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BHG| recruitment - Dashiell - 07-26-2012

mr Hagen,

We require all hunters of the Guild to use S.K.Y.P.3. We need to be able to get in touch. So it is mandatory for joining up.

Laura Lovelace

BHG| recruitment - Felix_Wannamaker_III - 07-28-2012

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Douglas Mortimer
-Ship Details: BH bomber, or a Roc (what i already own) if i decide i dont like it. Also a Manta

Born: Planet Manhattan, New York
Age: 37

My name is Douglas Mortimer. At the moment, im living on the charity of friends. Before that i worked for Inter-space commerce as a transport pilot. One day, making the run through Magellan three Outcast fighters appeared from nowhere, demanded a toll and cargo, and blasted my ship once they got it. I spent nearly a week floating, badly injured and alone in an escape pod, floating in space. when i was finally recovered by a freelance shipper, i hadnt eaten or drank in three days, and my shattered ankle had deteriorated badly in the zero-gee environment. Doctors say ill never walk in full gee again. But I can fly just fine. Get home and IC lays me off for losing three million in cargo, and my ship. So i figure i go to the Bounty Hunters, after all, payback is grand, and payback that pays is even better.


Douglas Mortimer

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BHG| recruitment - Dashiell - 07-31-2012

All applications processed.

It seems our S.K.Y.P.3 software is on the fritz. probably because master Jack assaulted the server when it crashed and made him lose all his accumulated points on 'Outcast Orgy Online'

I apologise for the inconvinience.

If you have not yet heard from us on S.K.Y.P.3, please contact the Guild via the neural net and we will take a look at it.

Laura Lovelace

BHG| recruitment - koske - 08-03-2012

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Silvia Greer--
-Ship Details: Manta

Greetings. My name is Silvia and I was born on planet Curacao. I lived only with my mother and I never knew who is my father. Angelina (My Mother) never told me that part of the story, so sometimes I feel emptiness in my heart. Only good thing is that I have brother who always looks out for me.

My early life was boring, I went to school of Economics. Private one. I was so bad student that they almost kicked me out. Thanks to my brother Ronald I managed to finish the school and after it to get a job as mercenary. I've worked for Mandalorians but not for to long before I got another good opportunity, that came across me. Director in the time was Anna Brown and she offered me a fine job aboard one of the Liberty strike vessel, it was a cruiser and my first contact with Navy and Security protocols. After many few years of education I became second Captain aboard that vessel. Everyone must admit that was a good job, but with her resignation the whole ship got disbanded and I found myself in an open space without anything.

With few extra bounties on Manhattan I gain some profit for the fighter ship "Manta". For some time I'm hunting heads for credits and it's only job I have now.

I just hope you are going to like me, my skype protocol is: koske667


Silvia Greer

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BHG| recruitment - kikatsu - 08-05-2012

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Toledo Diaz--
-Ship Details: Hammerhead

If I manage to do this right this should end up on your desk, Lovelace. And I am just going to start this off by being straight with you. I was a Corsair, from Cadiz specifically if you care, and I am sending this message from BPA Newgate. I was a raider pilot, flew missions mostly against Bretonians and Hessians in the Omegas in my M10. I have shot down your men in the past, I have been bountied in the past, I have shot down and gutted more transports and freighters than I care to count. I am not just sending this to get a job or something, I am not looking for amnesty. Nor did I just walk into a prison one day because I thought it would be a good idea. I got shot down, and I got injured pretty badly from it. Some lieutenant, a Barnes or something I think, shot down my M10 when I was raiding Republican ships in Cambridge, and my pod'€¦ it hit one of the wings that he blasted off my ship. I lived through it, but my back was broken in the collision and the clowns on Cambridge only cared enough to keep me alive and not fix me. So I can'€™t walk. I was shipped to Newgate shortly afterwards. One of the recruiters from the BHG here says that signing up for the guild would allow me to actually get out in a ship again and if I was able to prove my worth they would look into getting me the surgery I need to actually walk again. I am sure I could still fly a ship without my legs, given a few modifications to the controls'€¦ but here, like this, I am useless. Even if I got out the Corsairs would never want a cripple taking up their supplies. You '€˜civilized'€™ men in the Houses seem to be a bit more lenient. You let me out, give me a ship, and I will blast whatever the heck you want into dust, I don'€™t care who the targets are, I'€™m a good pilot, it got me pretty far all things considered. Want me to shoot Corsairs? Fine by me. Want me to shoot Hessians or Mollys? I do that already. Give me a chance to prove that I can still do something worthwhile, then give me the ability to do more if you think I earned it.


Toledo Diaz

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BHG| recruitment - Dashiell - 08-06-2012

ms Greer,

Please contact us on the S.K.Y.P3. network. There was a bit of chaos yesterday so we couldnt continue our little chat.

Senor Diaz,

You'll find that your new boss is also an ex-corsair. I just hope you have less of a temper than he has.
First you may prove your new alliance to us. Then we might consider glueing you back together. It costs us money to fix you up. It's an investment we d like to see return some profit. So prove yourself first.

Laura Lovelace

BHG| recruitment - Senor Gomez - 08-07-2012

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Dutch Sieber--
-Ship Details: "Manta" very heavy fighter

Ah...where to begin.... I used to work for a junker witch name, for obvious reasons, I wont mention, on board a salvage frigate for about 5 months. We shipped everything from scrap to cardamine. A month ago we brought a shipment of alien artifacts to Manhattan, that is where my troubles began. Me and several other crew members were unloading the artifacts when a bunch of cops came out of nowhere and surrounded us. The frigate was able to take off before they got close enough to board it, leaving me and a few others with nothing but half of the artifact load around us. Now that I am facing the fact that I might be doing hard time on Sugarland again, with some savings I have, it seems like I got only 2 choices: go to jail after I spend it all on some crooked lawyers who can do nothing but reduce my sentence for a year or so, and I am never going back to that hole, or join the guild and buy me a ship for those credits. I figured I should have enough for a new ship. After all, hunting down pirates in Liberty doesn't seem so hard, especially after spending half of my life around such people. Heck, I can even squeeze some credits out of it.


Dutch Sieber

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BHG| recruitment - adamolo - 08-08-2012

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Gunwald.Larson--
-Ship Details: Toketsu (il buy a manta if i get in)

Hello, this is mr Larsson speking, i have spent almost my entire life chasing drug dealers and prostitutes as a cop on manhattan, and i was pretty damn good at it! But one day some lawyer guy runs up and tells me he has proof that i have been both stealing and blackmailing. i told him to ****of but he had a pretty solid case and now i am the one running from the law... I have nothing to live for so why not die for the guild?


Gunwald Larsson

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BHG| recruitment - Dashiell - 08-08-2012

Mr Sieber,

paperwork has been sent.

Mr Larrson,

Id like some more information than that if you please.

Laura Lovelace

BHG| recruitment - adamolo - 08-08-2012

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Gunwald.Larsson--
-Ship Details: Manta

Ok, I will give it another go.
I was born and raised on the planet Manhattan I am 38 years old, my childhood was pretty normal I think. I'€™ve always wanted be a cop ever since I was a child, I thought it was noble. I finished the police academy with normal grades when I was 22 years and applied for a job as an officer in the wealthier areas of Manhattan, and got in. Oh man I have seen some crazy things going on there in my 15 years of duty...
One time I was going to arrest a narcotics dealer in his apartment but he showed me and my colleague this HUGE bag of cash and told us that we could have it if we let him go, it was an offer none of us could refuse because we both really needed the money. After that, things happened very fast, someone starts asking questions and someone else becomes jealous. Eventually the internal affairs had gathered enough witnesses to get us and tried to arrest me, luckily I was warned and managed to get a starflyer and escape before they could get me, ever since then I have ben roaming the universe alone, now I wish to have something to live for again and maybe even get to trash some things while I'€™m at it.
So, can I join?



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