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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Daerune - 10-26-2010

Communications Identification: Ensign Christopher Dangen

"For the few hours I have been on here and there, there has barely been any activity, except for a Pirate transport that hightailed it and two Corsair bombers, but unfortunately my ships going through repairs as I didn't win said fight with the corsairs." Rubbing his wrist which was red he speaks again. "That's about it for what I've done this week."

Transmission complete

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jam - 10-28-2010

--[Incoming Transmittion]--
Sender ID: Lieutenant-Commander John Clay
Subject: Battle report
Report Begin

Good day everyone,
Today, I met a Corsair Mejor.Amigo|Sails, Imperator class gunboat, in Leeds. He started to run when he spotted me. He jumped to New London (I followed) and then he tried to arrest me and take me to "Etna". Luckily, Admiral Lee Adama arrived just in time when the Sails started to shoot at me. Then, he started to run and managed to dock at Trafalgar.

It is not all though. When I was returning to Southampton Shipyard, two Outcast Tridentes, Advant[Ori] and [O]Lt-Dm.Zetr`O, disrupted my cruise engines, and demanded 2 millions from me under a threat of death. I called for help, while Adama was talking with them. And we had really impressive reinforcements: HMS-Redoubt, commanded by Captain Bentley Ashers; Commodore Amadeus Blair in his Duck. Battle started after Blair said: "I want them dead. All of them." Unfortunately, first part of battle went very bad for us. Another Tridente, Adan.Muchaches joined the Outcasts, both Adama and Blair got their ducks destroyed, and we were about to lose it when Rick.Parker (in Duck) and Thin.Blue.Line (in Hussar) and assisted us. With their help, we managed to destroy all 3 Tridentes.

I wonder why the Outcasts attacked me. As far as I know we have a peace with them.
That is all,
Clay out.

End of Report

--[Transmittion Terminated]--

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - guitarguy - 10-29-2010

:::Incoming Transmission:::
Source: Admiral Blake Owen
Subject: Intercepted Communications

During a routine Dublin patrol, a BAF| task force was able to intercept the following conversation between a Corsair, Zoner, and SCRA captain. >>Audio Log<<

The Following are guncam shots of the ships.

>>Shot One<<

>>Shot Two<<

I advise forwarding this to our intelligence services.


Admiral Owen

:::Transmission Terminated:::

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beunt - 10-29-2010

[incoming transmission]
[source.....................FltAdm Martin Bridge]
[noise filtering............done]
[opening message]

Memo to all fleets :

The Shipping Division of the Liberty Navy, identified as the LLS, has renewd its clearance to ship MVS in Bretonian space with a specific route. This wing will follow the usual level B clearance, the same than for Bretonian traders, with the following exceptions :
  • They are granted Libertonian military escort, up to gunboat class.
  • They got clearance to run the Stoke lane up to LD14 exclusively for trading purpose, without escort wing.
In case of emergency those convoys are given level A priority, considering the sensitive nature of the delivered good and of the suppliers. Besides this, no need to report any of their movement if their operations run smootly, our officers already have enough paperwork to take care of.

Fleet Admiral Martin Bridge.

[End of transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wellingtons - 10-30-2010

Comm channel: Open
From: Admiral Lee Adama
Source: HMS-Norfolk
Subject: Late combat Report

Well lads I am finally getting round to this piece of paperwork.

A few days ago I picked up a distress from Southampton Shipyards saying that a corsair dreadnought by the name Hyperion of Bukovita was close by so I launched from the HMS Derby where I was resting following a kusari attack earlier on.

Upon arriving at the New London gate a pilot by the name Jock contacted me saying that he heard the distress signal and wanted to help. When we reached Southampton Shipyards I ordered Jock to sweep the east side of New London and I swept the west side of New London.

After a while Jock found the corsair dreadnought and we received reinforcements in the name of HMS Warspite. We then proceeded to take down the dreadnought with Jock scoring a fatal hit on the main reactor of the battleship.
Image 1

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Comm channel: Closed

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Trim - 10-31-2010

----COMM ID: Robert Woodrow----

Greetings to all.

Yesterday, we managed to seriously cripple the Indian forces, again. We destroyed multiple ships, with minimal losses (one). The HMS-Earl.of.Dundonald's Razor gunners notched up one kill, and a her missile turrets got two! I got a final shot on one, and Mr Goodman shot down one. The last one was chased to a planet, and dived into the atmosphere to avoid capture. (//Dunno much about that last bit, had connection error//).

Here's the proof.

Well done, and my thanks extends to the [BOB], Austin Goodman, the Bounty Hunter, the Clown and the Repair Ship, Halo's Reach. Also to any BAF officers present at the time. After that, I landed on the Derby and powered down my ship. Good day to all.

Lieutenant Commander Robert Woodrow out.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Trim - 10-31-2010

----COMM ID: Robert Woodrow----

Quick patrol report from earlier today. I escorted two traders to LD-14 who were carrying supplies. Also had a nice chat with a lad from the BMM about if his ship and setup was allowed by law.

While discussing that with him Cadet Nathan Bray was put out of action by a Corsair, who was engaged with BPA Inspector Hidamari and some other person who I missed. I engaged and put her out of action.


After some time on the Leeds blockade, it was quiet so I landed.

Lieutenant Commander Robert Woodrow out.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jam - 11-02-2010

--[Incoming Transmittion]--
Sender ID: Lieutenant-Commander John Clay
Subject: Fight with an Indian
Report Begin

Good day sirs,
Today, I met a lone Indian Sabre The.Montauk. I escorted him out of Dublin to Omega-49 and told him that he will become a toast if he returns. Then we jumped, I kept guarding the hole. And the Indian returned. He started to flee towards Chester. He stopped near the Jump Hole, and we started to fight. He got heavily damaged, and ran away.
I expect the Indians will raid Bretonia soon, as he was really angry, and desperate.

That's all I have to say
Clay out.

End of Report

--[Transmittion Terminated]--

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beunt - 11-06-2010

[incoming transmission]
[source.....................FltAdm Martin Bridge]
[noise filtering............done]
[opening message]

Greetings gentlemen.

While war took its toll and our command chain suffered losses, more pilots showed their potential, decication and bravery on the too numerous battledfronts throughout the Kingdom. These pilots are now ready to lead the newer generations to combat, and inspire those who stepped aside of these troubled times with the examples of their brave deeds.

Promoted to Commodore : captain Ashers Bentley. Congratulation Commodore, you are now assigned to the Ark Royal command deck. This battleship was my previous assignment before I settled on the Harlow, so treat this lady well.

Promoted to Commander : Lieutenant-Commanders John Clay, Michael Clay, Robert Woodrow. Congratulation chaps. As commanders you will now command full wings, not mere squads anymore, so be ready for it. More lifes depend on your decisions now.

Promoted to Lieutenant : ensigns Lance Leroy, Christopher Dangen. Welcome to the first circle of the command chain lads. Do not think your task be easier than for officers above, as you will have to ensure the survival for the coming unexperienced pilots.

The rest do not change much : make Bretonia and myself proud, and be proud of your uniform. That is all for now, you may falll out.


Fleet Admiral Martin Bridge.

[End of transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wellingtons - 11-06-2010

The new officers stepped forward to receive their new insignias.