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Eppy's Current Projects - Jazz - 05-17-2008

' Wrote:My machine is very slow and very fragile. I used to call it the Brick, but I may have to change that to the Mica Crappile... 3ds sucks up most of its resources, and FL gets about three fps when it's running, with nothing else running, including fraps (which I have to use to take screenies, because my screenie button doesn't work). So, FL+3ds Max=Nein on the Brick.

It's official I am going to setup a paypal acc right now and start taking donations to get Eppy a new computer. I am DEAD srious, no one who is that important to Disco should have to live in such bad condition.

...ok maybe not dead serious, but if I can get your address I WILL send you a couple hundred buck to spent at the nearest Best Buy.

Eppy's Current Projects - metroid - 05-24-2008

the outcast's ship looks like it has a forward gun in it. personally i wanna see more ships with forward guns on them.

Eppy's Current Projects - Eppy - 06-05-2008

I'm back, folks, with-get ready for this-oh, you'll never guess!


It's a downsized version of the Outcast Battleship as-is with a number of improvements, such as being SMALLER. A lot smaller. It also isn't finished, this is just the rough cut. The bridge needs reworking, I have to add all the windows, some more armor and outriggers, and do the underside behind the engines, but this is a general guide to how it'll look, and to show that I have NOT been sitting on my bum for three weeks. Actually, I have, but it was productive bum-sitting...

[Image: 4-2.jpg]

[Image: 5-2.jpg]

[Image: 6-2.jpg]

[Image: 3-2.jpg]

[Image: 2-2.jpg]

[Image: 1-2.jpg]

Eppy's Current Projects - Boss - 06-05-2008

We love you Eppy <strike>and we want your babies</strike>.

Eppy's Current Projects - sovereign - 06-05-2008

Is that replacing the dessie? Its hawt, whatever it is...

Eppy's Current Projects - Eppy - 06-05-2008

It's the new Outcast Battleship. Now, digitally remastered without an ass the size of Yorkshire!

Eppy's Current Projects - Othman - 06-05-2008

Isn't the current Outcast Battleship a bit too agile with the handling? Or am I a paranoid?

Eppy's Current Projects - Eppy - 06-05-2008

You're paranoid, Caglar, the current Outcast Battleship is crap. Have you ever tried to turn it around? Watch out for that sun ten kilomters away. Not to mention it's as long as the frigging Dreadnought and it only has ten forward-firing guns...

Eppy's Current Projects - Sand_Spider - 06-05-2008

I like this new-and-improved version of the Outcast battleship, it has a unique shape to it that no other ship (battleship, cruiser, gunboat, or otherwise) has..

Eppy's Current Projects - Othman - 06-05-2008

' Wrote:You're paranoid, Caglar
Naw boy, I'm just boozy.. Good luck with the design anyway <.<