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illuminati symbol? - Printable Version

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illuminati symbol? - lw'nafh - 02-20-2011

Oogidy boogidy, Illumanti is in ur government corruptin ur values.

I hope you realise that the world will still go on without them, or with them, so either or. We'll survive.

illuminati symbol? - Capt. Henry Morgan - 02-20-2011

Tell me that the Illuminati isn't running DARPA, and checking up on all of us.

illuminati symbol? - lw'nafh - 02-20-2011

' Wrote:

Tell me that the Illuminati isn't running DARPA, and checking up on all of us.
They can only learn what you let them learn...

illuminati symbol? - Capt. Henry Morgan - 02-20-2011

Ok, ok... getting serious for a moment. I'll bet you the person at DARPA who designed the IAO's symbol did it like that just to mess with conspiracy theorists. *laughs*

Ok... now back to our regularly scheduled silliness.

But, you know they can read your mind through your cell phone, right?

illuminati symbol? - lw'nafh - 02-20-2011

' Wrote:Ok, ok... getting serious for a moment. I'll bet you the person at DARPA who designed the IAO's symbol did it like that just to mess with conspiracy theorists. *laughs*

Ok... now back to our regularly scheduled silliness.

But, you know they can read your mind through your cell phone, right?
As well as find out your exact genetic makeup and everyone within 20 generations of you from looking at that half eaten hamburger you threw out.

illuminati symbol? - Seh'ect - 02-20-2011

' Wrote:But, you know they can read your mind through your cell phone, right?

Srly? ***Picks up phone and thinks of pizza***

illuminati symbol? - jetblack357 - 02-23-2011

' Wrote:Some of you people are nothing but bunch of delusional ignorant idiots(with few honorable exceptions).
Only ones who don't believe in so called "conspiracy"are either involved in it or to frakin stupid and uneducated to recognize it.
18.000 kids die every day from starvation(official UN statistic).
More people die from diseases today then 100 years ago.
People work more now then 100 years ago in spite of the technological development.
All working people are in debt all their lives.
!% of population controls 50% of all Earth riches and resources.
2% of people control 90% of all states income and debt.
All central banks of all the states on this Planet are owned by same few family's.
Wisdom is higher then knowledge...all of you "skeptics" should ask your self's how much do you really know about world you live in...and then check how "wise" you are...,am i speaking the truth or am i lying?
Is this happening or not?

Thats all good and well, but you forgot to account for the population increase.
Which is a lot.

illuminati symbol? - AshHill07 - 02-25-2011

I think your all just paranoid.

illuminati symbol? - ProwlerPC - 02-25-2011

I just got off the phone with an Illuminati member, he says the whole things is real.

But hey if your into conspiracies and stuff make a search for MJ12 as well as Dulce. Should keep you busy for a bit.

illuminati symbol? - Magoo! - 02-25-2011

Wizard. Wrote:Some of you people are nothing but bunch of delusional ignorant idiots(with few honorable exceptions).
Only ones who don't believe in so called "conspiracy"are either involved in it or to frakin stupid and uneducated to recognize it.
18.000 kids die every day from starvation(official UN statistic).
More people die from diseases today then 100 years ago.
People work more now then 100 years ago in spite of the technological development.
All working people are in debt all their lives.
!% of population controls 50% of all Earth riches and resources.
2% of people control 90% of all states income and debt.
All central banks of all the states on this Planet are owned by same few family's.
Wisdom is higher then knowledge...all of you "skeptics" should ask your self's how much do you really know about world you live in...and then check how "wise" you are...,am i speaking the truth or am i lying?
Is this happening or not?
Since this has been revived,

So... It's like <strike>porn-addicted middle schoolers</strike> Anonymous claiming to be the true world power, right?

-Edit- Also: This
Hancock Wrote:While a lot of this stuff is just silly paranoia, it strikes me how narrow minded some people are.