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Joining OS&C| - Printable Version

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RE: Joining OS&C| - Zynth - 03-18-2013

[Incoming Transmission]
[Image: Cf3tY.jpg]
ID: David Crooke
Location: Planet Curacao
Topic: Recruitment

Hello there Mr. Richter.

I've checked your documents and everything seems to be in order. You seem to be qualified as a pilot. What else can I say, besides...

Welcome on board.

David Crooke signing off.
[Closing Transmission]

RE: Joining OS&C| - Erathial - 03-19-2013

[font=Garamond]Roleplay Application Form

[Image: 6a00d83451608369e200e55.jpg]

[color=#33CCFF]Name: Kim Jong Ho 김종호
Place of Birth: Planet Honshu
Age: 27

Personal Statement:

To whom it may concern,

I would love to join your Company and believe that I would be an asset for Your continued growth.
My multifaceted personality enables me to view things from different perspectives, which is an advantage in problem solving.

I believe that ambition and will provide the key to success, and I know how to work effectively, in order to make visions become reality.
As a former Captain of a larger transport ship owned by an wealthy Kusari gentleman, I learned to interact well with persons of all ages and genders while keeping discretion to a maximum.

These experiences also provided insights into what people want, which is ever more important now as the cycles in the international market change and the competition becomes more global.

My experience has furthermore increased my fascination with people and luxury liners, and I believe that my specialization will be a considerable benefit.

I know that I would contribute to your Company and make tremendous progress if I am given the chance to prove myself.

I have also spent a great deal of time in the other Sirius systems in both leisure and work, so as far as communication and navigational skills goes, my proficiency is that of a native.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Kim Jong Ho

Work History: As the only daughter in the family I started out following the heritage of my family as a submarine commander on planet Honshu.
After rising quickly through the ranks, but by no means being a star, I gained command of my first freighter at the age of 21.
Then things accelerated beyond my imagination, the stars naturally gave me a sixth sense for navigation and I was in order of magnitude assigned a Drone, Bumblebee and finally a Big Dragon.

Relevant skills: Navigational skills like no other. If there is one person whom can maximise profit margins and make a run in Kusari space on the least fuel possible, it is me. This is a pure factual statement I shall assure you, even at my young age I dare not brag or boast like the old ones do.

Which affiliate of Orbital Spa and Cruise are you applying for:*
[] General Operations
[X] General Liner Fleet (Possible Kusari division?)
[] Greyhound Transportation
[] RheinTouren

What do you think is the most important part about Logistic's?
Logistic's when it comes to passengers and tours are a wholly different deal then cargo. With passengers you have to be mindful of their every whim and wish and actually take your time to gently nudge the ship past a beautiful white dwarf or a ruined old ship drifting slowly through space.

Why do you think security is a major issue for Orbital Spa and Cruise in general?
Any business dealing with persons is of course obliged to ensure their clients security, both for their returning business as well as for the companies reputation.

How should one present themselves in appearance to our customers aboard ship?
Appearance is of utmost importance, the personnel aboard a liner of this magnitude need to be spotless and well mannered, on my Ships I never allow a single spot to not shine like the brightest star!

In the event of finding a transport holding slaves, what is the most important thing to do?
As the clients of my liner are my first and foremost priority I would take the action that would put them at the least risk of any danger what so ever.

A pirate appears ahead of you, what is the most important thing to do to ensure the safety of passengers?
To make sure that the pirate is dealt with quietly and quickly as to not worry or scare the clients.

In your own words what do you think Orbital Spa and Cruise does as a whole?
Orbital Spa And Cruise cater to the dreams of poor as well as rich, and makes those dreams come true.

[font=Garamond][color=#000000]Out of Roleplay Application Form

Skype Address: erathial
Notable roleplay that you have been involved with: A few years ago I was a member of Ageira if I do remember correctly, I apply here because of a conversation I just had ingame with Calypso.
Characters that you already use: 1. Kim Jong Ho
Please now make a paragraph about something: Well this is curious, I could make a paragraph about how much I love scuba diving IRL but it would be quite the long read since I'm officially in love with this hobby Smile

RE: Joining OS&C| - Zynth - 03-20-2013

[Incoming Transmission]
[Image: Cf3tY.jpg]
ID: David Crooke
Location: Planet Curacao
Topic: Recruitment

Greetings Ms. Kim. I am David Crooke, operations manager of Orbital Spa & Cruise.

We have received a recommendation for your intake from one of our liner captains. As such, I would like to cordially invite you to join the ranks of Orbital Spa & Cruise.

Unfortunately, there is no current Kusarian branch as our company is still undergoing reformation since the detachment of our company from Liberty. Still consider yourself accepted into the ranks of Orbital Spa & Cruise general operations.

I will contact you privately via S.K.Y.P.3 communications.[/color]

David Crooke signing off.
[Closing Transmission]

RE: Joining OS&C| - Melanie Tyler - 04-28-2013

[Image: IncomingTransmission_zps5174a5af.png]
::: Establishing Link :::
::: Target ID: OS&C Recruitment :::
::: Subject: Positions Inquiry :::

::: Location: Baltimore Shipyard ::::

Good Afternoon again, Mister Crooke.

As we discussed earlier, I've attached my application to this transmission.

Quote:Name: Melanie Tyler
Place of Birth: Riverside Station, California
Age: 24

Personal Statement:
Mister Crooke, I'll be the first to admit that I'm not overflowing with hospitality experience, especially compared to some of the applicants you've received. My experience on that is limited to sitting in the back of an Air Force transport and considering how nice it would be to have padded seats. I do; however, know how to get a ship from A to B in one piece.

Sirius isn't as safe as it was ten years ago, and maintaining a balance between security and everyday life is a delicate line that Orbital Spa and Cruise has to tread. I know about that line, it's one I've walked before. The tourist industry of today isn't the same one I dreamed of one day working in when I enlisted, but I do want to contribute to it, nonetheless.

It's not until war grinds everyday life to a halt that it begins to cripple a population. I want to do everything I can to stop that happening, and keeping people moving, as Spa and Cruise always has, seems an ideal way to do so - inherent appeal of the organisation aside.

Work History:
I enlisted in the Liberty Air Force as a fighter pilot straight out of school and transferred to the newly-formed Air Force Space Command aboard the carrier LNS-United States. I served as a strike pilot with Space Command until we deployed to Bretonia in defense of Leeds.

An attack on one of our command shuttles resulted in the death of LAF Command, and the strike force took heavy casualties until Major Comstock took control. With the casualties, we needed people to fill the gaps and I was promoted to Squadron Leader, and shortly after that as the XO of the Ravenswood. When the Air Force pulled out of Bretonia, I took on a temporary commission as the Commanding Officer of the LNS-Furious to assist former Ravenswood personnel in the transition, where I served until I EAS'd yesterday.

I also served briefly as a Public Liason Officer with the Air Force; however, that was a mere three weeks as a stopgap.

Relevant skills:
  • Navigation
  • Local knowledge - Bretonia, Liberty
  • Resource management
  • Security and hazard avoidance
  • Operation of heavy craft
  • Risk assessment and management
  • Leadership experience
  • Works well in high-pressure environments

Which affiliate of Orbital Spa and Cruise are you applying for:
[X] General Operations - Security
[] General Liner Fleet
[] Greyhound Transportation
[] RheinTouren

Why do you think security is a major issue for Orbital Spa and Cruise in general?
Simply put, Sirius isn't safe. Strangely, passengers expect to reach their destination safely. To make the passenger's expectations reality, it's necessary for Orbital Spa and Cruise to maintain a comprehensive security division.

How should one present themselves in appearance to our customers aboard ship?
Immaculately, of course. Customers will judge the company by the appearance its employees put up.

In the event of finding a transport holding slaves, what is the most important thing to do?
Everything possible to ensure their release without endangering our own passengers, including contacting local law enforcement and, if necessary, personal intervention. While the safety of our passengers is always a priority, some consideration has to be made for the fate of the individuals carried aboard a slaver ship. If it's allowed to slip away, it's unlikely to ever be found again.

A pirate appears ahead of you, what is the most important thing to do to ensure the safety of passengers?
As much as I hate to say it, comply. We can always pass the ship on to the authorities for them to deal with later, without risk to our clients. However; a Liner, properly flown and escorted, shouldn't encounter pirates at any distance closer then sensor maximum under normal circumstances.

In your own words what do you think Orbital Spa and Cruise does as a whole?
You're the wheels upon which Sirius turns. The ships that carry families from one side of Sirius to the other, far beyond the ranges of their own ships. OS&C ensures the constant flow of humanity across the sector that binds the colonies together. Without the company, and others like it, the colonies would drift further and further apart, with only tattered memories and flickering comms-links to remind them of each other.

Or, at least, that's my take on it. Maybe we just make rich people feel richer.

Thank you for your time, once again. As an aside, if I'm accepted, I'll have to apply for leave in the upcoming week, due to a friend's funeral.

My apologies for any inconvenience that might cause.

Tyler, out.

[Image: TransmissionTerminated_zps60185aff.png]

OORP Questionnaire
Skype Address:
jane.hartman. (Decimal included)
Notable roleplay that you have been involved with:
Nothing of particular note, although I've been somewhat involved in the Normandie role-play recently, and several smaller things floating about. That aside, there was the business of helping run the LAF| a while back, and all the faction diplomacy that involved.
Characters that you already use:
  • Sarah McFarlen (Free Merchant Captain)
  • Miyagi Akira (Coalition Pilot)
  • Jane Hartman (Liberty Navy Commander, currently in the reserves)
  • Melanie Tyler (Well...)
  • And an Angel!

Please now make a paragraph about something:
Oh boy. That's asking for it.

The Cessna 152 is a two-seat light trainer, and one of the most produced training aircraft in the world. It features air conditioning (if you open your window), an observation deck (if you open your door), and fireworks (if you open your fuel tank and throttle at the same time). Contrary to the belief of a particular student pilot, it is not in fact possible to open the door in flight, and allowing it to open during take off is most certainly a bad idea, as is answering a mobile call at the same time.

I think that should just about cover it.

RE: Joining OS&C| - Zynth - 05-02-2013

[Incoming Transmission]
[Image: Cf3tY.jpg]
ID: David Crooke
Location: Planet Curacao
Topic: Recruitment

Greetings Ms. Tyler.

After our little chat earlier through standard comms and S.K.Y.P.3 communications, I sincerely welcome you to the ranks of Orbital Spa & Cruise as agreed earlier.

This message only serves as a formal message for administrative purposes.[/color]

David Crooke signing off.
[Closing Transmission]

RE: Joining OS&C| - lIceColon - 05-28-2013

Name: Nothan Sollo
Place of Birth: The Junker Salvager S.S.Trashmaster
Age: 35

Personal Statement: As a young child I was raised as a slave aboard a Junker Salvager, training to become a slave scrap collector like my father and his father before him.
A tradition aboard this particular Junker ship was that every five years they would restore a few Rhinos, and put young slave and junker pilots in them, then fire turrets at the Rhinos while the Rhinos dodged and evaded the gunfire for a duration of 10 minutes. It was one of the most exciting activities aboard the ship, as the Rhino that lost the least amount of shielding (tweaked to be non rechargeable) and its 5 passengers were granted either freedom and a lift to wherever (slaves) or a CSF and 500,000 credits (junkers)
So on that day, I joined the contest, and although I fared fairly well, naturally I wasn't able to win since the slave Rhinos weren't fitted with proper thrusters. However as we pulled into the hangar of our shipyard, my "owner" noticed that out of all the Rhino's cabins, mine was the only one that didn't have motion sickness induced vomit covering every single inch of the ship.
So my Junker master silently pulled me apart from the crowd, gave me ten thousand credits, set my slave tag thingy to auto-explode in 30 days, and told me that he didn't want to waste my talents on scrap, and told me if I could come up with 50,000 credits within 3 weeks, he would give me my freedom. So I hitchhiked aboard a Manhattan-bound CSV, and naturally the first thing I did was to go to the local LPi office and see if they could help me. Not without getting a counterfeit ID of course, as LPi didn't seem too interested in helping out non-citizens.
However upon entering the office I saw a recruitment poster for pilots shipping fragile equipment for Ageira that paid a lot, and I decided to try it out, and I could pay off my debt and get my freedom.
But then Ageira fired me because it turned out that they strengthened most of their products causing less of a need for fragile handling, and suggested I try ferrying people.
Long story short, I got fired from the LPi last when some idealistic inspector came aboard my prison transport and decided that my ride was too comfy for criminals, and decided to have me permanently banned from ever being employed by the LPi and civil service.
But instead of taking a public transport out of Police Plaza, I used most of my income from the past ten years to purchase a DL-Hai "Grizzly" Shuttle and outfit it for the most comfort and safety.
Edit: also just in case you were wondering, I have proper citizenship now

Work History: Junker slave, Ageira fragile cargo pilot, atmospheric transport pilot, LPi prison transport pilot

Relevant skills: Going fast while bringing minimum discomfort upon passengers, never lost a single piece of cargo or passenger to pirates yet

Which affiliate of Orbital Spa and Cruise are you applying for:
[] General Operations
[] General Liner Fleet
[] Greyhound Transportation
[] RheinTouren
anything that has to do with the following keywords: speedy, comfy, exclusive/personal transportation of VIPs

What do you think is the most important part about Logistics?
Logistics is considered to have originated in the military's need to supply itself with arms, ammunition, and rations as it moved from a base to a forward position. In the ancient Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Empires, military officers with the title Logistikas were responsible for financial and supply distribution matters.

Why do you think security is a major issue for Orbital Spa and Cruise in general?
Because pirates can easily affect osc's reputation.

How should one present themselves in appearance to our customers aboard ship?
Haircut, smile, hot attendants, clean washrooms

In the event of finding a transport holding slaves, what is the most important thing to do?
Keep calm and report to relevant authorities

Is there anything in particular that drew you in to a career of Logistic's?
I'm decent at moving around I guess

A pirate appears ahead of you, what is the most important thing to do to ensure the safety of passengers?
Negotiate terms or calmly accelerate in the opposite direction. Most pirates cannot catch Grizzlies. Under no circumstance should a passenger fall under the hands of pirates.

In your own words what do you think Orbital Spa and Cruise does as a whole?
Passenger Transportation, Tourism

[font=Garamond][color=#000000]Out of Roleplay Application Form

Skype Address: licecolon
Notable roleplay that you have been involved with: indie lpi
Characters that you already use:* lIceColon, lIceColonExpress, S.S.Trashmaster, Halt
Please now make a paragraph about something: I hope there is a RP position for some kind of premium luxury fast long range transport service throughout Kusari Bretonia and Liberty (and maybe borderworlds) - I bought a Grizzly with HAU4 and I don't think inerp Rheinlanders nor Gallics welcome Grizzlies too much.

RE: Joining OS&C| - Venkman - 06-07-2013

[Image: heroes_sylar_article_story_main.JPG]

Name: Chris Smith
Place of Birth: Planet Manhattan, New York
Age: 29

Work History: Worked as a captain of Luxury Yacht in a private company.....
Worked there for 5 full years, unfortunately that company was closed and Chris had no job, but Chris had a little money savings so he used that money to buy a Luxury Liner and begin his private business of a transporter of famous and rich people.

- Now, i would like to start my new carrier here....

Relevant skills:
.Navigation of all kinds of Liners and Transporters

Which affiliate of Orbital Spa and Cruise are you applying for:
[] General Operations
[X] General Liner Fleet
[] Greyhound Transportation
[] RheinTouren

What do you think is the most important part about Logistic's?
Customer satisfaction is the most important

Why do you think security is a major issue for Orbital Spa and Cruise in general?
Security inside and outside of the ship must be placed on the high spot (high priority).

How should one present themselves in appearance to our customers aboard ship?
Dressed in suit with smile on my face and wishing them a good trip.

In the event of finding a transport holding slaves, what is the most important thing to do?
I would inform the nearest police of military pilot and i would do everything just to protect my passengers/cargo.

Is there anything in particular that drew you in to a career of Logistic's?
Not really, but i will try to get from the bottom and raise to the top

A pirate appears ahead of you, what is the most important thing to do to ensure the safety of passengers?
I would negotiate with the pirate and do everything just to protect passengers, cargo , crew and the ship.

In your own words what do you think Orbital Spa and Cruise does as a whole?
Provides traveling trough Sirius in the most luxurious style.

Skype Address: ognjen.cigoja2
Notable roleplay that you have been involved with: Not involved in any.... let's say special RP. Started RP-ing with my Storta, but that's minor.
Characters that you already use:
- Apollo.Venkman[101st] Lieutenant
- Bowex)Bentley Employee
- Order|Ray*Stantz AiT
- (\^/)Dr.Peter.Venkman'
- BMM-Henry.Stuart
and other irrelevant chars

Please now make a paragraph about something:

I'm a good trader, and yeah.... good trader.
In RL i play football/soccer like a BOSS Tongue

RE: Joining OS&C| - Zynth - 06-08-2013

[Incoming Transmission]
[Image: Cf3tY.jpg]
ID: David Crooke
Location: Planet Curacao
Topic: Recruitment

Greetings Mr. Solo,

Seems to me you've got some degree of knowledge on how to handle human cargo, albeit on smaller ships.
Just keep in mind that the people you're handling are VIPs and not a bunch of prisoners.
Other than that, no qualms with your application, you are accepted into general liner operations.
Welcome on board.

Mr. Smith,

Looks like you already have job experience in the field. We'll be happy to have you in our employment.
Consider your application accepted.
Welcome to Orbital Spa & Cruise

David Crooke signing off.
[Closing Transmission]

RE: Joining OS&C| - TomMorse - 07-28-2013

I apologize for wasting your time, but for the time being, I am withdrawing this application.

At the moment, I consider it in my, my vessel's, and my crew's best interests to remain an independent vessel.

We will retain our OS&C license (ID), and IFF, but for the time being, we must remain independent.

Thank you.

-Tom Morse, Captain, Grand.Illusion-Resort/Casino

RE: Joining OS&C| - Kris Jasra - 09-18-2013

...Incoming transmission: To: David Crooke, Orbital Spa & Cruise...
...Security: low...

Greetings Director,
I recently saw an advertisement for your company. I tracked down your application form and have filled it out. If you could let me know if there is room for myself and my crew in your operation I would be most grateful.

Captain Amaurea.

Name: Silme Amaurea
Place of Birth: Officially, Leeds. Unofficially I was born somewhere in Manchester on a transport while on route to Leeds.
Age: 32

Personal Statement:
I was born into a large family and followed most of my brothers and sisters into the Armed forces. I may not have qualified in the smaller fighter ships due to my terrible aim, however I was working my way up the bridge crew of a gunship before I had to return to Leeds to help with my family after an accident. As such I've been out of contact with much of Sirius and have been unable to travel, although I kept up with the news about Gallia through the holonet here. Since I've gotten back out into space I started a small courier business which I built up and I now own and run a VIP service with a Democritus class yacht designated Dreamchaser. Why then would I want to join your organisation? Mainly for the employee benefits if I am being honest. I was barely a few hours out from Augsberg when the disaster happened and frankly it would have been good to have a parent organisation to call on at such a time.

Work History:
Bretonian Armed Forces - two years service, compassionate leave leading to a full discharge.
Private VIP courier - Dreamchaser - around 3 months activity.

Relevant skills:
I am a people person, I enjoy chattering and can keep my passengers and my small crew entertained. While I am not a trained negotiator I am not a fool and know when to run and when to give in in order to best provide a safe flight for my passengers.

Which affiliate of Orbital Spa and Cruise are you applying for:*
[] General Operations
[x] General Liner Fleet
[] Greyhound Transportation
[] RheinTouren

What do you think is the most important part about Logistic's?
Organisation. A smoothly running company depends upon organisation. get that and the logistics will fall into place.

Why do you think security is a major issue for Orbital Spa and Cruise in general?
Our cargo is not replaceable. We cannot simply return for another load of ore or food stuffs. We have a duty to keep our cruises, transportation and resorts as safe as possible for our customers.

How should one present themselves in appearance to our customers aboard ship?
A smart well groomed appearance is essential. Captain and crew represent their ship. If we look a mess then it will be assumed our ship is the same.

In the event of finding a transport holding slaves, what is the most important thing to do?
Ensure the safety and wellbeing of my customers, crew and ship. Of course, freeing the slaves would be an excellent thing, however a cruise ship is not a fighter, as such reporting the incident to the closest authority would be the best way to handle the incident.

Is there anything in particular that drew you in to a career of Logistic's?
I just sort of fell into it and enjoyed it.

A pirate appears ahead of you, what is the most important thing to do to ensure the safety of passengers?
Remain calm. If a pirate feels threatened they often open fire, as such remaining calm and constructively negotiating for a peaceful solution is the best way to go about such an encounter

In your own words what do you think Orbital Spa and Cruise does as a whole?
Provides a safe, secure and luxury service at an affordable price.

Thank you for your consideration.

...End Transmission...

[font=Garamond]Out of Roleplay Application Form

Skype Address: Private. Please pm for details
Notable roleplay that you have been involved with: None since rejoining the server. I had a bit going before .86 came out and I couldn't update. Unfortunately those chars were wiped and I can't remember much (it has been 2 years)
Characters that you already use:* (Purpose is to ascertain knowledge of you in the event we do not know much about yourself)
See signature Smile However they're all as new as Dreamchaser is due to my restart.
Please now make a paragraph about something:*
Will about how nervous I am about trying to join my first player faction count as a random paragraph because I have no idea what else to put here?

Please be sure to read all threads related to Orbital Spa and Cruise before making an application.

I think I found them all, but do you have a link to the most important RP threads anywhere?