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Order| tech chart change request. - Printable Version

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Order| tech chart change request. - Werss™ - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:Really, and you don't recall FP 11 incident?Which happened before anything in Theta...

Sails allying with Core against Order and Zoners...

This was after when the whole Order(including offc. and unoffc.) Zoners,Outcasts,some Freelancer's,some Merc's,the Joker's,Omic's...ya counting?!! ...when they attacked(raped) Skiros station *some day's before* know where!


Order| tech chart change request. - Jeremy Hunter - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:Wrong. Cardamine changed their DNA. They are no humans anymore. Btw. Cardamine is even from/for the Nomads.
And they provide shelter to the Nomads, demanding nomad organisms and destroying every ship, which attacks Nomads.

This is called allying with the threat.

Corsairs hate us, SCRA mistrusts us.

Also, they are humans.


Humans - Polar Bears
Outcasts - Grizzly Bears*

Its the same difference. As the Outcasts (most of then) believe the Nomads are dieties.

And the Order is barely holding the line against the Navy, Core, and Noms. BD, GMG, they are our few allies and we need them. Badly.

Comparison is copyright of Jammi, October 2011. Infringment of this copyright will result in massive Clydesdale/Anki spam, and probably a few more spams as well.

Order| tech chart change request. - Hammerstein - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:Only humans we actively hunt are infected ones, auch as the Das Wilde in the Omwgas, and did fight the Aoi Isiejin in Kusari before it died...

Your to secure your zoner family as secondary priority according lore. That you already also do by engaging Nomads and Wild but now we learn ]bd[ is also a treat for zoners.

You can choose if you actively engage ]bd[ or not but you can never allie. That would be like adopting the guy that killed your father into your family.

(oorp// btw. I play order characters also. If you allie ]bd[ i will be working and prepare for a order coup d'etat first chance i see. I also not agree with HC policy towards corsair and i know allot of order payers are with me in that regard. You make that alliance with ]bd[ real you better get yourself a BIG and VERY reliable bodyguard army around you everywhere you go. One that can take out couple of Veteran Osirises fast. Yes, thats a threat.)

Order| tech chart change request. - Lennox - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:Your to secure your zoner family as secondary priority according lore. That you already also do by engaging Nomads and Wild but now we learn ]bd[ is also a treat for zoners.

You can choose if you actively engage ]bd[ or not but you can never allie. That would be like adopting the guy that killed your father in your family.

God, please stop whining just because you always get shot. A Zoner should be should be able to avoid as most incidents of aggressions as possible. If you fail to do so you are doing something wrong, flying the wrong ship, got a huge lack of RP or just aren't lucky with your encounters. And as it's mentioned before, some parts are not, is to make sure every nomad get it's pain like it deserves. Also the defening of the Order's border lines are very important. Do you really think the Order can spare ships just to protect a trader of pirating? I do not think so. The Order has more important things to do than playing the babysitter for a lonely trading Zoner.

Order| tech chart change request. - Jeremy Hunter - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:Your to secure your zoner family as secondary priority according lore. That you already also do by engaging Nomads and Wild but now we learn ]bd[ is also a treat for zoners.

You can choose if you actively engage ]bd[ or not but you can never allie. That would be like adopting the guy that killed your father in your family.
You know, I'm a nice guy, I really am. But its insistent people, ones who hold this OORP thing against a faction, that irks me.

It does.

I also dislike greatly those who think we should do our RP this way, or that way. "DEFEND US, ITS YOUR RP."

Stop telling us how to RP.


If we have to turn a blind eye to what happens in Kusari, fine. But remember: We have never seen you supplying us; Even indies would say if a Barge came by.

When you start supplying us, MAYBE OHC will talk to the BD about leavimg you alone. Not before.

Lennox you minja :@$

Order| tech chart change request. - Pinko - 10-07-2011

You know, for the lulz of it, my Hogosha keeps supplying Minor just because our rep sets us as allies, and nothing has ever really been done about it.

Order| tech chart change request. - Jeremy Hunter - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:You know, for the lulz of it, my Hogosha keeps supplying Minor just because our rep sets us as allies, and nothing has ever really been done about it.

Your help is appreciated!

Order| tech chart change request. - Ryummel - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:(oorp// btw. I play order characters also. If you allie ]bd[ i will be working and prepare for a order coup d'etat first chance i see. I also not agree with HC policy towards corsair and i know allot of order payers are with me in that regard. You make that alliance with ]bd[ real you better get yourself a BIG and VERY reliable bodyguard army around you everywhere you go. One that can take out couple of Veteran Osirises fast. Yes, thats a threat.)
Now that's serious.

Order| tech chart change request. - Pinko - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:Now that's serious.

Oh god, I hadn't noticed it.

It'll be the 3589257812th Order revolt!

And then they'll get bored and switch back to Corsair or something.

Order| tech chart change request. - Jeremy Hunter - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:Your to secure your zoner family as secondary priority according lore. That you already also do by engaging Nomads and Wild but now we learn ]bd[ is also a treat for zoners.

You can choose if you actively engage ]bd[ or not but you can never allie. That would be like adopting the guy that killed your father into your family.

(oorp// btw. I play order characters also. If you allie ]bd[ i will be working and prepare for a order coup d'etat first chance i see. I also not agree with HC policy towards corsair and i know allot of order payers are with me in that regard. You make that alliance with ]bd[ real you better get yourself a BIG and VERY reliable bodyguard army around you everywhere you go. One that can take out couple of Veteran Osirises fast. Yes, thats a threat.)

