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Official faction activity - Pancakes - 06-14-2011

I see no problem in the way it is now, since what you propose is kinda limiting each player to one faction only which he'll spend his time in. We are here to have fun.

Official faction activity - Blodo - 06-14-2011

Sure, I can do 300 hours. If I am paid to play this game so that I don't need to work, then yea sign me up then I can make my faction into the most active one on server:D

On a less sarcastic note, I am attempting to try to understand why this thread arose in the first place. I am assuming it is because server activity is declining in general, and it is most obviously visible in official factions, which just a couple months ago were generally really really active but with the coming of May and the... lets say less than silent departure of a few really active members it seems like most of the faction activity has gone down the drain. Other factions have outright been killed by stuff like the mining nerf (Mollys).

And lets not forget that once a faction dies, it is actually a huge deal to make another one in its place. The admin team is so slow and sluggish in making decisions, a faction creation request usually sits there for 2-3 months before it is accepted or denied.

That and quite surprisingly I think the last few months were a minimum on the usual "faction vs indie" drama. Or perhaps it's not yet a minimum and instead a constant decrease. Either way most official factions these days cooperate heavily with their indies. The only exception to the rule that I can really imagine is the 101st... but is it really worth it to kill off every official faction on the server to "hurt" them?

So think about this for a second. Because the division between "faction" and "independent" is really smaller than you might think.

Official faction activity - Disco - 06-14-2011

300 hours a month = roughly 10 hours a day.

People have jobs & schooling = 6-12 hours a day.

People actually need to sleep = at least 6 hours.

Do the math.

Official faction activity - Serpentis - 06-14-2011

This.. I'm sorry to say, was.. Just plain stupid.. Im sorry man, but in all honestly People have a life outside Discovery.

Concentrating 30% of your time onto a game is not healthy at all..

So no..

Official faction activity - Hexx - 06-14-2011

Err, I think the idea was 300 hours by the entire faction combined. He also said that perhaps 300 was too much.

Tl;dr though I guess.

Official faction activity - Ingenious - 06-14-2011

' Wrote:300 hours a month = roughly 10 hours a day.

People have jobs & schooling = 6-12 hours a day.

People actually need to sleep = at least 6 hours.

Do the math.

Firstly, I did 'do the math' and it's in size 3 bold text in the original post. The originally proposed figure of 300 play-hours per week was for play among the entire faction, i.e. a combined total among the players in the faction. 300 hours per player in the faction would be absolutely ridiculous. Freelancer is not a second job for me and that's not the point of this proposal.

As you can clearly see by the flow of ideas that has occurred thus far, people have reacted extremely negatively to the 300 play-hours figure and I revised this point in the original post. What do you think about something more reasonable? About 100 hours per month among house factions is a nice benchmark, I think: it is not too unreasonable and it is a good increase from 30 hours. The hourly requirement for trading factions could actually be lowered from the current standard: maybe 20 hours a month is good.

I am not trying to kill off player factions. I only want to see faction power accurately represented by faction activity. "No FR5 or taxation without representation," for you Yankees.

Before the requirement of 30 hours per month, factions could play as little or as much as they saw fit. The gripes expressed now would be the same in a transition from a 0 hour requirement to a 30 hour requirement. Any requirement is a bit legalistic, but it's a good move if it's a reasonable figure. I think that the server will benefit if player factions representing powerful NPC factions are called upon to reach appropriate levels of activity.

It is probably very difficult to organize one significant faction event per month where actual historical development occurs, such as the Kusari tech expo that we all read about in the bars in 4.85. However, there is a difference between a well-planned, historically important event and a small, modest, legitimate organized event. Even something as small as a giveaway or a convoy could be considered an 'event.' The gripe about time zones is legitimate, but a faction should be cohesive across timezones, shouldn't it?

Again, I am not trying to kill off factions. I am merely trying to improve upon the existing system. Please do not use straw men out of spite. If you read my reasons and the direction the topic is going instead of just flaming me with colored text, it may do you some good (you know who you are).

' Wrote:This.. I'm sorry to say, was.. Just plain stupid..

It seems you spent more time formatting your text than reading up.

Official faction activity - Serpentis - 06-14-2011

Of course I am tl;dr.

I saw:
1) Massive ammounts of personal RL time having to be invested in keeping a faction official and went: "No U".

Some of us play factions that dont really cause issues for others.. Some of us play even when we really shouldn't cause we have Jobs, We HAVE school, We have Families to take care off.

Not ALL of us are 14 and living in our parents attic and can play all trough the nights.

Alright, im agressive, but this subject is just stupid..

I'd rather have them let more people with the same ID's be official then making it harder to STAY official.

Every faction has its up and down, sometimes there is only 4 available one month, and those 4 can only be online once or twice a week..

Stuff happens, what about those calculations? Are those seen along with the rest? No..

So how about people drop this subject, eh?

Official faction activity - Omicron - 06-14-2011

I agree with Serpentis. That idea will lead to killing off every single official faction with exception of few choosen. Bassicaly get a life...

Official faction activity - Ingenious - 06-14-2011

' Wrote:Not ALL of us are 14 and living in our parents attic and can play all trough the nights.

Alright, im agressive, but this subject is just stupid..
' Wrote:I agree with Serpentis. That idea will lead to killing off every single official faction with exception of few choosen. Bassicaly get a life...

This is just plain insulting. I work 40 hours a week. And, I hate to condescend, but can you read? The 300 hours figure has been retracted and replaced with an hourly requirement proportional to faction influence. 300 hours is ridiculous for a trading faction, so maybe 20 hours is more reasonable - a decrease from the current 30 hour requirement. For a house faction, 100 hours is really quite reasonable. 20 players playing 5 hours a month. Look me in the eyes and tell me that isn't reasonable!

Official faction activity - Hexx - 06-14-2011

Haters gotta hate, Ingenious. This community treats change of any shape or color like an apocalyptic event. You're screaming in a windstorm, it's pretty hopeless.