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When Storms Collide, The Knights Fall And Order Will Rise - Printable Version

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When Storms Collide, The Knights Fall And Order Will Rise - jimmy Patterson - 09-18-2011

" JIMMTY ,THIS IS FIRST PLATOON WERE SECU<sound of an engine is heard> aw hell,commander theve got reinforcements!"


within mere moments the hathor was seen screaming through the atmosphere her hull a violent looking orange as her cannons spat death amungst the enemy armor lobbing razors carefree into concentrated groupes of hostiles all jims men wore"pingers" that would mark them as friendly on the firecontrol as jim rejoined the main assaulty he saw who he belived to be the enemy commander...and there eyes met>

When Storms Collide, The Knights Fall And Order Will Rise - Lennox - 09-18-2011

"There they are coming.", Sombrero yells into the comm. "Inquisitor, we need fire support with these metal boxes.", he yells into the radio to the commander of the Inquisitor. Meanwhile the marines have build some defense turrets on the surface. Gauss and Plasma cannons. Sombrero runs to a plasma cannon and covers the enemy with fire.

In the infirmary the doctor is still preparing all needed devices, unclear about Scarlet's decision about the operation. "I wouldn't need much time to do it. It's your decision...if you want to realize what is happening when I am going to heal your wounds I will stun the arm only but if you do not wish to realize it I could also stun your whole body, so you wouldn't notice anything. Only thing you would loose would be your consciousness.", the doctor repeats. But Scarlet is still a bit absent.

When Storms Collide, The Knights Fall And Order Will Rise - Scarlet - 09-19-2011

Scarlet blinks and looks up at the doctor, from the datapad she's been studying. Looking down at the ichor mess that is her arm she looks straight back up.

"Bandage it, there is still fighting to take care of."

The doctor shrugs at the answer before collecting a thick roll of bandage, begining to wrap the cloth over the wound to scarlets grimnaces of pain and discomfort. Tying the bandages off tightly, the doctor steps away to collect a painkiller, but Scarlet is already throwing her overcoat on, her injured arm tucked beneath it before striding out of the room, coming back out into the snowy battlefield a minute later.

When Storms Collide, The Knights Fall And Order Will Rise - Lennox - 09-19-2011

Outside the fight against the knights continues. Heavy bullets and energy beams are flying around. As Scarlet comes out the knights have made their way with their heavy war machines dangerous close to defense lines. The turrets of the base are still firing every knight and heavy machine which is to see. Also some fighters of the Order approached to assist the forces on the ground. "Don't you see? This will be our victory!", Sombrero yells while firing with the heavy plasma turret on one of the tanks. The tank eats one hit but explodes after a second one impacts. Debris of the already destroyed vessels and robots are flying around because of the explosion.

Sombrero noticed that the warriors are moving forwards. He runs to the frontline where the Order marines and Scarlet are trying to defend their home. "Inquisitor! We need fire support!!", Sombrero yells into the comm. Arrived at the frontline Sombrero takes a heavy plasma rifle with a high refire rate, concentrating his fire on the approaching enemies. "Eat that you fools!", he yells and begins to cover the approaching knights with plasma beams. The hits are cutting through their bodies and a lot of enemy soldiers are falling down. "Watch your flank Scarlet, they are coming closer.", Sombrero says in a louder voice. The dropships are bringing more and more enemy footsoldiers and tanks. "We can't hold this very long. We need bigger guns." Carlo types something into a communication device and returns to battle. Then a missile hits the frontline where the marines, Scarlet and Sombrero are fighting. The shockwave throws them away from their cover.

Now there are a lot of knights storming to them. "Damnit, Scarlet are you alright? That is going to be harder than expected.", Sombrero says while laying on the ground, thrown away from his cover. He stands up and helps Scarlet and the marines to do the same. "Come on guys, we will make it. I ordered support.", Carlo tries to encourage the fighting men but it is obviously that marines only aren't enough. Sombrero receives something over his comm device. He types something in and returns to battle. "Scarlet we are getting support, do you have an idea how we can hold them away from our position, on the uncovered snow, without loosing men?"

When Storms Collide, The Knights Fall And Order Will Rise - TheMeltler - 09-19-2011

[[the comms channel clicks a few times]]
('€œthis is Bomber Regiment Delta to Sombrero, we are Lilly'€™s backup team, we are on stand-by, give us the order and we will lay down a fire storm the enemy will never forget'€)

('€œthis is Sniper team Alpha Here, we got clear shoots on the enemy, ready to fired when called'€)

('€œthis is Ion Cannon Freighter Iota, we are on the far side of the planet, changing course to your location, over'€)

('€œthis is 19th Regiment Omega on stand-by, ready to attack'€)

('€œthis is HarberShipOfBentis, we are ready to drop Lillys troops onto the field when needed,'€)

('€œArtillery Guns ready to fire on call and point'€)

('€œthis is Lutentenit Jarbon, 3rd in command, I got the enemies pick up and drop off area'€)

('€œthis is Vindacare, I got the enemies command base/ship in my sights'€)

[[more and more people and regiments report in, ready to help the order]]

[[a regiment from Lillys army runs in from behind Sombrero, they throw down small devises in front of them, it emits a blackish cloud of smoke, and after it clears, Sombrero, Scarlet, the order and the good knights are under a small shield, a young knight yells in to his comms) '€œJunction Key, lay it down!'€ ( ducking and covering, even though the shield might hold, the knights get ready for what is dropped,]]

[[in the distance, a small artillery shell goes up into the air, it starts to descend on the enemies advancing troops, it impacts the ground, the loudness of the bang makes everyone go deaf momentarily, but not finishing it, a heavy shockwave hits the shield, sending everyone inside of it to the ground, once the smoke starts to clear, there is a large crater where the shell hit, outside the shield the snow melted quickly because of the heat emitted from the blast, by now the smoke has cleared, the blast took out half the enemy troops on the ground]]

When Storms Collide, The Knights Fall And Order Will Rise - jimmy Patterson - 09-20-2011

jims speeders rolld yumbleing into the snow-"COVER! AND FIND OUT WHO THE HEL LPLACED THAT SO GODAMNED CLOSE!" -his men scattered the vehicles were operational but now rolled over he hit his comms again: MADDOX WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT RADIATION?,did i just get irradiated?"

" im not sure sir all i know is half the enemy is gone or non combat capable however sensors show your safe"

- hearing his xos reply he sighed - "thank gods,i supose its time to end this now however, HITR EM BACK MARINES!"

-with that jims company of men engaged-

/ hes sepraste from sombrero and such btw //

When Storms Collide, The Knights Fall And Order Will Rise - Lennox - 09-20-2011

"Bomber regiment concentrate your power on the heavy warmachines and armored soldiers. We have to take them out first. The sniper team should take out the operators of the forces so they can't organize themselves anylonger. Ion cannons? Alright. I think ionizing their dropships should cut their escape.", Sombrero yells into the comm after he received that much messages to him. He takes his plasma rifle, and fires out of the shield bubble. The hot matter melts the snow after impacting. Several enemy knights are going down. Because of the very low temperature the melted snow begins to freeze immediately again. Some knights are stuck in the frozen water and can't move forward.

Another shell from the artilleries impacts, blows up and crushes the enemy forces in a radius of five meters. The battlefield is filled with corpses and debris of the destroyed vessels. The plasma and gauss turrets are still covering the heavier vessels with super hot matter and massive ultra speed bullets. "Alright gentlemen, your time has come. Bomb the marked area and fire at will!", Carlo yells into the comm to another ship. He takes some kind of grenade and throws it over the battlefield directly in the middle of the attacking knights. The grenade opens up and sends with a strange sound a high frequenzy.

Suddenly the sky begins to glow and huge concentrations in form of falling tears are coming closer to the ground. When the first mass of energy impacts it unleashes a shockwave, throwing away all the forces staying in the explosion range. In a low orbit the Eclipse is firing on the surface with the destructive matter and unleashes panic and disorganisation in the lines of the knights. Another energy 'ball' impacts on the ground, making the ground tremble. Vaporized by the impacts of the devilsh energy projectiles the knights are falling back, searching for a place to hide. Meanwhile Sombrero checks if anyone is hurt. He looks over to Scarlet who is taking cover from one of the more secure positions of the defense wall. Bent double, he runs over to her. "They are retreating...I guess the want to reorganize...we should expect another attack in the next six hours, but for now....we could need one of your ideas how we can prepare the base for the next attack. Any ideas?", Sombrero asks her while thinking.

When Storms Collide, The Knights Fall And Order Will Rise - Scarlet - 09-20-2011

Scarlet stands, holding a pistol in her uninjured hand, empty since she's unable to reload. Looking towards Lennox then out at the cratered icy wastes, she glances upwards.

"Forgive the breach of manners, but the only suggestions I have are", She clears her throat, unused to coarse language in most situations. "Bombing them to ****."

Walking over to an unfortunate soldier caught by stray fire, Scarlet crouches and pulls her hip-holster open, retriving his pistol for use, and after checking its action and clip, she replaces it in her own Holster.

"The Pride could be in a possition to give us supporting fire within the hour, however I wouldn't like to wager on how accurate she can be at that range, and firing into the atmosphere. And can launch strike-craft within 20 minutes, if they're still needed"

When Storms Collide, The Knights Fall And Order Will Rise - Lennox - 09-20-2011

As Lennox reaches the battlefield he analyzes the situation and is searchs for cover, hurrying to the defense wall. The 'operation' was succesful so Lennox was able to awake quickly. The nanobots removed the injured liquid. "Oh man...pure firework here.", Lennox says to himself while shooting with his plasma gun on the retreating knights. He looks around and notices Scarlet looking at him. He nods with a slight smile and then returns his attention back to the battlefield. "What the hell Lennox? The doctors are done with you?", Sombrero yells questioningly to Johan just to show his astonishment, not expecting an answer.

"Would be great if the Pride could also get into a low orbit and blast them to hell.", Johan says with a louder voice to Scarlet. "The quicker we can get them, the less sacrifices we have." Still raining huge energy mass almost every single enemy knight got vaporized by the shockwave and the impact itself. Then the ion cannon carrying freighter begins to fire, too. The dropships and the troopers around them get ionized. The vessels are exploding, the soldiers dieing by the high amount of electricity. Now there is only the leader, some tanks and robots and a hand over six dozens of enemy knights left.

They are getting away from each other to make it harder to hit more persons. "If the Pride is ready you could call her to bomb the area infront of us...there are still some knights left and we cannot risk loosing more of our forces.", Johan says to Scarlet, while approaching her. He points the area, partially covered by bigger rocks. "Eclipse, change the area of the bombardement! Bomb this area.", Sombrero yells into his comm, typing something into a strange device. The energy mass begins to impact at the new set coordanites. Only screams and the explosions are to hear. "It could take hours to find them all and finishing them...we need more units for a bombardement Scarlet.", Lennox says to Scarlet during he stands behind a wall, taking cover.

When Storms Collide, The Knights Fall And Order Will Rise - Scarlet - 09-20-2011

"It's a pity we're too close for a Heavy Mortar shot... We'd have little problem with hidden Knights then"

Pulling her Datapad from its pouch again, a little worse for wear with a crack running down the middle of it, she types in several commands on the touch screen, before the device transmits the comunique as a burst package. In Orbit the Pride begins to swing about as its bridge officers recieve orders. Manouvering thrusters fire along its length and its massive frame shudders under the rapid (For a battleship) change of course, rolling on it's axis to bring itself broadside-on to the planet. Gun turrets come to bear on the tiny area as gunnery crews make sure and sure again they'll be on target, servos and actuaters hissing as they manouver the heavy equipment. Eventually, the warship preparations complete, the Gunnery Captain licks his lips, checks the already thrice checked calculations, and signals the guns to fire.

The Carrier shudders as every turret able to come to port fires, then fires again, a massive volley of destructive green energies streaking and flaring red as they enter the atmosphere. One shot bounces on the stratosphere, its trajectory altered by a bare few degrees, but from such a height this causes the shot to land kilometers away, vaporising a huge portion of Ice in a frozen sea. The remainder of the rain of fire however, flies true, smashing into the ice in a symphony of destruction, gouts of ice and water, rock and soil blasted hundreds of meters skywards as the bombardment craters the battlefield, filling the air with razar shap, scything pieces of ice and rock. Those machines and men fortunate enough to avoid the imediate danger of blistering heat, deadly shrapnel, and horriably destructive energies are blasted from thier feet by the pressure fronts caused by the rappid impacts and thermal blooming.