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Gas Miners Guild(GMG) - Printable Version

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Gas Miners Guild(GMG) - wrathkin - 05-14-2008

Thanks for the rumors! (another piece to fit in...)

Gas Miners Guild(GMG) - SimonBlack - 05-14-2008

I've read an Interspace rumor on Bonn station that they do not go further than Bonn station because of high pirate activity, it just isnt worth it. Synth Foods security wages in Stuttgart are huge and GMG is not as strong as it was during the 80 years war, they are no longer that capable of protecting Sigmas from Outcasts and Corsairs.

I guess it means that the war took its toll. Although it still is impressive that mere gas miners drove off such a huge Rheinland fleet.

I've also read another GMG rumor. It said that even if GMG has tactical and field advantage over Outcasts/Corsairs they still manage to break their lines sometimes.

Thats quite fun. Outcasts can compensate their lack of tactic with skill. It also means that GMG strategists/tacticians are rather skilled themselves, although Outcasts are superior on individual level.

Gas Miners Guild(GMG) - Dab - 05-14-2008

The Bundschuh issue; There are two possibilities.

One; They need changed to neutral with some friendliness on the side.
Two; They aer hostile because they were formerly citizens of Rheinland.. I'm doing a rep redo for the Kusari/Rheinland/Sigma regions, along with the shieldbuster rebalancing, so I'll get a list..

Gas Miners Guild(GMG) - Guyton - 05-14-2008

I would like to gather more information of them before placing a change in diplomacy. What have they done wrong towards the GMG? Why would they be considered hostile if they share a common enemy with the guild? My most recent interest would be the Red Hessains.

Gas Miners Guild(GMG) - Dab - 05-14-2008

As far as I can gather, Bundschuh have only done one thing wrong towards GMG.. They are descendants of Rheinland Citizens.. In my opinion, they SHOULDN'T be hostile to you, because you share a common enemy. (RM)

Red Hessiens could go either way.. They are more pirate than Bundschuh are. Also, they are allies of the Outcasts whom your hostile to. Since they are pirates, H-fuel shipments would be a worthwhile heist to them, even if it means hostile relations with the GMG. They also really aren't active in Sigmas, so your relations with RH shouldn't mean much.. They should be sticking to the Omegas.

Gas Miners Guild(GMG) - Guyton - 05-14-2008

One of our trade routes will bring us right into the heart of one of the Red Hessians patrol. This route is the most dominate of all others that we have researched thus far. The fact that they are allies to the Outcasts is more helpful than it is harmful. Since the Outcasts aid the Blood Dragons and rages conflict with the Corsairs who have taken refuge using the junker base in Sigma-13.

Gas Miners Guild(GMG) - Blodo - 05-14-2008

It doesn't really work that way though. Blood Dragons are allies out of necessity to Outcasts. Like the Red Hessians, the moment the Corsairs are dead they will break the alliance as they will see no further use for it and they still see Cardamine as a threat. The fact that GMG is under-the-table friendly to Blood Dragons means little when dealing with other pirates of the Outcast alliance, however it depends really. Red Hessians might or might not pirate GMG vessels due to neithers love for Corsairs or Rheinland Military. Depends on the situation I think.

And I agree with Dab: Like I argued in another topic already, the Bundschuh should not really be hostile due to GMG. Reasons for that are plentiful, just like reasons why ALG shouldn't be hostile to GMG.

Gas Miners Guild(GMG) - Guyton - 05-14-2008

Rheinland Cooperations

I was asked earlier in Sigma-13 for permission for a Rheinland Cooperation(Republican Shipping) to pass through the system. This is to all Rheinland cooperations:

Rheinland cooperations(civilians) are allowed to pass through the Sigma-13 system.

Rheinland authorities are not allowed to enter the system, period.
Are we allowed to pass through the system as escorts? No, no vessel carrying a Rheinland Military/Police ID is allowed to enter the system. If spotted it will be shot down on sight.

Gas Miners Guild(GMG) - sovereign - 05-15-2008

' Wrote:As far as I can gather, Bundschuh have only done one thing wrong towards GMG.. They are descendants of Rheinland Citizens.. In my opinion, they SHOULDN'T be hostile to you, because you share a common enemy. (RM)

Red Hessiens could go either way.. They are more pirate than Bundschuh are. Also, they are allies of the Outcasts whom your hostile to. Since they are pirates, H-fuel shipments would be a worthwhile heist to them, even if it means hostile relations with the GMG. They also really aren't active in Sigmas, so your relations with RH shouldn't mean much.. They should be sticking to the Omegas.

Actually, the RM is more of a distraction than anything else- Daumann/Kruger/Republican are the real enemies of the Bundschuh. Granted, Kruger started the war, but that war led to the popular revolution and better lives for the workers, even if not nearly as good as they should be. However, the Bundschuh are very nationalist, and I can easily see us lining up alongside the RM to repel a foreign fleet. Since the GMG are one such foreign fleet, I can see how the Bundschuh still resent them for breaking the economic backbone of Rheinland- they actually are to blame in part for the suffering at present, as well as being a cultural and national enemy. I say hostile.

Gas Miners Guild(GMG) - Guyton - 05-15-2008

Wouldn't a faction such as the Independent Miners Guild, would be the first in line for GMG interest? Both guilds are fiercy independent and relate in the same profession. Looking at the IMG faction proposal they even use the Taiiden classes as a ship option. Running into them roleplay wise they were found to be more friendly than most using the words "Brother Miners".