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Glad To See Nothings Changed - Printable Version

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Glad To See Nothings Changed - Malaclypse 666 - 10-14-2011

' Wrote:He has? Before this thread, I had never heard of him.

DBoy is "original furniture", sir. And rather comfy at that.

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Toaster - 10-14-2011

I can haz?

Glad To See Nothings Changed - stardust47 - 10-14-2011

DBoy... I recognise that name.

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Stefz - 10-14-2011

Welcome back..? I hope you plan to stay with us?

Glad To See Nothings Changed - DBoy1612 - 10-14-2011

Haha wow so many friendly faces!

And holy crap, Mal, you came back? You crazy man, got some guts!

And for those that don't recognize me, there's plenty of my history all over these forums. From starting off as a noob, to leading way too many factions, writing some awesome roleplays with very talented people, to being the resident bomber whore (now that was fun. ^_^), to becoming an admin, and retiring a couple months later due to RL.

I have my retirement thread here, which after reading I find very childish, but I was a kid, so whatever.:P

Search Sarah Rain, Desecrator, or Malic Deberan on the forums, those are some good choices from what I can remember.

' Wrote:Welcome back..? I hope you plan to stay with us?

Haha no no, I won't be sticking around for much longer, just came to say hi. Freelancer is a game I don't think I could ever play again with how much I was addicted to it in the past. 16 hours a day hurt. XD Though I'll admit, I really, really, do miss it.

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Jeremy Hunter - 10-14-2011

Razr is still here as well.

' Wrote:Good lord! Not seen this face since I was doing my National Diploma! And that was a while ago!

Get your butt back in here and whip Jeremy the Order keyblade rapist (victim) into shape so I can troll as Trent through Minor again!

Oh and just like war, disco never changes:P

Oi, thats Omicron, I'm not Order Leader.


Glad To See Nothings Changed - DBoy1612 - 10-14-2011

' Wrote:Razr is still here as well.

He is?
where? <_<
I haven't spoken to Razr in forever,.

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Jeremy Hunter - 10-14-2011

' Wrote:He is?
where? <_<
I haven't spoken to Razr in forever,.
Comrade Terry lurks mostly.

Try skype later; he perfers Skype/Ingame to forums:P


Worst typo so far...

Glad To See Nothings Changed - DBoy1612 - 10-14-2011

' Wrote:Comrade Terry lurks mostly.

Try skype later; he perfers Skype/Ingame to forums:P

Worst typo so far...

I dont even know if I remember my skype password with all my Discovery contacts. XD

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Fletcher - 10-14-2011

God help you, I expect your name to be circulating around.