. All a pirate has to do is wait for the blue status bar and for some kind of maneuvering by the player. After that, game's on.

The real problem with this was in Tau 31 in 4.83. That's because pirates had to be on the trader as soon as possible because the trader could make it to McDuff before a pirate had a chance to knock his shields down to 10%. Rarely, if ever, could a pirate destroy a trader on that route. All a single pirate could do was annoy the trader until he got tired of being annoyed and paid. You needed 2 or 3 pirate gunboats to effectively destroy a trader between the planet and battleship there. I sat and watched 6 traders going back and forth over and over and over again in Tau 31 and could do nothing but listen to laughter over system comms. I'm extremely happy that route is gone.

where are the pirates? - Juan_Arquero - 11-23-2007

' Wrote:@ Juan_Arquero: If I'm waiting outside the docking ring for a trader to exit, I'm not violating any rule. If I start shooting the trader before the cut scene is over and actually kill the trader I would be. You can tell when the cut scene is over when you see their shield status appear. During the cut scene, all that shows is hull status. All a pirate has to do is wait for the blue status bar and for some kind of maneuvering by the player. After that, game's on.

The real problem with this was in Tau 31 in 4.83. That's because pirates had to be on the trader as soon as possible because the trader could make it to McDuff before a pirate had a chance to knock his shields down to 10%. Rarely, if ever, could a pirate destroy a trader on that route. All a single pirate could do was annoy the trader until he got tired of being annoyed and paid. You needed 2 or 3 pirate gunboats to effectively destroy a trader between the planet and battleship there. I sat and watched 6 traders going back and forth over and over and over again in Tau 31 and could do nothing but listen to laughter over system comms. I'm extremely happy that route is gone.
You're right that dock-camping (which is what you're doing waiting next to a docking ring) isn't prohibited by the server rules here. Dock-killing is prohibited here. I've played on servers where dock-camping was prohibited and considered almost as bad as dock-killing. Too many dock-campers start shooting before the target has any control of his ship. Dock-camping is just a hair trigger away from dock-killing, so I'm very suspicious of dock-campers. Many servers (but not this one) prohibit combat with 2k of a dock to stop dock-camping and dock-killing. Dock-killing is sometimes called dock-raping. I've only been killed that way once, back in 2004-2005, but I still remember it like it was yesterday. I have good reason not to like dock-campers.

where are the pirates? - alance - 11-23-2007

The Trader License is a better idea than transferring money from trader to pirate when killed because:
a) the pirate can sell the license for 2 mil or something like that so he gets money that way.
b) going with a transferring a percentage just means traders will dump their extra cash on armory/bank ships at every opportunity so they only have a few spare credits on board.
c) going with money transferral means suicide = no money for pirate. (hm, i guess that cancels point "a" as well)

where are the pirates? - Drake - 11-23-2007

Requiring a different license for different sized cargo holds would be the way to go. No license needed for freighters, maybe 1mil for small transports, 3mil for medium transports, 5mil for large transports.

Of course, this would just be one more rule that people would be getting sanctioned for because they forget to buy one or accidentally sell it.

where are the pirates? - Jwnantze - 11-23-2007

@ unselie

I would be more than happy to pirate you. The Problem? All of my ships that are allowed to pirate are outcast aligned/allies. That cuts out your GC (allies), your SU (friendly) and you TAZ (nuetral). Whats the alignment of the 4rth one?

where are the pirates? - Archelon - 11-23-2007

@ Juan_Arquero: Dock-raping is a specific term used for someone that sits on the docking ring and "kills" a character "repeatedly" as they attempt to exit a planet or base. I've been on servers that allowed dock-raping. This is the absolute worst kind of PVP and has zero RP value. You undock and are killed before you can maneuver ... respawn on planet and attempt to undock again ... boom your dead again ... repeat over and over and over again. That is dock-raping. Dock-killing is done only once.

@ Morrigan: Trader license might be a way to go. With regard to your a,b,c ...

a) Good idea to require a license that is dropped when killed (valued at say 5 mil) - this would encourage them to pay the 2 mil demand. Gotta have some penalty for "I'd rather die than pay." Plus, if a pirate has to chase the trader down he ought to get a little extra for his time and effort.

b) They already do this anyway. Plus, if they do this, it will cut into their trading time and force them to go out of their way to their armory/bank (which is always safe and sound in NY). But of course, making it a set amount transfered would prevent them from doing this.

c) That would be an OORP issue and sanctionable. Same as F1 while being pirated.

where are the pirates? - Juan_Arquero - 11-23-2007

' Wrote:@ Juan_Arquero: Dock-raping is a specific term used for someone that sits on the docking ring and "kills" a character "repeatedly" as they attempt to exit a planet or base. I've been on servers that allowed dock-raping. This is the absolute worst kind of PVP and has zero RP value. You undock and are killed before you can maneuver ... respawn on planet and attempt to undock again ... boom your dead again ... repeat over and over and over again. That is dock-raping. Dock-killing is done only once.
I was told that dock-raping and dock-killing were the same thing back in 2004-2005. Maybe the definitions have been refined since. Based on your definitions, I've never been dock-raped and I've only been dock-killed once, but I still remember the anger I felt when it happened.

where are the pirates? - globalplayer-svk - 11-23-2007

' Wrote:I was told that dock-raping and dock-killing were the same thing back in 2004-2005. Maybe the definitions have been refined since. Based on your definitions, I've never been dock-raped and I've only been dock-killed once, but I still remember the anger I felt when it happened.

dock rape,but what can pirate make when trader when see him on scanner dock and wait?two choices,leaving system and try to tax someone other or waiting for trader and hope that he undock and try escape or fight or pay tax.
(when i try tax,some traders try to escape some traders pay,but always is one of them who dock and wait docked or dock and switch to the other char an come back only when i leave the system.and this make me little angry)

where are the pirates? - mjolnir - 11-23-2007

More licenses will just get it all so complicated.

I'd say that every character that dies loses some percent (10% ?) of the money he has. And it's not transferred to the pirate. Let's call it escape pod rescue costs.

On a side note:

Hearing all the pirates screaming that it's so hard.. I'm making a pirate character, just to try it out.....
now which side will that be.... sniff, sniff... everything is so nice and orange..... sniff, sniff....