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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beunt - 10-03-2010

[incoming transmission]
[source.....................FltAdm Martin Bridge]
[noise filtering............done]
[opening message]


congratulation again for the successful security setup we deployed today. The meeting itself was a success too : all fleet are now allowed to fly Omega 7 and bring/request assistance to/from the Rheinland Military.

As a consequence, lieutenant-commanders or above are now to learn a bare minimum of Rheinländer, to deal with the local civilian folks whenever you operate without Rheinwher overwatch. Likewise, a general knowledge of what commodities are legal/restricted/controlled/forbidden in the Rheinland space could be of use, though not mandatory.

Have a good evening,

Fleet Admiral Martin Bridge.

[End of transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Deneth Aleski - 10-05-2010


PRIORITY: [color=#3366FF]Low
ENCRYPTION: Standard (Protocol 2-TR)
IDENTIFICATION: Lieutenant Commander Deneth Aleski
TARGET: Fleet Admiral Martin Bridge, BAF-DIS
SUBJECT: New policies

Fleet Admiral,

Should there be a need for it, I am willing to establish and supervise an intensive Rheinlandish crash course to inoculate our pilots and support personnel with a functional set of language skills. I believe that my mastery of the language and thorough knowledge of Rheinland law could be an asset to our forces.

LtCdr Deneth Aleski, Office of the Fleet Admiral

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beunt - 10-06-2010

[incoming transmission]
[source.....................FltAdm Martin Bridge]
[noise filtering............done]
[opening message]

Well Lieutenant Commander,

no questions asked, you are indeed the man of the situation. In order to make this extension of the BAF training effective I suggest you to contact the Queen Carina Academy staff and submit an adequate proposal. I will make Admiral L. Adama know about your project.

Good luck Aleski. Regards,

Fleet Admiral Martin Bridge.

[End of transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 10-08-2010

[Incoming transmission]
[Identification....Admiral Thrawn]
[Targeting.....FltAdm Martin Bridge]

Good day , Fleet Admiral Bridge!

I would like to inform you that I am using my second ship ,HMS|Redemption -gunboat class scout unit, who have been repeared and armed. Today on its first scout mission we have encountered an Order ship named : Casper_Orilion (an inde order pilot) Who didnt collaborate with our terms so we had to deal with him. The problem came when the pilot named : Jarek.Smuggler , a BMM ID-ed one with no affilcation (IFF) who was using a Shire...with 12x "Iron Hammer" Guns, Opened fire on me without any reason in middle between Essex and New London Jump Gate. Thanks to HMS-Airedale , who dealt fast with the gunboat who was firing on me too, I have menaged to survive and desstroy the shire. The enemy smuggler ship have been destroyed but I would like others to be caution of its presence...It seems our enemies are everywhere and there moves cant be predicted easly...

bretonia ships
:HMS|Redemption -bret GB
:HMS-Airedale -bret Dessi
enemy ships
:Jarek.Smuggler -Shire transport
:Casper_Orillion -Hathor GB
: Bretonians: 0 :Enemies: 2

Admiral Thrawn out... [End of transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jarek_70 - 10-09-2010

' Wrote:[Incoming transmission]
[Identification....Admiral Thrawn]
[Targeting.....FltAdm Martin Bridge]

Good day , Fleet Admiral Bridge!

I would like to inform you that I am using my second ship ,HMS|Redemption -gunboat class scout unit, who have been repeared and armed. Today on its first scout mission we have encountered an Order ship named : Casper_Orilion (an inde order pilot) Who didnt collaborate with our terms so we had to deal with him. The problem came when the pilot named : Jarek.Smuggler , a BMM ID-ed one with no affilcation (IFF) who was using a Shire...with 12x "Iron Hammer" Guns, Opened fire on me without any reason in middle between Essex and New London Jump Gate. Thanks to HMS-Airedale , who dealt fast with the gunboat who was firing on me too, I have menaged to survive and desstroy the shire. The enemy smuggler ship have been destroyed but I would like others to be caution of its presence...It seems our enemies are everywhere and there moves cant be predicted easly...

bretonia ships
:HMS|Redemption -bret GB
:HMS-Airedale -bret Dessi
enemy ships
:Jarek.Smuggler -Shire transport
:Casper_Orillion -Hathor GB
: Bretonians: 0 :Enemies: 2

Admiral Thrawn out... [End of transmission]
Guten tag.We gladly infomr you, that all Jarek mambers(his famili or suportes) declare now war ageinst you.Ewen his bro from RM is now renegate,just to deal whit you.Message out.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beunt - 10-09-2010

Battleship Harlow, Salisbury, 14h25.

"- Who the hell is this intruder ? Kick him from the net and change the encryption protocol."
"- Will do sir. Err... it might take twelve hours or so before all our ships communication devices are updated, especially our drones scouting Tau 23."
Bridge mumbled.
"- And another hyperprime number key burnt up, as well as 500,000 creds, probably because of a leak. Well. I don't want the Ministry of Defense hearing of this, so please wipe this message from the logs as soon as you can."
"- That shouldn't be a problem sir." said the tech officer, raising an eyebrow when hearing to this so unconventional order nonetheless.
"- And make sure this Jarek wont talk about our security problems. Track his signature first. Captain Haagen ?"
"- Fleet Admiral ?"
"- Send some of your men after this Jarek and have him arrested, bought, or wasted."
The man saluted and turned around, already mumbling in his comlink. Bridge then walked back to his desk and moved to more urgent tasks.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wellingtons - 10-09-2010

"Ah this key better work" Adama grumbled

Comm channel: Open
From: Admiral Lee Adama
Source: HMS-Norfolk
Subject: Combat Report

Good Afternoon Sirs,
Today I picked up a amber alarm from the Essex on long range comms. Indicating a Rheinland battleship by the name Jarek.RM was in Dublin so I launched my bomber and found a sizeable fleet already launched and engaging him 10 clicks from HMS Essex so I decided to sit back and watch the fleet tear him apart.
This will tell him not to mess with the Bretonian Armed Forces !

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Comm channel: Closed

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Tommeh - 10-14-2010

[Incoming transmission]
[Identification: Lt Alex Westbrook]
[Source: Battleship Derby]

Greetings, Lieutenant Westbrook reporting in after night spend patching up my Challenger, I know ,there are tehnicians for it, but I rather take part in it aswell.

[Image: 2r24vtu.png]

Emergency alarms were sounded, Kusari capitals were attempting planetary bombarding of Leeds, I launched my duck as met up with 1 HMS destroyer and 2 more bombers.
One being QCP, after few minutes one HMS battleship joined us, and the battle began. 2 Kusari battleships were heavly armoured, and from start we had trouble with making damage.
Meanwhile one Kusari gunboat showed up aswell, and started blasting our bombers, but with support from HMS battleship, we started doing good damage to one Kusari BS.
After a while, with constant bombarding with torpedos, supernovas, and heavy mortars, we brought one battleship to his knees, and soon we took him down.

[Image: 2808vur.png]

Second one was already damaged a bit, so our job was easier, and again with help of HMS BS, we managed to blast him aswell.
[Image: 2vmdpqf.png]

As only gunboat left, we handled him pretty easy with few supernova hits.

[Image: 2vdiooj.png]

We repeled another Kusari raid with minimal loses on our side, I do believe I almost overheated my torpedo and SNAC launcher, but for greater good *chuckles*.
That would be all.

[Transmission closed]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beunt - 10-15-2010

[incoming transmission]
[source......................Flt Adm Bridge]
[noise filtering............done]
[opening message]

Good day officers,

please forward to your wings or crew we are looking for recorded evidences of a certain Gullveig -or whatever the correct spelling- hunting our troops for money. Please gather guncams, possibly one of each of his ships used for actual attacks against our forces, and send them to the data vault via this channel.

All other orders remain the same.

Have a good evening,
Fleet Admiral Martin Bridge, BAF admiralty board.

[End of transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Daerune - 10-18-2010

[Image: communicatiogns.png]

Well today as my first'€¦ official day in her majesties glorious Armed forces, I was called out for assistance to be pitted against the KIF Battleships'€¦ Ein and Kangji.. something a rather, the main forces for the Armed forces were

HMS-Illustrious -Destroyer
HMS-Glowworm '€“Destroyer
BAF|Knight - Challanger - (Shared ship me)

The other two were Kusari battleships, who didn't stand a chance as they lured us to a third, soon after Ein's destruction near the Tau 31 jump gate. I had to take the Knight out as I have yet to acquire a bomber class ship that I may fly, I had the killing blow in the fight against the Ein but the other battleship escaped under the cover of the Ion storm sadly enough, I was not there for the full confrontation so I can't report on to much only on the end effect.
[Image: einkill.jpg]

Ensign Dangen over and out