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Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - Printable Version

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Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - Johnny_Walker - 06-13-2011

Transmission Detected
Locking Signal
Signal Locked

Comm ID:[color=#3366FF]Destroyer Commander of the 'Acre'; Smith Leroy
Affiliation : Bounty Hunters Guild Core
Subject: ZT-5 Cruiser Turrets

Greetings Zoners , I'd like to purchase 6x ZT-5 Cruiser Turrets for my Thresher Destroyer.
I need those weapons because of their energy efficiency since my Destroyer lacks of power core energy.

Not worry if the OSI choose to sell me those weapons , they will never be used against any Zoners , as a matter of fact I've been escorting Zoner Barge trough the omegas , we know how dangerous that place it.

So please Consider my request.

Smith Out.

<div align="right]Signal Lost

Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - Daedric - 06-13-2011

[Image: crosstrans.png]
To: Commander Smith Leroy

As per a recent announcement, OSI is no longer selling Zoner weaponry to non Zoners. Especially ones who've shot at us in the past. You'll have to look else where Commander.
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - Omicron Supply Industries - 06-24-2011

[Image: crosstrans.png]
This service is no longer handled by Omicron Supply Industries. You can find our subsidiary's service here.
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]