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posible limit in Conn - Printable Version

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posible limit in Conn - ProwlerPC - 12-08-2010

The difference between RP training and OORP training is very tiny and only in the tiny details. Suspension of disbelief is all about the tiny details and being an RP server the suspension of disbelief is absolutely critical to the atmosphere. If you are RP training do it in the right space with right IDs. For example if GMG| were to do training we'd do it anywhere in our own space not just Sig 59 (in our guard system is cloud which we use to train BD out of sight). If you want to try your any old ship with any old loadout against any old combination of the two then (which is OORP training, ie: I wanna test some toys out) Discovery of Discovery server was made for just that. Connecticut is absolutely, completely redundant. What happens in there provides/adds diddly squat to the Disco server. It doesn't improve activity and the PvP population in a PvP OORP system on an RP server just doesn't count. When your out of Conn prepared to RP with the rest, sure it counts, in Connecticut it doesn't

posible limit in Conn - Aoyagi - 12-08-2010

Or you could limit the population or close Conn when the population is larger then, say 150. There could also be /beamtoconn and /beamback commands to lose the NY entrance, which would be pretty annoying for me, were I a Liberty law-enforcing pilot. As a side effect, it would reduce the lowuttery there (if there is any).

The reasons are that when the server is hardly full, you can always find a training ground no matter which combination you want to try out and more importantly, remain inRP. Also, during the peak hours there is the best chance of getting some roleplay so don't you sit in conn and lower it for others (me too, yes).

But liming the Connecticut overall? No, that would be unhealthy, so would be closing it. The wave of Q_Q and raeg would be enormous, for some reason.

posible limit in Conn - Veyron - 12-08-2010

To respond to a couple of points, I don't think Conneticut is redundant, I wouldn't want to use DoD as I don't get a good ping/connection to it, and the player numbers are not always high enough when I can play to justify using it.

Secondly, lets not over exaggerate the numbers in this system until an admin can/wants to provide those figures.

Finally....why is everyone that uses Conneticut a pvp whore or a smiley using idiot? I don't think I am, I RP as much as the next guy, occasionally more in fact. I am a bit of an idiot however. So maybe your half right.

The grief that some think Bear got from players last night was mainly over the fact that the server was so low on numbers we were not blocking RP'ers from getting on, nor we're we doing anything 'wrong' as far as server rules go. If you want to stop players getting turned away from disco maybe we should fix the bad pirates, rule lawyers, trigger happy shooters and all do more to make people feel welcome in the first place?

posible limit in Conn - Coin - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:We have reached a time in Discovery when we are gonna sit and talk about restricting amount of players in Connecticut. Hahahaha.

' Wrote:A time in discovery? Hmm 1 month,and you say "a time in discovery" Wow!

How do you know he is not noobl3t's alt?

' Wrote:Remove Conn.
one option not listed on the poll

' Wrote:Sometimes the "This is an RP server so everything has to be in RP' attitude annoys me a little.

there are other servers.

' Wrote:*reads the thread*

Make an RP system!!! So the rp can gather and talk till they ships blew up-


*Chuckles and leaves thread*


' Wrote:Or you could limit the population or close Conn when the population is larger then, say 150. There could also be /beamtoconn and /beamback commands to lose the NY entrance, which would be pretty annoying for me, were I a Liberty law-enforcing pilot. As a side effect, it would reduce the lowuttery there (if there is any).

The reasons are that when the server is hardly full, you can always find a training ground no matter which combination you want to try out and more importantly, remain inRP. Also, during the peak hours there is the best chance of getting some roleplay so don't you sit in conn and lower it for others (me too, yes).

But liming the Connecticut overall? No, that would be unhealthy, so would be closing it. The wave of Q_Q and raeg would be enormous, for some reason.

coloured text does not a worthy opinion make.
/beam commands would be abused by people escaping pirates/police.

closing conn when population = amount... this kind of coding possible?

In over two years, i have only been in Connecticut once, and that was to try my mammoth out against a fighter. it died, and it taught me a valuable lesson: don't get caught by pirates or police.

this is an rp server, and i like to RP with mah lazors!

posible limit in Conn - aerelm - 12-08-2010

Why should we stop people from going to Conn just to have a relaxed pvp for fun if they feel like it?

Sure, this is a RP Mod, but more important - This is a Game, and supposed to be fun. Ruleplay is already annoying from time to time as it is, no need to restrict people's fun even more.

If someone feels like spending 6 hours straight in Conn, along with 30 other people, why not as long as they have fun?

posible limit in Conn - SeaFalcon - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:there are other servers.
Doesn't mean the attitude has to be like this here.

Edit: Also I like it when there are a lot of people on 1 server to interact with, even though if I interact with them by pewing in conn.

posible limit in Conn - MaximoValeri - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:How do you know he is not noobl3t's alt?

I'm not n00bl3t's alternative account.

I'm Sina. I have been here for three years. Since mid 4.83.

No, limiting Connecticut on the premise that too many are in there or that you can PvP somewhere else is just plain stupid. Half the guard systems are empty spaces only used sometimes for training, Connecticut serves as a good place where characters hostile to each other can practice.

Stop exaggerating people, it's not ruining anyones experience. People come there to fight a bit and improve in combat for an hour or so. Then they might go back to Role-Play in other systems. When you keep trying to push for these ridiculous restrictions, its just limits your fun in this game. So unnecessary to argue about a trivial matter such as this. You also try to spin around the fact that somehow, Liberty's large population is due to Connecticut. It's not, it has nothing to do with Connecticut. It has everything to do with Pensylvannia being a start-up system, with easy NPCs and available mining fields.

My complaint towards Bear had nothing to do with my independence, rights or that I even got warped one system. So what, big deal. What the real problem is, is that he acted as an admin, and performed an admin-decision based on the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. "Too many people here in relation to the RP systems" under what circumstances, 70 players in-game? I can understand if 20 players blocked Connecticut for 20 players who wanted to Role-Play if the server was at 190+ players. But at 70? Give me a break.

Telling me to find another server or another community is also THE MOST STUPID THING I HAVE EVER HEARD, just because I want to practice combat for an hour with my friends. The system is there for a reason.

posible limit in Conn - schlurbi - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:
[color=#FF0000]More restrictions?!

[Image: 2233eb.jpg]

[color=#FF0000]Ye [Image: emoticon-0176-smoke.gif]
[Image: MexanSina.png]

Go Sina!

posible limit in Conn - MaximoValeri - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:
[Image: MexanSina.png]

Go Sina!


Thanks Schlurbi!

posible limit in Conn - MaximoValeri - 12-08-2010

Hell, even people in Gamma PvP each other twenty-four seven if nobody is raiding.

I guess they should be warped as well.