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IC| Bounty Board - Printable Version

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IC| Bounty Board - Rodriguez - 03-15-2012

[Image: Mandalorians_Skull-1.png]

Target: The.Magician ; Crispy.Pata ; popo

Payment Status: Paid
PAYMENT AMOUNT DUE 6 Million Credits
PAYMENT TO MM~Sebastian.Rodriguez

IC| Bounty Board - Rodriguez - 03-15-2012

[Image: Mandalorians_Skull-1.png]

' Wrote:Target: XA-Canebreak ; XA-Lancehead ; XA-Racer ; XA-Lee.Cook ; XA-John."Redneck" ; Wikidus ; Radamanthus

Evidence: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Payment Status: Pending

PAYMENT TO MM~Overpowered

IC| Bounty Board - Jimothy - 03-15-2012

[Image: JacobSkye.png]
-----SUBJECT: Bounty Registration-----

Good evening, or morning, or whatever time you should happen to receive this. Ah look at me, making a mess of such an important application. Right, sorry about that I'll try again.
I'm Jacob Skye, a bounty hunter. To this point the only money I've made has been in the escorting of freight and transport vessels, however I would like to live up to my title of Bounty Hunter. as such, I come to you applying to collect on bounties offered here. I have enclosed all the information you could need to accept my application:

-= Identification Papers, Ship Registration and Loadout
-= ID & Ship Type
-=Loadout Parts: 1 | 2 |
-= Current Standing with Respective Houses, Factions, and Corporations
-= Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
-= Exact Ship Callsign
-= Jacob.Skye
Also, I hate to sound pedantic, but I would like to ask if I could get a quick clarification on this part of the 'zone of operations':
' Wrote:[...]
Liberty, Kusari, Rheinland, Bretonia core systems

Might I ask which specific systems is covered by the term 'core'. Is it just the systems accessible by Jump-Gates as opposed to holes?

[Image: End.png]
//OH, and just thought I'd inform you of a typo, you missed an L off of special:
' Wrote:Specia Contracts are Sirius wide

IC| Bounty Board - Charos - 03-15-2012

[Image: icbannerv1.png]

Hunters have been paid.
[15.03.2012 07:23:01] You have sent 1.500.000 credits to White.Pearl
[15.03.2012 07:23:37] You have sent 15.500.000 credits to MM~Sebastian.Rodriguez
You have sent 7.000.000 credits to MM~Antonio.Merdon
[15.03.2012 07:23:54] You have sent 10.500.000 credits to MM~Overpowered

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Core systems such as New York, Texas, Colorado, California, Minnesota, Pensylvannia, you get the idea.


IC| Bounty Board - Nommos - 03-16-2012

[font=Trebuchet Ms]...incoming transmition...
...comm ID : Marko Podolski, Paranoize....

[color=#33FF33]Greetings Interspace
have some destroyed targets for you:

Liberty Rogue

Lane Hacker



Total cash : 7.000.000 cs
Money goes to : Paranoize

[font=Trebuchet Ms]
[color=#000000]...transmission closed...

IC| Bounty Board - Tutashkhia - 03-18-2012



Payment Status: Pending
PAYMENT AMOUNT DUE 2 Million Credits

IC| Bounty Board - Adam.Smith. - 03-18-2012

Goodday my name is Smith, Adam I am part of the bounty hunter guild and I want to register myself here.
For references you can see the Liberty Bounty board:.
' Wrote:Name: [color=#99FF99]Adam.Smith

Callsign: Adam.Smith

On behalf of company: Smith family-if I find someone to work with me.

Visual evidence of affiliation:


Visual evidence of loadout:

Visual evidence of reputation:


Expect some claims soon.
Regards Adam

IC| Bounty Board - Charos - 03-18-2012

Expect payment soon

IC| Bounty Board - Ursus - 03-18-2012

I saw a couple of Lane Hackers camping in Cortez, so I decided to take them out. The gunship fell pretty quickly, but I had to chase the bomber for a while.

[*] Roland.Deschain ID and kill

[Image: th_RolandDeschain-id-0.png] [Image: th_RolandDeschain-kill-0.png]

[*] Phillip.Anselmo ID and kill

[Image: th_PhillipAnselmo-id-0.png] [Image: th_PhillipAnselmo-kill-0.png]

2m * x2 multipler for gunship, 2 m for the bomber, 6m total


IC| Bounty Board - Dashiell - 03-19-2012

:: Incoming Transmisison ::

message begins:

Shot down a Rogue SHF in new York just now.

[Image: th_werewolfA.jpg]

[Image: th_WerewolfB.jpg]

The 1.5 mils can be send to BHG|Banjo


end of message.