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Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - tfmachad - 07-03-2008


Thanks for the feedback, blunt.

It's a logistical issue in Rheinland really. New Berlin is Rheinland's hub in many ways, not only because of the Diamond/Niobium run, but mostly because of the Sigma-13 jump hole. I promise I'll write a petition to put a minefield around that place anytime soon.

That hole is the backdoor to Rheinland and not only it sits a couple of dozen clicks from the capital, there's a trade lane right next to it. It's insane. Not all times, but we do try and do round patrols in all Rheinland systems if we get the chance (mostly for a change of scenery to be honest), but it's not uncommon to get to Hamburg or Dresden just to be called back to New Berlin because there's **** hitting the fan outside the capital.

Strategically, what we do ends up being the best measure to keep New Berlin (and Rheinland for that matter) safe. On the lines of what you've said, I suggest we do random patrols more often, something we already do from time to time to great effect (I believe the majority of the smugglers we've caught were passing by either the Bonn or the Brandenburg crossing).

Statistically, most of the trouble ends up going to New Berlin anyway. However, now that the RFP is getting on its feet again, I'm sure they'll be of great help to us spreading up a bit.

Practically, we don't have a lot of other possibilities for checkpoints other than New Berlin. An excellent strategical spot for our forces to place a checkpoint would be at the Essen/Dortmund crossing, given it's proximity to New Berlin and the fact that it is an alternate route to that of the Planet, but that place is so heavily and constantly hit by Hessian NPC patrols it's hard to pay attention to what's passing by since you're most likely fending them off.

Pirna is constantly hit by Hessians and the Wild, not to mention there isn't much in Dresden and we try and avoid to move too close to Vogtland, so the Hessians have at least one safe haven inside of Rheinland.

The number of Hessian NPCs at Manheim is insane, it's impossible to stay there. Mainz is a bit better. But then again, who comes from Sigma-13 through Frankfurt when there's a faster way directly to New Berlin anyway?

Planet Stuttgart and the whole system is somewhat peaceful, but most of what comes from there is Nyobium to the Ring.

Even though there's a lot at stake in Hamburg in RP (the prison and the shipyard AND the borders to Liberty) there isn't a lot of activity there. When the [W]s were around we used to spend a lot of time there. Still, if I was to say, that's the second more frequented system for us.

Another issue is that RM can't afford spreading out too thin, since we almost exclusively fly fighters. We have to rely on each other for protection and firepower, so we can't really afford to be too separated from each other should some problem arise.

Also, you have a lot less freedom when you're playing law enforcement. We have to worry about numerous things (civilian protection, law enforcement, smuggling and piracy disruption, direct attacks against ourselves, civilian unrest and territory). Not only we pack up for protection and strength, but we end up packing up to configure a processing unity capable of addressing all that.

Anyway, it's an excellent suggestion.

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Sassafras - 07-08-2008

I'd like to respond to the overall leadership of the RM faction.

In the past two weeks, I've participated in two of the RM/RHA events on Sunday. And while the RHA had a good turnout of players for both events, the RM hardly had any. My hat's off to Gronath and Dieter trying to rally their players to action. One of the RHA players had to switch to an RM char to make the event a go. During the week, I will see the occasional one maybe two players in the game, but most days, nobody.

My question is, where is Virus? Is he not the leader of the faction? Don't the other members of the RM depend on you to lead them and to make the faction a fun and interesting place to be?

In real life, the solution to a faulty management position is to council the person on what the expectations of the position entails and if he or she has the time and/or ability to successfully fill the role. If not, a new manager is selected.

I can imagine that the successful running of a faction takes up a lot of time to do it right, and issues of work, family, and school will always come first. If these issues are present, then the faction leader should step down and give another player a chance to lead the faction. Otherwise, what's the use of a non-existent player filling the role of faction leader? It just hurts the faction and the game overall.

Freelancer is a public product with real people devoting a lot of time to play the game, successfully manage it, and donate their own money to maintain the server. To me, a faction is a vital component to the over all quality and enjoyment of the game. Faction leaders have to be responsible for the players in their faction and overall quality of the game.

I also feel it's a sign of disrespect to other players if a faction leader doesn't fulfill their role. I actually make time out of my day to participate in the scheduled events for my faction. Real people play this game and they take time out of their lives to be here, have fun, and support other players.

You may be asking who am I. Well, just a noob really. But I'm also the newest member of the RM, and I want to be in a fun and successful faction. Virus, I'll do my part to uphold the values of the Rheinland Military to the other players. I expect you to do your part as well.

Please take an honest look at your time and schedule and see if you can actively lead the faction, if not, either name a successor or ask Xoria or the other admins to recruit a replacement.

And please everyone, this is not a critique of Virus as a person or anything of a personal nature. The RM has every right to be one of the best factions in Disco, and I think we owe it to the other members of the faction to make it so.



Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Cawdor - 07-08-2008


/signed again, just to make sure.

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Virus - 07-08-2008

You may be right, but there is no suitable replacement. On my own I pay for the RM site (without which RM would probably crumble under the weight of its own management. I even asked the rest of RMHC what they would think of me passing the baton... And they said not to. Most of the problem much my lack of activity (which I'm not, I've just been busy that last week [Friday though a week to Monday]) and am just back into a sort of scheduled life, so that problem will hopefully be resolved. On top of that, I need to recruit more for the command, because I can't run this on my own, and there's only two of us who are REALLY active right now (that, and my current time is going to finishing a few things for the RM, like armouries and better rank system). After I finish my current online class I'll be more than back.

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - looqas - 07-08-2008

' Wrote:Unseelie has a point, Rob. I know you prefer to lead the faction from a political standpoint (by portraying the Reinhardt internally) rather than coming to the field in the shoes of the high ranked military leader. Problem is that when you come around as Lt. Engel or Cpl. Zirzow, our low ranked pilots don't recognize them as being Virus' characters or worse, they do, and all may gather mixed feelings about leading or following somebody else's orders when you could/should(?) be doing it yourself. I'm not proposing that you give up playing these characters. What I'm saying is that it wouldn't hurt us for you to have a military character from which you could lead us in the field, or at least share leadership with Caylith and Kane. I think it would add to RM's identification with its leader. Even though we have access to Reinhardt in our forums, he is not there flying with us.

Exactly what he said. As an analogy to this RHA was fading away and was pretty inactive during the December - January. Then Blodo, aka. Kaspar Meisnerr took over and he is on regularly. Leading the troops both in-game and in the forums. It's mainly because of his and Simon Black's hard work and very strong presence and leadership that has seen RHA's membership and server presence rocket.

You need to have an admiral or a clear leader (or maybe 2 or even 3) to give guidance and direction.

The times I've seen you in-game you've been pretty good to interact.

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Zeltak - 07-10-2008

Hello, I just want to introduce myself before I write in the feedback thread.

I'm a member of a small Unioner group who strolls Rheinland system in order to steal valuable cargo, and scavenge for lonely targets.

Roleplay is carried out in this link:

My character is Felix Zimmer, and today something happened that disappointed me when I and a Unioner member tried roleplaying inside New Berlin system which at the time consisted of first 2 RM pilots and later another one logged in.

We were basically flying about in the New Berlin system's space, once trying to grab the RM's attention by disabling a Trade Lane and carrying out a "hijack" roleplay on a republican NPC trader. After some lines of roleplay taking the said NPC trader down, we looted a fraction of the cargo and tried heading back home, (hoping that the RM would see an Roleplay opportunity that the Unioners committed unlawful act.) But no, they still were sitting next to New Berlin Planet thinking that two Unioner fighters would marsh into the very Capital Planet in some crazy suicide mission.

It disappointed me... that they in some way metagamed knowing that they would get huge NPC support (with battleship patrols and etc.) if we fought there, but instead we tried making a "Cop vs Bad guy chase" and then possibly end up fighting somewhere more remote, exactly like it is supposed to be. The unlawfuls are supposed to pirate/commit unlawful acts in places that are less defended forcing the lawfuls to chase them out of the system. Not blatanly waiting for us to charge right at their fortress...

I mean with all respect, if you guys claim to own the whole Rheinland Military NPC, then you would care about their safety too...

This is not a flame/insult/etc. I'm merely just disappointed and expected something more. I hope you guys can at least listen to me without saying I'm completely wrong.

With respect.
- Unioner Felix Zimmer

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Sassafras - 07-11-2008

Zeltak, I'm [RM]Friedrich.Pippart, and I understand your frustration since I was the planet hugging RM guy. I wanted to come out and arrest you, but my Captain was helping me setup my ship. I had no guns or shield yet and didn't want to break RP either.

Next time I'll by ready:)


Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Zeltak - 07-11-2008

' Wrote:Zeltak, I'm [RM]Friedrich.Pippart, and I understand your frustration since I was the planet hugging RM guy. I wanted to come out and arrest you, but my Captain was helping me setup my ship. I had no guns or shield yet and didn't want to break RP either.

Next time I'll by ready:)


Ah, I didn't saw you were setting up. I apologize.

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - sovereign - 07-11-2008

Oh yeah, for those claiming RM never log, I have a screenshot of five on at one time just tonight. YUS, party time in fascism land.

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Tenacity - 07-11-2008

Here's my feedback:

Compared to liberty, you guys are democrats.

STEP UP THE FASCISM! dont let liberty beat you.

oh, and get all of your members battleships for the coming liberty/rheinland war.