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New admins needed? - Printable Version

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New admins needed? - mjolnir - 03-31-2008

I like dead horses.. don't you?

' Wrote:They're the ones who say "We have lives too!" after everytime in takes them a week to move someone's ship or w/e. That's not a complaint, I'm just saying that from them saying that all the time, it's clear that they indeed COULD use some help.

Dopa said it right...

Admins seem to take this as an attack on them not doing their job properly...that's not what it's about...

It's about more admins => less work for each and every one of them. But it looks like they enjoy self-torture.

Another point is that it's difficult to find a good admin and a bad admin does a lot of harm and bad feelings on the server.

So yes it would be nice to have some more... but I don't see many candidates around.

also for me it's much better to have admins in game..than writing violation reports
Someone violates something... I talk to the guy.. and if he says he did nothing wrong.. I call the admin in private. 90% of the time admin talks to the guy... he says "ok, will not do it again.. sorry" and it's over in under 10 mins.

The alternate way is:
1. Upload screens and write violation report (that takes me some 10mins)
2. Admins read the report... talk to each other about it (maybe if it's more complicated)
3. Decide sanction
4. Do the sanction

All this takes
me at least 10 mins
admins some 25 mins ++

New admins needed? - pchwang - 03-31-2008

Mjolnir, I think that the Admin would be aware of whether or not they were overworked and not having fun. I also think that a suggestion to add to their team is nothing near an attack...

Have you ever noticed why it takes long for the Admin to respond ingame? Because once people see the [Admin] in their names, they get flooded by green text...private messages that various players just spam at them. It is somewhat difficult, it not impossible, to answer these messages.

The current system works smoothly.

If the admin think that they needed change, or another admin, then it would have happened already.

New admins needed? - Dopamino - 03-31-2008

But the whole point of this poll was "what does the population think about the issue?" The opinions of the admins could have been gotten much easier from PMs and the like. Us players have different perspectives than the admins, as you can clearly see by the poll results.

New admins needed? - Reverend Del - 03-31-2008

In conclusion then: Apparently the community feels that more admins are needed. In general it is believed the admins need help, although nobody has put up any likely candidates for this role. The Admins themselves say they don't need help, they are perfectly fine as they are, so thank you very much. Fine. Nobody's raising anything new, nobody is now adding to a discussion that has been discussed to death. Joyous, can we all go back to playing our little spaceship game, please?

New admins needed? - mjolnir - 03-31-2008

' Wrote:Have you ever noticed why it takes long for the Admin to respond ingame? Because once people see the [Admin] in their names, they get flooded by green text...private messages that various players just spam at them. It is somewhat difficult, it not impossible, to answer these messages.

Isn't that because you don't actually see one so often?

And when they get flooded by stupid question they can always redirect them to the Angels.. who are quite numerous lately.

Also when I write to admin I usually get answer within 20 seconds. But yest I don't know how flooded they get.

EDIT: @Del.. candidates... I can think of 2-3 people. (and no it's NOT me... I could never be an admin myself... I'm biased as much as it gets)

New admins needed? - SovietDiplomacy - 04-01-2008

" Everyone please note, if you have no screenshots or good evidence, please do not make reports.
Believe it or not, we actually have better things to do than trying to chase round everyone getting
missing pieces. Much as all of us are not fans of rule breakers, we honestly do not have the time. "

quoted form the "mighty" hoodlum on a post if not all are aware.

obvious sign that more admins or such could be used. there should always be time to help accurately solve problems, to get the proper solutions.

New admins needed? - Joshiee - 04-01-2008

Ofcourse they dont have the time, no one will, not even if more admins are elected. This is because if there is no screenshot, they have nothing to go except your word. Or there would have to be an insane number of admins to track everything happening or invent some super moderating system that tapes everything.

So I would hardly call that evidence to suggest they "Dont have time".
You used it as if they dont have the time to moderate or do anything.
What it really meant is they really don't just have enough time to chase around witness accounts about who f1ed etc.. It would be like a wild goose chase without proper evidence.

?hh mr admin someone blew up my ship, I was under level 30 but I didnt take a screenshot... I DIDNT KNOW TO TAKE ONE..:(PLEASE BAN HIM HE IS NOOB:(WA WA

Can you understand why they dont have the time to deal with that?