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SF Message Dump - Printable Version

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SF Message Dump - Koolmo - 04-25-2007

Transmit to: All SF
Comm ID: SFCR Prinz Eugen

This is Kapitan von Moltke, currently on southampton shipyards. I regreat to report my command has been badly mauled by the Battleship Prox, apparently attached to The Brotherhood.

I recieved a signal that a Brotherhood ship was pirating a trader in cambridge just as I came through the New London gate, and moved to intercept. We pursued to the Omicron Theta jump hole in Omega 41, then ceased pursuit due to standing orders not to enter AW space. My XO feels that we shouldn't have even gotten that far, but most bretonians around here need to grow a few vital organs.

Spotted two Helghast moving through the Omegas from Rheinland, and moved to intercept. At this point, SFGB-MALTESEFALCON came on station, we met them in Cambridge, and intercepted near the Omega-5 hole, following them into same. They proceeded to dock on Cadiz base, before relaunching and engaging just the the Battleship Prox showed up.

Both the Scimitar and the Taiidian suffered heavy damage, but the battleship proved too much for both of us. They moved into Cambridge, and we followed, rushing blingly into a shooting-house of corsairs and battleship guns. After a small attempt at engagement, we retreated, and attempted to regroup at the planet, but the gunboat was caught and mangled beyond all repair.

After some hasty repairs, we proceeded to Cambridge, where, in a glorious attempt to reach safety, we were nearly overcome. Our shattered wreckage barely managed to slide into Cambridge docking bays. I'd like to commend my XO, Commander Washburn for bravery while under fire, and the following list of crewmen:


With the Rheinland parts here from the SFFG-Exeter, we should be operational again within the week.

Capital von Moltke, out

Transmission Ended

SF Message Dump - Firebird - 04-25-2007

Transmit to: SF Personnel
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

Situation Report: SFGB-Relentless
Had a Brotherhood vessel passing through Bretonia with a bit of an identity crisis...couldn't figure out if he was Gaian or Corsair, lol. Escorting him through to Edinburgh and dealing with some Gaians, he managed to find himself again...he was then promptly sent back to Omega-5 by the SFGB-Relentless.

Returning to Leeds, the Relentless also encountered a Phantom fighter attacking local police and trade. After a lengthly fight, the phantom was destroyed with no sign of an escape pod. It is believed he may have escaped into the nearby Magellan jump-hole avoiding capture. Continuing our patrols.

And on another note...please welcome Sophocles to the ranks of the SF. He'll be assisting in the protection of traders between Cambridge and Rhienland as part of battlegroup Excaliber. As customary whenever a new recruit joins the SF, the next round of drinks at the Cambridge Research Station bar is on the admiralty. Any questions or concerns Sophocles, feel free to PM me or any of the guys...likewise post any relevent encounters and other suitable info/questions/comments hear in the message dump.

Welcome to the SF.

Transmission Ended

SF Message Dump - Koolmo - 04-26-2007

Transmit to: SF Command
Comm ID: Longbow

Sirs, this is the SFGB-Longbow. After extensive testing and comparisons, we've decided, as a crew, to transfer to the Liberty model Li-383/H gunboat. It appears to have both more firepower and better weapons configuration, and the current model is, how to put this, a little outdated.

Thusly, the Longbow will be out of station for as long as two weeks, while we transfer and get used to our now vessel.

Yours, Lt-Commander Brutten, SFGB-Longbow

Transmission Ended

SF Message Dump - BestFlyerHere - 04-26-2007

Comm ID: Executive Commander Kaine
To: Admiral Firebird

What happened? My home system has been INVADED BY ONE OF YOUR MEMBERS!! Have you given permission for this? You must immediately kick this member from the Federation. What is the cause of this? We have not fired upon you! I demand an answer. You are now on a hostile status. This was unwarranted, and this has made me angry. Kaine out.

SF Message Dump - Firebird - 04-26-2007

' Wrote:Comm ID: Executive Commander Kaine
To: Admiral Firebird

What happened? My home system has been INVADED BY ONE OF YOUR MEMBERS!! Have you given permission for this? You must immediately kick this member from the Federation. What is the cause of this? We have not fired upon you! I demand an answer. You are now on a hostile status. This was unwarranted, and this has made me angry. Kaine out.

Comm ID: Admiral Firebird
To: Executive Commander Kaine

Who/what/when/why...details please otherwise I have no info on WTH is going on, particular since I haven't even received any info from my own people yet.
And no member will be kicked out of the SF unless warranted and you have not even provided the identity of the member who violated your terroritory and even what action they took while there. Do not jump the gun like your allies have done previously.

End of Transmission

OOC: Short version...WTF are you dribbling about?

ADDED (presuming i have access to the pics on your message dump):

Comm ID: Admiral Firebird
To: Executive Commander Kaine

K, SFB-Will is a recent trainee. His actions do not reflect the policy of the SF and I advise the HF to back off on this issue. I presume he did leave the system upon HF's request?

End of Transmission

SF Message Dump - BestFlyerHere - 04-27-2007

Comm ID: Executive Commander Kaine
To: Admiral Firebird

He did not. He entered at the request of an SA mercenary hired against us named "BRUNO'. Have you heard of him? Anyway, they were destroyed by an HF battleship. I request that you launch a full investigation on this matter. Thank you, Kaine out.

ooc: I've found you reasonable to deal with, and i knew you weren't behind it.

SF Message Dump - Denelo - 04-27-2007


Comm ID: Hellfire Legion Grand Admiral Mori
Target ID: Sirius Federation, CC Hellfire Legion Executive Commander Kaine
Encryption: None


I am afraid Executive Commander Kaine is mis-informed. Those were two different "invasions"

1. SA merc BRUTO invaded our space and attacked us. Destroyed.

2. Later, [SF]SFB-Will entered Vespucci. Left on request.

I was merely reporting them both at the same time. However, they did not happen at the same time. However, please inform your recruits (and everyone else in your faction, for that matter) that Vespucci is off limits to all but a select few clans.

Denelo out.

SF Message Dump - Firebird - 04-27-2007

Comm ID: Admiral Firebird
To: Executive Commander Kaine and Grand Admiral Mori

Thank you for the clarification regarding Will's actions as well as the restraint on not opening fire for his unapproved entry into Vespucci.

End of Transmission

Comm ID: Admiral Firebird
To: SF Personnel

Reminder, entering the guard system for hostile player factions can be considered an act of war.

HF have declared Vespucci a KOS area for the SF and thus consider it off limits. Adding this info to the status post for future reference. HF are also now on the same type of stance as AW. If encountered in Bretonia, ask them to state their business and destination. If they are uncooperative, acting in an unlawful manner or are lingering excessively for no reason you are free to engage. They are not welcomed in Bretonia, but may pass through.

End of Transmission

SF Message Dump - BestFlyerHere - 04-27-2007

Comm ID: Exec Comm Kaine
To: Firebird

Apparently it was a communication. I apologize, and am placing you back upon neutral status.

SF Message Dump - Fellow Hoodlum - 04-27-2007

MESSAGE TO: Admiral Firebird CiC [SF]Forces

COMM ID: Jay Simon CEO [IND]

Admiral, apologies for the little intrusion. I would just like to pass on my appreciation for your continual
assistance in dealing with the pirate element harrassing our traders in and around your sector of Sirius.
Particular thanks at this time go to the [SF[Prinz Eugen, who has been active in aiding us on two ocasions
I hope at least a very honourable mention in dispatches can go their way, if not a gong or two.
Please feel free to drop by our offices on Waterloo at anytime. The door is always open for the [SF] Chief.
Thanks again.