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Is Connecticut needed? - Printable Version

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Is Connecticut needed? - Jihadjoe - 05-16-2012

I like conneticut. It's a useful resource and keeps people's training out of the roleplay areas of the server. Probably for the best to remove the oorp behaviour from the RP areas...

As for factional activity in conn... Frankly, who cares? If it wasn't conn, it'd just be their guard system, and the same behaviour.

The only problem with conneticut is people like this wonderful gent.

Is Connecticut needed? - Adam_Spire - 05-16-2012

' Wrote:If thats the case we shouldnt have guns on our ships.

In fact, I was schooled on how pvp -IS- Role play. I stand to the idea that this is not true for 90% of PVP.

On the other hand, Connecticut pvp can help a player get comfortable enough -in- an out-of-Connecticut pvp situation that they can spout off a few lines to get that gunfight banter in play.

Also, I still have no idea how to get into Connecticut but I'm sure its easier to get there for Cap ships.

Easier access also has the added benefit of giving the pvp <strike>whores</strike> enthusiasts a way to vent before they get into an actual PVP situation.

I say keep it.

Is Connecticut needed? - Jihadjoe - 05-16-2012

' Wrote:I still have no idea how to get into Connecticut but I'm sure its easier to get there for Cap ships.

You dock on a base, empty your cargohold, then type /conn and undock.

Is Connecticut needed? - Thunderer - 05-16-2012

Why to take conn from people? If we want to visit it, we will. If we don't want, we don't need it to be deleted. We'll just leave and RP around. The purpose of games is to make people happy, not to make them obey some laws.

Is Connecticut needed? - Agmen of Eladesor - 05-16-2012

' Wrote:If thats the case we shouldnt have guns on our ships.

If that's the case, then Dungeons and Dragons shouldn't have had swords, magic, and monsters. Oh, wait - sometimes shooting / stabbing / killing is PART of RP, isn't it.

Is Connecticut needed? - Govedo13 - 05-16-2012

The only bad thing about Conn is that faction tagged ships get online time for being there.
Official factions must serve some time in-game interacting in order to present the said faction in the RP-environment not mindlessly pewing each other in PvP system.
There are some factions that spend more time in Conn then in game hence I guess non-faction tagged ship rule for Conn would be good idea, factions have enemies and guard systems for that. Nobody forces official factions to go there with untagged faction ship to train if they want, the problem is in getting online time by being not actually in game.

Is Connecticut needed? - SpaceTime - 05-16-2012

I admit that there is recently a large amount of people spending their time in Connecticut thus depriving the server from this activity and interaction. But I still think it's solely the decision of the players to decide whether they should spend that much time in Connecticut or not.

Poll answers:
No effect
Don't care

Is Connecticut needed? - Pancakes - 05-16-2012

I think this is just crying cuz Igor montaged you in conn 20 times in a row.

Seriously though, if I want to practice fighting against variety of people in variety of ships - Conn is a good place for me to do it.

Is Connecticut needed? - Fro - 05-16-2012

' Wrote:If that's the case, then Dungeons and Dragons shouldn't have had swords, magic, and monsters. Oh, wait - sometimes shooting / stabbing / killing is PART of RP, isn't it.

Pretty much this. Fighting is a large part of many RP roles on this server, and if you can't fight well in certain roles, RP could be less enjoyable in certain situations.

Is Connecticut needed? - Hidden.Lock - 05-21-2012

IMHO official tagged ships should not have access to conn because they are spending their whole time there instead of meeting in RP space and actually RPing. It is very good to keep online time in conn, no doubts, but is it the real online time? If you want to improve your PVP skills, use untagged personal ships, because doing what you are doing right now is cheating. IMHO of course.