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What's the Craziest Thing You've Ever Done In FL Discovery? - Printable Version

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RE: What's the Craziest Thing You've Ever Done In FL Discovery? - Karst - 04-23-2013

(04-21-2013, 07:02 AM)glassofwater Wrote: Might I ask which? Was a certain GC involved? Or have you had much more.. shocking station RPs than that? I'm curious. Because I happen to recall a certain bar that was rather.. rampant with events.

Wasn't with Nev, sorry. That was long before I met you. I mean, it was probably less crazy for everyone else involved, but....yeah. Not gonna go into that.

RE: What's the Craziest Thing You've Ever Done In FL Discovery? - Zachary.Corfu - 04-24-2013

I let my Zoner dessie sit right outside next to Leipzig AFK with a Rheinland Military guy around.

He called me a wreck.

RE: What's the Craziest Thing You've Ever Done In FL Discovery? - r3vange - 04-24-2013

Actually anyone who met Maria would know...

RE: What's the Craziest Thing You've Ever Done In FL Discovery? - Fletcher - 04-24-2013

Or the nurse from the LWB...

RE: What's the Craziest Thing You've Ever Done In FL Discovery? - Sundance - 04-24-2013

Just yesterday I cornered myself into not being able to purchase any weapons for my Bretonian dessie, not even basics, due to rep issues. I was able to fix it all by purchasing, and outfitting, a reinforced cruise disruptor and killing 4 "Large Space Stations" using nothing but the disruptor.

RE: What's the Craziest Thing You've Ever Done In FL Discovery? - NoMe - 04-25-2013

Wink forget 200 spaceship crew (what shame) Cool

RE: What's the Craziest Thing You've Ever Done In FL Discovery? - Vrouw - 04-25-2013

When I was still a Phantom, I went into Liberty at peak time with my little squad of wannabe Phantom's, including a corrupted AI Battlecruiser and a bunch of Rogue fighters, bombers and gunships. About 15 people in total, versus all of Lulzerty.

It was pretty fun.

RE: What's the Craziest Thing You've Ever Done In FL Discovery? - monmarfori - 05-08-2013

I faced about 6-7 navy ships on my Barghest, all were caps. They ganked me and killed me.

RE: What's the Craziest Thing You've Ever Done In FL Discovery? - Crackpunch - 05-08-2013

Okay people, fighting lots of enemies is not noteworthy.

RE: What's the Craziest Thing You've Ever Done In FL Discovery? - Ash - 05-09-2013

Got disrupted by a guy in a VHF while trading in a percheron. Couldn't outrun him so turned to fight and ended up giving him such a pasting he ran off. I more than anyone was pretty surprised by the way things turned out.