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Admin Notice: Server testing #4 - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Server testing #4 - A1t - 03-13-2011

Scrap mining fields near trafalgar in New London drops too little scrap. Now it takes about 15-20 minutes for fulling Salvager. Before changing mining mode it took about 8 minutes

Admin Notice: Server testing #4 - Aris - 03-13-2011

I like the auto/target ore tractor feature.

However i do not agree with the mining speed and ore prices.

Why? Well you pretty much destroyed indie miners and gold traders. Gold is now 7k at Detroit, do you expect us to sell it for 3,5k in Dublin when it takes ~=25 minutes to fill a Hegemon?

The only way mining is profitable now is to join a mining faction.:D

Yours, Aris, average indie Dublin lolminer.

Admin Notice: Server testing #4 - Jinx - 03-13-2011

ppl complain about the money making ability...

maybe it would be worth asking the community :

- "how much money do you EXPECT to make in like 1 hour time?"
- "how long should it take to make 1 billion credits?"

cause - MAYBE - it turned out that we make money too easily, too quickly in general...

at the moment - we have very few money sinks

- greatly increasing the repair costs of ships to increase maintaining costs ( more for capital ships, less for fighters, moderately for bombers ) was not welcome
- applying a "risk" of moderate damage to ships using jumpholes instead of jumpgates was also not welcome
- lowering the cash for mining isn t welcome
- pimping a ship doesn t cost too much - and isn t done too often
- we don t have equipment for looks that costs a lot
- we cannot increase the prices of the ships / equipment much - 2 billion is the hardcap

Admin Notice: Server testing #4 - SA_Scavenger - 03-13-2011

' Wrote:ppl complain about the money making ability...

maybe it would be worth asking the community :

- "how much money do you EXPECT to make in like 1 hour time?"
- "how long should it take to make 1 billion credits?"

cause - MAYBE - it turned out that we make money too easily, too quickly in general...
at the moment - we have very few money sinks

- greatly increasing the repair costs of ships to increase maintaining costs ( more for capital ships, less for fighters, moderately for bombers ) was not welcome
- applying a "risk" of moderate damage to ships using jumpholes instead of jumpgates was also not welcome
- lowering the cash for mining isn t welcome
- pimping a ship doesn t cost too much - and isn t done too often
- we don t have equipment for looks that costs a lot
- we cannot increase the prices of the ships / equipment much - 2 billion is the hardcap

The changes to mining would be fine if they were considering nerfing trading as well. However, they probably aren't. The poll, that the admin team put up, asked us to vote according to four set answers. 60 %, i.e. the majority, voted for absolutely zero, read again, zero change to the mining mod. 22 to 23 % voted for a 20 % reduction in the price of ore at the selling point. 17 to 18 % voted for a 50 % reduction in the price of ore at the selling point. And only 7 to 8% voted to keep the mining mod off.

The current solution that has been implemented by the admin and devs disregarded the poll entirely and instead decided to give mining a double or now it seems triple nerf. The selling price is now 25 % lower, the average mining drop rate is probably close to 50 % lower than it was before. If you are a small fighter miner you HAVE to have a hauler sitting next to you if you want to be able to mine continuously without having to eject cargo every 5 to 10 seconds.

While at the same time trading has not had anything done to it at all. We also have the issue of not knowing when a mining field is full or close to depletion. We now have to mine longer with less profit at the end of a trip. Why even have a poll if the admin/devs obviously didn't pay it any attention at all and decided to do something completely different?

I might have actually enjoyed the new mining mod, however, for almost a week now the scrap mining in New London and nobium in tau 23 have been depleted. I just cannot log in before some other people have already mined them out. I never even mined that often. Maybe 2 to 3 loads per day at most. And that was scrap. I only mined perhaps two to three times a week for nobium ore.

If they wanted to nerf mining so that it was inline with trading they only needed to adjust the selling price. If they wanted to try a new mining mod with all this other "crap" then all they needed to do was LEAVE the selling price alone. No, instead they do both. Which is, in my mind, unfair.

Admin Notice: Server testing #4 - MarvinCZ - 03-13-2011

' Wrote:Gold is now 7k at Detroit, do you expect us to sell it for 3,5k in Dublin when it takes ~=25 minutes to fill a Hegemon?
That's ~23M per hour, not too bad. So I'd expect the answer to your question is "Yes".

Admin Notice: Server testing #4 - Stuart.croll - 03-13-2011

' Wrote:That's ~23M per hour, not too bad. So I'd expect the answer to your question is "Yes".
I think that's crap. You can earn considerably more trading.

Admin Notice: Server testing #4 - Jinx - 03-13-2011

if 23 million / hour is crap - i d like to know... :

- which trade route - that is also inRP ... earns you more. - possibly also with the dangers assessed to it.

- how much SC / hour is reasonable

Admin Notice: Server testing #4 - mio_cid - 03-13-2011

Things are good like they are now. i made 50 mill in 3hs and have a lot of fun. i was mining, then when the mining field got empty y just take my ship and go to gallia and rp with some guys have a lot of fun made 26mill mining and almost 23 mill trading. and i enjoyed the game.
Before that i was like a mining junkie all about cash...mining etc money money money

hey is not that bad 50mill and a lot of rp.

but is my humble opinion.

one thing more, i really would like that jump holes, make more serious damage to ships like 2 to 7 percent. since they are not natural, could be more intresting for the flying experience.


Admin Notice: Server testing #4 - Sturmwind - 03-14-2011

Could we have fighter to fighter ramming switched off? It's somewhat annoying how I lose 20 bots in every group fight without even losing a shield and I found quite a lot of people to agree with my standpoint.

Admin Notice: Server testing #4 - Valinor - 03-14-2011

After some more group fights, i noticed how i keep losing almost half of my nanobots because of ramming with friendly ships. Removing the ramming between fighters would be indeed nice.