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corsair - Madvillain - 01-03-2012

' Wrote:Its true [TBH] left but the Elders got some new help recently ;)
BLAME ZEL... oh wait , :sleep:

corsair - Not Espi - 01-03-2012

hmm ... *blows dust off the corsair court thread*

I'll take a look once I wake up completely and feed myself.

ps: I blame Skyrim.

corsair - Reacher - 01-03-2012

' Wrote:And if most of the Corsair players weren`t ganking capwhores with no idea what RP means everybody would love you and we could all die happy :ylove:

Pot Kettle Black

But then again don't come to Gamma if you aren't looking for a fight :P

Edit: And don't come to Gamma when the entire system is bugged... kinda makes you seem like something Bob Vila would use.

corsair - Not Espi - 01-03-2012

*dances around*

No more le-gates, no more le-gates


Dod - I mean Corsairs flying ships they were't supposed to have in the first place.



corsair - Nicolas - 01-03-2012

' Wrote:

Pot Kettle Black

But then again don't come to Gamma if you aren't looking for a fight :P

Edit: And don't come to Gamma when the entire system is bugged... kinda makes you seem like something Bob Vila would use.

Hehe yeah that was fun. Oh and we are looking for a fight if we come to gamma, but I sure can`t understand the need of some of your cap players to fly through the Omegas with 5+ Legates/Ossies, but since that need exists why Q_Qing about Hessians getting a Battleship which is able to handle that.

corsair - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 01-03-2012

' Wrote:Edit: someone else said that the Salamanca 2 used 113 energy in 85 and it now uses 120 but as far as I remember they have always been at 120. As for the Osiris, the reverse speed was cut in half and the gun splitting means the end of the anti-snub battleship and the end of the Osiris age

It was 113. Now salamankas are bellow avarage guns. I would go for protectors of the unioners, but with tech mixing nerf you are stuck with your crap no matter what you do.

corsair - Vito - 01-03-2012

' Wrote:

Pot Kettle Black

But then again don't come to Gamma if you aren't looking for a fight :P

What he said.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: all Gamma raids will be met with massive ganks simply because we can. Stay out of it and you won't have 235213542342 Legates on your tail.

corsair - Rapur - 01-03-2012


As a so called "Corsair lover" I feel the need to make a few statements:

The Salamanca would be okay with ~540 damage.

The Colada needs a buff.

Osiris is an order ship, means we are too old to fly ships that are meant for 12-years-old admirals and furries.

Titan is a really good ship.

Sabre is still OP.

The "Council of Elders" is completely useless.

The Centurion might be slower, than most heavy fighters, but if you know how to box, then it's basically one of the best heavy fighters out there. If you can't, then look at point 4.

The Gladiator sucks.

The Praetorian needs a buff.

Omicron Eta is retarded.

The Decurion is.. I can't find the right word to describe that ship, but it's something between **** and ****.

Corsairs don't need caps. They only need a gunboat-like pirate transport.

Hessian battleships are np.

I like underage girls.

Gamma needs a darker starsphere.

I want to join the GMG| since january 2010, but never got myself to apply.

That is all.

corsair - dodike - 01-03-2012

' Wrote:Dod - I mean Corsairs flying ships they were't supposed to have in the first place.
Lobby for ID restrictions like Zoners did or pass it onto other faction like Lane Hackers did. (give it to Hogosha or Hessians)

' Wrote:I want to join the GMG| since january 2010, but never got myself to apply.
GMG| is not invite-only. :cool:

corsair - Curios - 01-03-2012

-Titan is np
-Salamankas lacks damage and speed
-Tizonas are not a big deal, better to have a full pack of hullbusters like kraken or so
-Coladas are crap, never ever seen someone actually using them, completely useless
-Centurion is huge but can find it's place in hands of good pilot, however it's not for anyone so taking it in account that ship doen't adds much to the average players in the playerbase. After all good pilot can fly anything well, that not makes any ship better.
-Legate is ugly, dies quickly, too low armor for heavy battleship size. It's a light heavy bs after all.
-Osiris is rendered completly useless, was trying to do something with the slots and weapons awailable - can't find any loadout that may help the situation. Well, we have a Legate in our disposal, but i wonder what will Order say after they'll have their bases fixed - they have no other choice on that front.
-Pretorian is good for blowing up capital ships, that's all. Too retarded torp slot placement from my pov. And also too slow after being ubernerfed some time ago back in .85 up 3 or 2.
-Praefect might be a good choice for Corsairs since it have more firepower then Osiris now, got CD and got Thruster - good choice for covering those Legates.
-Pirate transport and raba are now a piece of junk with cargo space being cut so badly, also they can't use Tizona turret which removes any advantages in using them.
-I don't care about gamma, alpha or whatever, but i don't like the new trend to bring the capital ships in huge numbers on the first sighns of hostiles. Things were better when there were baraly few capitals on each side and baraly one or two had capital armor upgrades 8, more likely 4-6 for usual ship.
-with many factions getting new toys, getting buffs for their ships, etc all what happened to sairs don't look good. I think it will drive a good part of players away from sair playerbase. Those who'll stay will get even more ganked and it will, of cause, lead to more and more hate and rage and whines and will not end well by the end of the day.
-Corsair ID'd trading was also murdered badly. No more Hogosha\Gaian routes so far.
-Corsair should have taken the Procurator (lala), it was proposed as a meduim battleship, now it's all history, but irony stays.