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Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Printable Version

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RE: Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Protton - 03-05-2013

Message detected:
Message open:
ID: John Gyrlas, recruit, IMG
Subject: Mining report
This is a report about todays mining operation that took place in Omega-3.

We were mining water to sell at Falster in the same system. You can see us mining near Aland here.

We mined till I got a full load, you can see that here.

Then I made way to Falster to sell the water (here).

The ships that took part of this operation are:
IMG|Cow.Run[R] (my ship, transport)
IMG|Temasek - miner

Operation went as planed. Noone was hurt and we suceeded in bringing the water to Falster.

Gyrlas over and out.

RE: Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - SummerMcLovin - 03-06-2013

[Image: EricPearce.png]

Pearce here with details of a pleasantly efficient skirmish,

Jarael had gotten herself into a scrap with a Ransuer and we'd been called in to assist. Thinking it'd be easy work, a Samarran came in torpedoes-blazing to hassle our wing. I actually took him out so quickly I didn't even get a proper scan, and with him out of the way "Siberian100" was soon destroyed too.

For the Guild,
Eric Pearce

[Image: ClaireOwens.png]

A short one for me,

One convoy I ended up babysitting alongside Josh Hannigan, the usual Silver run from the Omegas to Harris and onto Siloso. I've got Jenna up on Java for a bit, so we'll be closer to Sam and Dennis while they work with the Discordians.
Speaking of my husband, he was just setting off to New Berlin before getting a shuttle back up here.

Until next time,
Claire Owens

RE: Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Jack_Henderson - 03-06-2013

[Image: julia.png]

**** SENDER: Julia Morrow ****

**** TO: IMG Guildcomms ****

We did quite some flights, and I did not have to report all of them myself. Thanks to Owens, I could cut down on the red tape a little.

So, a few things were noteworthy, though. Because... I think I put up the first cruiser kill as a claim for the newly CAU8 armored Shire "Falling Teardrop", as well as an intercept kill on a slaver.

1. Day.Walker - Outcast Storta

The Storta intercepted the convoy at Harris and was able to single out one. He was forced to pay, while the rest made it to Harris safely. After that, bomber wings from T23 flew in, so I decided to keep the pirate warship busy talking.

The bombers engaged and I joined in. I was honestly curious in the protection that the warship class 8 armor provides and even though I took a fair deal of damage, 12 type 3 guns did some fair share of damage on him, too.

[Image: kill23_9.png]

1. Inqus - small Slaver Transport

Anna McCarthy spotted a slave transport and gave chase. Her Sabre lacked the firepower to take it out. My Shire did not. He exploded, the slaves were taken to Freeport 10 and freed.

[Image: kill23_3.png]

<< === === === === === === === === >>

So, this concludes the interesting part. These are the routine reports of the convoy activity of the last weeks.

[Image: convoy23_1.png]

[Image: convoy23_2.png]

[Image: convoy23_3.png]

Julia Morrow
Transporting Division

[Image: laura.png]

**** SENDER: Laura Huntington ****

**** TO: IMG Guildcomms ****

A lot of fighting happened lately and here they come.

1. (SR~ Miguel Mihura
[Image: kill23_1.png]

2. [XTF]Lock_Down
[Image: kill23_10.png]

3. [XTF]Karaki:
[Image: kill23_11.png]

4. K'Hara|Ziusudra - Nomad Cruiser
[Image: kill23_12.png]

5. Night.Hawk - Storta OC
[Image: kill23_13.png]

6. Siberian100
[Image: kill23_2.png]

7. SU27 - Storta OC
[Image: kill23_4.png]

8. Night.Hawk - Storta OC
[Image: kill23_5.png]

9. Mateo.Dante
[Image: kill23_6.png]

10. The.Dirty.Shark - Storta OC
[Image: kill23_7.png]

11. Rodriguez[101st] - Sabre
[Image: kill23_8.png]

Laura Huntington
Tau Defense

[Image: sean.png]

**** SENDER: Sean Henderson ****

**** TO: IMG Guildcomms ****

The Omegas have been remarkably quiet for quite a while. We are running our routing patrols but there is hardly anything to report. So... I'll just keep it that short.

Sean Henderson
Omega Defense

[Image: end.png]

Current count: Laura
snubs/gbs: 8+2 || +3+4+3 ||+1 +2 +2 +1 +2 +2 ||+1 +9 || +5
caps: 1+3+1+3+1+1 || +1 +1 +1 +5 +1 +1 || +3 +5 +2 || +4
Interception: 1
high prestige: 1+2+1+1 || +1 +2 +2 || +4 +1 || +5 || +3 +2 || +3

convoy reports made: 1+1+1+2+3+2 || +2+3 || +1 +1 +1 || +4 +2 || +2+1 +5 || +3+3
convoys flown (not reported myself): .........5. ||+3 +2 +2 || +3+1 || +2 ||
smuggling: 1+1+1+1
snub kills: 2+2+1 || +2
cap/gb/transp kills: 1+1 || 1 +1 || 1+ 1 || + 1

snubs/gbs: 2+1+1+2
caps: 1+1+3
Escort: 1

RE: Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - andreo009 - 03-09-2013

....Incoming Transmission....
...Opening Channel...

ID: Tom Barrett
Encryption: Normal
Subject: Todays convoy report

Good morning guildmembers

Started off early in Omega 7 today. Felt like getting up and earning some money again... I took out Golden Handshake today and got it filled with Cobalt ore.
We filled out the other transports too, in no time. After forming up we headed to New Tokyo, Narita. Where an order was placed for the ore. Don't have an exact view on the manifest or the order bill, but they were happy to see that we were well represented... Even a Renzu joined up and acted as additional scout for us. Good guy, kept his eyes open... all we could ask for.
Some time later after the dropoff we gathered at New Tokyo to pick up supplies for Fort Siloso. There was quite some traffic, but the surveillance team was so kind to send me a picture of the convoy as we were waiting.

>>>> 8200309/tai-00203/contactlog.07->NTYO.kps <<<<

That was all, no further incursions of any kind. Supplies safely dropped off.

PS @ adminstrative matters: my console is telling me that i'm 1 convoy report short of an award. I was wondering if you could check the files again cause i'm sure there should be more. At any rate, I heard there was some sort of medal unlocked with this transport convoy. But i'll leave it up to you. My stats are attached below.

Clockin' out

Tom Barrett
Transportation Division
convoy reports made: 3
convoys flown (not reported myself): 8
smuggling: 2
snub kills: 0
gb kills: 0
.Decryping Complete.
..End of Stream..
...Closing Channel...
....Transmission Terminated....

Patrol Report 21 | Convoy Report 6 - Tachyon - 03-10-2013


Guild Defense Pilot - Raymon Lister

Last week probably was one of the fighting-heaviest lately - Tau 23 was comparable to a trench war between Java and the Outcast Rock. Most of the time I acted as support asset in tactical craft, but also scored my own or major assist-kills.
Furthermore a few engagements in the Omegas with IMG-hostile Hessian and Coalition groups resulted in several pirate ships being eliminated.

[Image: poof1.png]
[Image: poof2.png]
[Image: poof3.png]
[Image: poof4.png]
[Image: poof4.png]
[Image: poof5.png]


A large convoy departed from Java towards New Berlin, the Omega-Route. The Ore delivery was a smooth operation with not a single interruption; however, in the Omega corridor a group of Hessians, consisting of three Bombers and a Gunship, tagged RH- ambushed us and managed to destroy one transport before all their forces were vaporized.

IMG vessels included in the operation:

(1) IMG|Raymon^Lister [Escort]
(2) IMG|Berndt's.Palace [T1]
(3) IMG|Falling.Teardrop ; (4) IMG|Cow.Run[R] ; (5) IMG|Cast-Of-Iron ; (6) IMG|Jessica.Ennis [Destroyed]; (7) MiCo|Transport-Richard

[Image: conv14s.jpg]


Signed, Raymon Lister


Patrol Report 22 | Convoy Report 7 - Tachyon - 03-21-2013


Guild Defense Pilot - Raymon Lister

The last Outcasts, Pirates and Golden C's I helped shooting down.

[Image: kaplom1.png]
[Image: kaplom2.png]
[Image: kaplom3.png]


Another convoy run on the New Berlin route, nothing special happened.

IMG vessels included in the operation:

(1) IMG|Raymon`Lister [Escort]
(2) IMG|Full.Broadside [T1]
(3) IMG|Julia:Morrow ; (4) IMG|Marsupial ; (5) IMG|Earnest.Quest ; (6) IMG|Eternity ; (7) IMG|Bonus.Runner

[Image: screen1ez.jpg]


Signed, Raymon Lister


RE: Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Starsunder - 03-22-2013

[Image: ayumi_02.jpg]

Konnichiwa, Guild! Today, while getting supplies for Siloso, I came across an interesting sight at Java!

[Image: 8580355256_42903df109_o.jpg]

[Image: 8580355242_927d4dabdf_o.jpg]

[Image: 8580355264_de5c5bb2ee_o.jpg]

I'm not sure how, but it actually managed to dock on Java! Weird, huh? Anyway, that's all for now! Siloso resupplied with some 3k FOW and 500 BAs! Until next time! Sayonara!

RE: Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Jack_Henderson - 03-28-2013

[Image: julia.png]

**** SENDER: Julia Morrow ****

**** TO: IMG Guildcomms ****

Hey, Julia here. We did a lot of activity today. The Commander of the IMG|Gyrlas does the convoy reports - or else I will find and kick him in his butt.

What I report though is a smuggling run that we did when we returned from a Silver run to Harris and delivered H-Fuel to Arranmore.

We did three transport loads of H-Fuel
  • 4660 units by IMG|Julia.Morrow
  • 3250 units by IMG|Sucker.Punch
  • 4125 units by IMG|Sunrise[R]

Visual proof:

[Image: molly_del1.png]

[Image: molly_del2.png]

[Image: molly_del3.png]

Mr. Jack Henderson has been handed the material to report it to the Mollys.

Julia Morrow
Transport Captain

[Image: end.png]

RE: Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Protton - 03-28-2013

Message detected:
Opening message...
Mesage open.
This is a report about two convoys today
One was from Tau-23, hauling berilium ore, the other was from Omega-7 hauling silver. We also filled up Falster trade station.

You can see the photo of the first convoy here:
[Image: screen39h.png]

You can see a bounty hunter and another transport, the transport ran the convoy with us, then he took some cobalt at Omega-7 and departed.

The same people, safe for the Double-Edge, as I have written before, made the second run.

The bounty hunter had been escorting us while we mined in Omega-7 and then he joined our guild. Welcome!

So on this image, the escort ship next to Julia is indeed the same escort as before.
[Image: screen42g.png]

All went well, all is good. We have not lost anything and we made money, what is not to love?
Message closed.

RE: Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Alfred krutz - 03-30-2013

Incoming Transmission:
Transmission from IMG|HunterHms[R] (James Walker)
Transmission Subject: Convoy Reports

[Image: Icon.jpg]Greetings fellow IMG members, this will be my first report of many.

Yesterday (29/03) I smuggled H-Fuel to the Molly Base Arranmore
[Image: rsz_h-fuel_arranmore_1.jpg]

While today I participated in two large scale convoys with fellow IMG members.

The first of which was done with just three of us.


[Image: rsz_tr2.jpg]
We delivered Niobium from Tau- 23 to New Berlin both myself and IMG|Cow.Run were both in Shires IMG|Sea was providing scout and was in an Eagle. The trip was mostly uneventful up until IMG|Sea took us through to Chugoku and was unable to find the Sigma- 13 Jumphole. After a short time searching for it we then proceeded onto New Berlin with no disruptions or events to report of.

[Image: rsz_tr7.jpg]

The second convoy was larger in size and cosisted of the following players:


[Image: rsz_tr9.jpg]

Only event worthy of mention on this convoy run was the meeting of a corsair Battleship at the Dublin Jumphole on the way back however all members of the convoy survived and profit was made.

This is IMG|HunterHms[R] signing off.

End transmission...