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Modular bases registry - Printable Version

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RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - DeathSpirit - 04-12-2013

.:Incomming Transmission:.
.Big Grinecoding Transmission:.
.:Open File:.

From: Thomas Reuter, CEO of |ALG| Waste Disposal
Location: Helgoland Station, Sigma-13

Guten Tag Herr Heinrichs,

the issues should be fixed now.

Docking Permission given to:


RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 04-17-2013

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

[Image: kzicgtsu9qm.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Dieter Heinrichs
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Borkum Station

Herr Reuter,

according to Rheinland law, you will have to permit DHC- ein docking permission as well.
If you can solve this matter, then you only have to pay to RFP|Arsenal and [RM-ARM]-Behemoth-001 each 50.000.000 credits. This is the last term that has to be fulfilled.

Bitte ensure, that you have evidence of both transactions.

After this, we can approve Borkum Station.


Komissar Dieter Heinrichts
Rheinland Bundespolizei

RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - DeathSpirit - 04-19-2013

.:Incomming Transmission:.
.Big Grinecoding Transmission:.
.:Open File:.

From: Thomas Reuter, CEO of |ALG| Waste Disposal
Location: Helgoland Station, Sigma-13

Guten Tag Herr Heinrichs,

its done

[Image: screen38y.jpg]

.:Transmission closed:.

RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 04-20-2013

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

[Image: kzicgtsu9qm.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Dieter Heinrichs
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Borkum Station

Herr Reuter,

first of all let me tell you, that your application for Borkum has been approved.
But you should now carefully listen to me. There was ein debate about approving the station, as you already had started the building before getting ein permission from us. And this is something the Rheinland Polizei does not want to see. And neither the Rheinwehr.

Therefore, I highly suggest you refrain from building any weapon platforms on Borkum to keep the goodwill of Rheinland.
Should we find out that you betrayed us in anyway, your registry will be revoked immediately.

Keep this warning in mind, Herr Reuters.

Komissar Dieter Heinrichts
Rheinland Bundespolizei

RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Tyler - 06-11-2013

[Image: NellySachsTop.png]

"Guten Tag."

"Although no concrete plans exist for a modern, modular base for ALG, Ich was wondering if we somehow could acquire the permission in advance in the case we intend to construct one in the future. Hopefully, this should allow us to construct such a base in a temporarily more safer manner."

"Needless to say we at ALG are fully aware of the restricted locations, nor would we desire to break the law in any way, we've got other goals than to do so. If we would indeed continue with one of our plans, we'd like to acquire the permission to notify the Bundespolizei the location of the modular base after it has been set up und given the first line of defence."

"The important reason for this is due to the fact the station would be mainly acting as a dedicated research und development base for that respective department. We, as you know, work sometimes with dangerous, yet interesting und promising, materials und methods, und although our accidents count is countable on one hand, one must always be prepared with the worst. Such is the reason to construct a base with ample space between another object with people. That, und being aware for corporate espionage."

"Ich hope by explaining this such requested permission can be granted to us, for the benefit und safety of Rheinland und its people. The attachment contains the required information."

"Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Nelly Sachs, President of ALG Waste Disposal."

Quote:Name of the base: Lindau Station
Name of the station administrator: Nelly Sachs
Affiliation: ALG Waste Disposal
The affiliation of the station administrator has to be at least neutral to the law-enforcement authorities: > External attachment <
Purpose for the station: Research & Development, external extra storage & meeting ground for our friends from the IMG, Gateway und Kruger
Existing trade agreements: None present currently
Location of the base: Undecided, see message

[Image: NellySachsBottom.png]

RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 06-14-2013

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

[Image: kzicgtsu9qm.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Dieter Heinrichs
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Lindau station

Sehr geehrte Frau Sachs,

to be honest, your request for ein advanced base registration without exact knowledge of its location is quite strange and might cause ein authoritative precedent within Rheinland law.
I have forwarded your request to mein superiors and will come back to you as soon as we have come to ein decision

Kind regards,

Komissar Dieter Heinrichts
Rheinland Bundespolizei

RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Tyler - 06-16-2013

[Image: NellySachsTop.png]

"Guten Tag Herr Heinrichts."

"Affirmative. Ich understand this unusual request, und hope the information provided by me in the last transmission should clear some of the questions. Perhaps it's also interesting to know we've, although no contract has been signed up yet, managed to contact a rather unusual company who'll take care of the safety of the station und its people. The Reaver Mercenary Company has expressed interest in protecting the base und the people onboard, who'll most likely almost entirely consist of people from Rheinland. Generating more work und potentially bring income to our beautiful house. Ich am also in touch with those from Republican Express to see if they're interested in working together on my pet-project."

"Awaiting the answer with anticipation."

"Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Nelly Sachs, President of ALG Waste Disposal."

[Image: NellySachsBottom.png]

RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Kruger - 10-07-2013

[Image: cop8.png]
To: Rheinland Bundespolizei
Subject: Outpost registry

Guten Tag herr/fräulein,

Quote:§1.1.1. Name of the base
Reutlingen Storage Facility
§1.1.2. Name of the station administrator
Helene Schmidt & John Jacob Astor
§1.1.3. Affiliation
Kruger Mineralien
§1.1.4. Purpose for the station
Storage for goods and precious ores mined by the rheinland corporations. In the beginning only Kruger.
§1.1.5. Existing trade agreements
We have several mostly it is at this time shipping ores towards Kusari and Gallia.
§1.1.6. Location of the base
System Omega 7, within the Kruger Mining fields

I hope this is enough information for now.

Mit freundlichen grüßen,
Hans Wesritter

[Image: eepo.png]

RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Kruger - 12-23-2013

Boosting Transmission Signal

RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 01-02-2014

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

[Image: kzicgtsu9qm.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Dieter Heinrichs
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Reutlingen Storage Facility

Sehr geehrter Herr Wesritter,

I am very sorry for this delay, but the approval took longer than expected, especially after some officers within the Rheinland Military expressed their hesitation.

Wie auch immer, I am glad to tell you that Reutlingen Storage Facility has been approved for building.

Kind regards,

Komissar Dieter Heinrichts
Rheinland Bundespolizei