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Player Owned Bases Attack Declaration Archive - Printable Version

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RE: Player Owned Bases Attack Declaration Thread - Sava - 02-09-2021

Name of faction: Corsairs
Name of Player Owned Base: Dublin Ore Depot
Link to RP showing intent to attack: core 1

RE: Player Owned Bases Attack Declaration Thread - Mephistoles - 02-15-2021

Name of player(s)/faction(s): Gas Miners Guild
Name of Player Owned Base: Borkum Storage
Link to RP showing intent to attack: Core 1

RE: Player Owned Bases Attack Declaration Thread - Mephistoles - 02-19-2021

Name of player(s)/faction(s): Gas Miners Guild
Name of Player Owned Base: Sendai Depot
Link to RP showing intent to attack: Core 1

RE: Player Owned Bases Attack Declaration Thread - Yokubo - 02-22-2021

Name of player(s)/faction(s): Blood Dragons
Name of Player Owned Base: Narita Cargo Terminal B-1
Link to RP showing intent to attack: Core 1

RE: Player Owned Bases Attack Declaration Thread - Groshyr - 02-23-2021

Name of player(s)/faction(s): Gallic Navy, Gallic National Intelligence
Name of Player Owned Base: Martinique
Link to RP showing intent to attack: C1

RE: Player Owned Bases Attack Declaration Thread - Megaera - 03-01-2021

Name of player(s)/faction(s): Golden Chrysanthemums, GC-
Name of Player Owned Base: Shirosato Station
Link to RP showing intent to attack: Core 1

RE: Player Owned Bases Attack Declaration Thread - Megaera - 03-04-2021

Name of player(s)/faction(s): Golden Chrysanthemums, GC-
Name of Player Owned Base: Shirosato Station
Link to RP showing intent to attack: Core 1 Link 1 link 2

RE: Player Owned Bases Attack Declaration Thread - WiseTaurus - 03-04-2021

Name of player(s)/faction(s): Outcasts, HS>
Name of Player Owned Base: Shirosato Station
Link to RP showing intent to attack: Core 1

RE: Player Owned Bases Attack Declaration Thread - ellipsis - 03-04-2021

Name of player(s)/faction(s): Blood Dragons, BD|
Name of Player Owned Base: Shirosato Station
Link to RP showing intent to attack: Link 1 Link 2

RE: Player Owned Bases Attack Declaration Thread - Stewgar - 03-04-2021

Name of player(s)/faction(s): Destructor_Solar
Name of Player Owned Base: Shirosato Station
Link to RP showing intent to attack: Core 1