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Reaching out to the Admins and the Community - Printable Version

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Reaching out to the Admins and the Community - Backo - 05-24-2012

I'm open minded so I'd say "Why not give it a try?"

Reaching out to the Admins and the Community - AshHill07 - 05-24-2012

I think it could be a good thing really. I mean, pros, The systems will actually feel like there is a war going on, its not just silence. People who want to go pew pew in thier ships can without fear of being shoved out of the fight for 4 hours and having to find something else to do while everyone else not dead gets to enjoy themselfs. Good combat practise for those who don't see much of it anymore and although I'm sure the fights will last a long time, I very much doubt it'll be the "never ending battle" most people seem to claim it will be.

Obvioulsy, as mentioned, there is the issue of people docking on bases they shouldn't. I know for a fact I'm not going to do something like that but it doesn't change the fact I know theres deffinatly some people out there who will. I'm sure theres something that can be done about that should it become a problem (FR5's?) but on the whole I think its a good idea. Yes the LN vs RM fights can be epic at times when theres a lot of people involved but they don't last as long as I would like and I spend less time going "Wow this fight is amazing!" and more time going "God I hope I don't get killed off too quickly".

Reaching out to the Admins and the Community - Reverend Del - 05-24-2012 So much abuse. So very easy to do and so many sanctions as a result. Thanks but no thanks.

Reaching out to the Admins and the Community - Jeremy Hunter - 05-24-2012

' Wrote:No. Official factions get enough favors and earmarks here. What if I'm moving contraband through Bering? I honestly do not care at all about how fun your battle is, when I am trying to enjoy the game and roleplay somewhat realistically.
I'm sorry my roleplay is to blow the living hell out of my enemies and do it as much as possible so I can nake the other bastard die for his country so I may achieve victory.

' Wrote:The IDs proposed are 'ruled' over by official factions, and have to obey them. Where is your god now?
Official Factions are not rulers of the ID rules; we csn only request changes. Will they happen? Depends.

As you can see from me requesting five words to the Order ID, nu-uh. Not easy.

' Wrote:No, I didn't, because you prefaced with "I am drunk", but for what it's worth, the other ids you mentioned are also ruled over by officials. You were saying?
Stop judging a book by it's cover.

On this idea...


Either way, I still fufill my roleplsy as a member of the armed forves of X nation.

Reaching out to the Admins and the Community - suleman.mehmood - 05-24-2012

It is very simple,

When you die you like to re-engage.

When you killed some one and he re-engages then you get angry.

So the rules are rules, i checked this when i was in my LN char fighting RM.

Reaching out to the Admins and the Community - sindroms - 05-24-2012

' So much abuse. So very easy to do and so many sanctions as a result. Thanks but no thanks.

Oh, okay then. You can lock this now.