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Extraordinary equipment registry - Printable Version

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RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Operator - 12-29-2016

[Image: 850170ed31.png]
NEURAL NET ID: Doctor Warren Marek
LOCATION: Mobile Exploratory Center "Enigma", Omicron Delta
RECEIVER NEURAL NET ID: Rheinland Federal Polizei
TOPIC: Extraordinary Equipment Registry

To whom it may concern.

My name is Warren Marek, myself and my crew are specialists, who are up to reveal the nature of Hyperspace Rift Anomalies. Our explorations include the Uncoordinated Hyperspace Jumps and considering the possibilities of those, we can never predict when our ship will end up in Rheinland Space, so for sake of getting waste of possible problems, I request the permission for us to enter your space with the Jump Drive Module, Mark 3. Transmitting the required data.


RE: Extraordinary equipment registration - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 12-31-2016

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

[Image: Christiane_Laurich.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Christiane Laurich
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
TO: Doctor Warren Marek
SUBJECT: Jump Drive III equipment registration

Guten Tag, Herr Marek. Before your application for jumpdrive can be processed, you have to obtain permission to fly your Bustard carrier inside Rheinland space and register it in Special permission ships registry, because entrance permission for capital ships is superior procedure to extraordinary equipment registration.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Kommissar Laurich


RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Slainte - 01-01-2017

§1.1. Callsign of the ship
§1.2. Type of the ship
§1.3. Name of the Captain
Calum McDonald
§1.4. Ship papers (ID) and affiliation (IFF)
§1.5. Type(s) of the installed extraordinary equipment
Cloak Mark III
§1.6. Purpose
My ship carries precious cargo into Rhineland and the cloak is simply to avoid Pirates and other bad guys.
§1.7. Notes
The cloak would only be used to avoid Pirate encounters and a minimal amount of batteries would be held onboard for this use. Once cargo has been delivered into Rhineland all batteries would be removed from the hold. If an RFP or Navy officer is present in the system I am travelling in I would make my presence known to them to allow for inspection.

Thank you for your time

Calum McDonald

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - jim-drover - 01-03-2017

Name: Xuenqin-Jaiying
Ship Name: Xuenqin-Jaiying
Ship Type: Renzu liner : Ship data *wiki*
ID: Samura Industries
IFF: Samura
List of Equipments: Cloaking Device Mk3
Purpose: To trade and and establishing contacts
Notes: Mainly for comunications and arranging contracts for pob,s all around Sirius&Gallia with some trade on the side.

*oorp* I am planning to create an unofficial faction wich will focus on base contracts , this char is its spokesmen and will go to said bases to meet the owners

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - jim-drover - 01-05-2017

+++ Resending Transmission +++

(01-03-2017, 11:43 AM)jim-drover Wrote: Name: Xuenqin-Jaiying
Ship Name: Xuenqin-Jaiying
Ship Type: Renzu liner : Ship data *wiki*
ID: Samura Industries
IFF: Samura
List of Equipments: Cloaking Device Mk3
Purpose: To trade and and establishing contacts
Notes: Mainly for comunications and arranging contracts for pob,s all around Sirius&Gallia with some trade on the side.

*oorp* I am planning to create an unofficial faction wich will focus on base contracts , this char is its spokesmen and will go to said bases to meet the owners

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 01-05-2017

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

[Image: Christiane_Laurich.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Christiane Laurich
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
TO: Calum McDonald
SUBJECT: Cloaking Device Mk III equipment registration

Guten Tag, Sehr gehrteer Herr McDonald. My name is Christiane Laurich and I´m kommissar from administrative department of the Rheinland Federal Polizei which handle this registry.

The Oberkommando of the federal polizei reviewed your request but reached conclusion that it does not have enough information as you did not mention what cargo precisely you plan to import, from where and to what destination, or what amount per month your deliveries will reach.

Until you provide this information, decision about your application can not be made.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Kommissar Laurich



[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

[Image: Christiane_Laurich.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Christiane Laurich
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
TO: Xuenqin-Jaiying
SUBJECT: Cloaking Device Mk III equipment registration

Guten Tag, Herr Jaiying. My name is Christiane Laurich and I´m kommissar from administrative department of the Rheinland Federal Polizei which handle this registry.

The Oberkommando of the federal polizei reviewed your request and denied it. Reasons were not considered as sufficient since actions you described are not affected by possesion of cloak device in any way and can be performed successfully without it. Also you were not considered to be trustworthy enough to be allowed to use cloaking device in Rheinland space.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Kommissar Laurich


RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - jim-drover - 01-05-2017

Greetings agian,

I hope all is going wel today.

I realy must urge you to reconsider, you see. This ship is not only going trough safe space, it is also an researcher. It will need to go each system and sector search to find all bases.
As you can imagine that will mean going trough space where not all entities are friendly and because of that reason i want to be able and cloak in those area's

Cant we arange something like this : When ever i must enter Rheinland controled space i will seek out contact with someone of you're goverment. At agreement i will sell the Cloak batteries upon entering Rheinland space so i wont be able to pass by undetected.

I asure you my intentions are not to harm rheinland in any way, perhaps we could meet somewhere? Have a little chat for conditions, you can see what i am flying exactly . Maybe that will give you some more trust ?

I hope to hear soon agian from you, for now i wish you all the best.
Friendly regards from Xuenqin Jaiying
(01-05-2017, 09:46 PM)Rheinland Federal Polizei Wrote:
[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

[Image: Christiane_Laurich.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Christiane Laurich
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
TO: Calum McDonald
SUBJECT: Cloaking Device Mk III equipment registration

Guten Tag, Sehr gehrteer Herr McDonald. My name is Christiane Laurich and I´m kommissar from administrative department of the Rheinland Federal Polizei which handle this registry.

The Oberkommando of the federal polizei reviewed your request but reached conclusion that it does not have enough information as you did not mention what cargo precisely you plan to import, from where and to what destination, or what amount per month your deliveries will reach.

Until you provide this information, decision about your application can not be made.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Kommissar Laurich



[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

[Image: Christiane_Laurich.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Christiane Laurich
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
TO: Xuenqin-Jaiying
SUBJECT: Cloaking Device Mk III equipment registration

Guten Tag, Herr Jaiying. My name is Christiane Laurich and I´m kommissar from administrative department of the Rheinland Federal Polizei which handle this registry.

The Oberkommando of the federal polizei reviewed your request and denied it. Reasons were not considered as sufficient since actions you described are not affected by possesion of cloak device in any way and can be performed successfully without it. Also you were not considered to be trustworthy enough to be allowed to use cloaking device in Rheinland space.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Kommissar Laurich


RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Slainte - 01-06-2017

To: Kommissar Christiane Laurich, Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
From: Calum McDonald

Subject: Cloaking Device Mk III equipment registration

My apologies for the lack of information. I will do my best to answer your query.

I ship Niobium ores from the Tau 23 system to Planet New Berlin as well as Berylium and Gold ores from IMG stations and Miners in Bretonia, also to Planet New Berlin.
On return trips I haul Rheinbeer and other cargo such as base supplies from New Berlin and nearby stations to associated IMG stations.

As to the amount of trips into and out of Rheinland it depends on my available flight time. Normally once or twice per week. My hold is restricted in size to around 2100 units.

Again, The cloak would only be used to avoid Pirate encounters and a minimal amount of batteries would be held onboard for this use. Once cargo has been delivered into Rheinland all batteries would be removed from the hold. If an RFP or Navy officer is present in the system I am travelling in I would make my presence known to them to allow for inspection.

I hope this answers your query sufficiently and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours aye

Calum McDonald

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 01-08-2017

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

[Image: Christiane_Laurich.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Christiane Laurich
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
TO: Xuenqin-Jaiying
SUBJECT: Cloaking Device Mk III equipment registration

Guten Tag, Herr Jaiying.

Decision of the Oberkommando stays, your request is denied. Positions of all public and legal space stations are available in open sources, including NeuralNet Interactive Nav-Map. If you somehow do not have access to it, we can send you a list of them for a fee of two million credits. If you are interested in modular bases, list of public and legal installations can be send to you for a fee of 100 000 credits. All other bases you would find in Rheinland space are illegal or belong to enemies of the state, and thus are worthless for your business plans because you can not make any contracts with them as this would be illegal.

Thus there is no reason to give you permission to fly with cloaking device inside Rheinland. Ships with cloaking device onboard out of hands of law enforcement authorities are delicate matter due to possible security risk. For this reason, only known and trustworthy individuals or organizations are given permission to use them. We are sure that if you can afford expensive Renzu liner with such expensive technology as cloaking device, you can afford one smaller shuttle to conduct business negotiations in Rheinland.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Kommissar Laurich



[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

[Image: Christiane_Laurich.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Christiane Laurich
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
TO: Calum McDonald
SUBJECT: Cloaking Device Mk III equipment registration

Guten Tag, Sehr gehrteer Herr McDonald.

The Oberkommando of the federal polizei reviewed your request and denied it. Reasons were not considered as sufficient, because your deliveries can not be considered as business of national importance what would justify to give you permission to fly in Rheinland space with cloaking device. Understand, bitte, that ships with cloaking device onboard out of hands of law enforcement authorities are delicate matter due to possible security risk, and thus gains must balance this risk.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Kommissar Laurich


RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Alestone - 03-12-2017

[Image: 39OXucf.png]
[Image: oHLnUdr.png]

Alestone Enterprises

Source: -=AE=-|Ganesha, Tau-44 system
CommID: Charles Alestone, CEO Alestone Enterprises

Recipients: Rheinland Federal Polizei

Encryption: Commercial Standard

§1.1. Callsign of the ship: -=AE=-|Ganesha
§1.2. Type of the ship: Corvo
§1.3. Name of the Captain: Charles Alestone
§1.4. Ship papers (ID) and affiliation (IFF): Freelancer / Alestone Enterprises
§1.5. Type(s) of the installed extraordinary equipment: Hyperspace Survey Module Mk II
§1.6. Purpose: Stellar Research
§1.7. Notes: Ganesha is a research ship, and the Hyperspace Survey Module is part of the sensor array. It is not expected or intended to be routinely used as a coordinate generator so much as a passive scanner for gravitational and other stellar phenomena. If the Republic would prefer, Alestone Enterprises will stipulate that any coordinate generation will be declared to officials of the Republic prior to execution, with a report of those coordinates provided when completed. This request is primarily to allow travel through the Republic.