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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 02-26-2008

Comm. ID: Captain Ares

Message Begins//

Well, I was relaxing in Kalashnikov's this evening until a Yellow Alert came online... a TBH fighter, a Centurion piloted by Miguel Sephardi had entered Omega-52. He attempted to draw me out, taunting my so-called cowardice and the like. He had an independent buddy nearby in a gunboat, so, of course, I refused. There was no way that they could harm the station.

Well, surprisingly, for some strange reason, Sephardi attempted to show some pointless 'honour' and asked the gunboat to leave.

I launched, pasted his Centurion without losing my shields, then returned to the bar to finish off the paperwork for Vasiliy Prutko's promotion to Lieutenant Commander.

That's right, Vasiliy is now Lieutenant Commander Prutko. He should head to the bar and join both his and Baranov's party.

-Ares out

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Spear - 02-26-2008

To: SCRA Command
From: Lieutenant Commander Prutko

Thank you comrade for this promotion so early in my service to the revolution! Heading to the bar right now, there's a bottle of vodka with my name on it.

Prutko out

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cmfalconer - 02-28-2008

CommID: Alexi Karchov
Addressee: SCRA Command
Origin: Cape Verde Station Omega 52

I launched last night at the scheduled time, but no one was about, so I proceeded toward Omega5 en route to Cambridge and a little shake-down cruise in my bomber. Weapon systems are still not kitted out, and there's a strange bug in the cutouts, firing the wrong weapon group, but I'll get it fixed.

As I proceeded through O5 toward the Cambridge JH, Voronov hailed me on private comms. I ignored the traitor and proceeded to Cambridge...

...Where I met him at the Jumphole. He faced me in his RTalon, but did not fire. As I didn't have a chance in a still-unfit Bomber, I tried to run, but he said he would not fire, only talk.

I'm not sure what I was thinking, or what command will do to me for it, but I humored him and gave my word I would not fire unless provoked. We parked 1k away from each other and opened communications.

As predicted, Voronov spouted rhetoric about how he was betrayed, how Captain Ares tried to kill him unprovoked, how I was a puppet of the High Command. He told me to check the histories, why was he alive, etc. He sounded more a drone reciting what he'd been programmed to rather than human.

I told him he was in error, that he'd abandoned his ideals of fighting for the people to ally himself with the elitist Brotherhood, but to no avail.

In the end, Voronov abided by the truce-flag and did not fire, and I kept my honor by doing the same. I made my way back to Cape Verde and for the next several hours sat in front of a terminal studying the history between the SCRA and the Corsair Brotherhood.

I accept what punishments command deem worthy for this dereliction of duty.

On another note, while engaged in conversation, Voronov and I were harassed by the BPA. When told a private conversation was commencing, they would not leave over. It seems they have no idea who the SCRA are...I think we should change that.

For now I will confine myself to my bunk, awaiting your decision.

Lt. Alexi Karchov out.

Transmission end

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 02-28-2008

To: Lt. Karchov
Comm. ID: Captain Ares

Message Begins//

Hmm. When dealing with TBH, excepting Joe Costello, orders are to kill or retreat. I can't say I approve of negotiating your way out of it like that, but at least you aren't hurt.

It is a good idea to keep track of long range scans, to see if potentially dangerous hostiles are around.

As to the facts, Commander Totenkopt of the Reconnaisance Squadron tried to kill Voronov, not I. Of course, this execution would have been warranted, since he did unashamedly commit treasonous acts after a long period of ill-discipline.

Stay safe out there, and forward the Revolution.

-Ares out

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 03-01-2008

Comm. ID: Captain Jan Richthofen, RACS-Ho.Chi.Minh

Message Begins//

---ost oxygen on ---ck four... multiple casu--- outnumbered due to bad inte---gence.

--cape pods launched towards Kappa. Currently drifting in need of emergenc---

Shu--- down communications to save---

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cmfalconer - 03-04-2008

CommID: Lt. Alexi Karchov
To: SCRA Command
Message Trace: Gran Canaria - Omega 49

Sir, I am happy to report my Taiidan Bomber is now fully outfitted and ready for maneuvers. I have taken the liberty of outfitting her myself instead of taking the Army's stores from the Havana or the Warsaw.

Right now, she's got 2 IRON HAMMERS, 2 Imp. Debilitators, 1 SuperNova and 1 MiniRazor. She's going to pack quite a punch.

I was hoping to put 4 EXCALIBURS on her, but these are very rare and quite expensive. I've gotten my hands on one however.

On another topic, but related, what is the regulation on naming our fighters and bombers? If possible, I'd like to call my bomber Natalia.

Lt. Alexi Karchov out

Message end

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 03-04-2008

To: Lt. Karchov
Comm. ID: Captain Ares

--Communication Initiatied--

I don't like to name my own ships, makes it hurt more when they take a hit, you know... but then again, if you follow the standard 'RAB-Alexi.Karchov' call signs, you can name her whatever you like. Hell, it might be an incentive to dodge fire... hmm... maybe I should name my fighter... yeah... I think I will... I'm going to call my Raven's Talon 'Leonor'... hopefully she doesn't find out about my Tiger Shark or bomber, heheh.

Anyway, on your armaments, I wouldn't advise mixing debilitators with coded arms. They don't synchronise well. We have some spare del Cid weaponry left, from an old arms deal with Crete, in some of our armouries to replace them, should you wish to try them out, let myself or Lt. Commander Baranov know... don't lose the debilitators though... we'll need them.
-Ares out-

--Communication Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cmfalconer - 03-06-2008

CommID: Lt. Alexi Karchov
Target: SCRA Command
Message Origin: Cape Verde Station Omega 52
Subject: After-action report

Greetings Comrades! I come to you victorious in our fight against the oppressors in the Houses of Sirius.

I launched in my Taiidan Natalia at the appropriated time, but no one else was around, so I thought I'd get some live-fire exercises in with the Queens soldiers. I fired up my Cruise engines, checked the SuperNova and headed for the O5 jumphole and from there to Cambridge.

I arrived in Cambridge and headed for the New London Jumpgate, trying to educate the traders in the area not to support the aristocracy. Sadly, I received nothing but the blather of the ignorant. They ran instead of listened...puppets of the governments.

The gate was guarded by Police (NPC), but quick work from them had me through into New London. Two more traders ran as I left the jumpgate, not even responding to my hails. Fools. I headed toward New London, spreading the Revolution's message the whole wayhad some fun with more authorities around the planet.

While I was skirmishing the Armed Forces, an independent Bounty Hunter named SilverWolf, flying what looked like a Manta, decided to take on Natalia and I without warning. Foolish mistake, and I made him pay. A well-placed SuperNova took down his hull, and my IRON HAMMERS finished the job.

[Image: silverwolf.jpg]

After this, Natalia and I were ready to go home, and we made our way back through Cambridge. But apparently the BAF decided to stall me. A Destroyer patrol showed up as I was coming out of the Tradelane at Cardiff. The SuperNova, MiniRazor, and my IRON HAMMERS made short work of the this patrol, but they put a few holes in poor Natalia's hull.

They also must have called in re-enforcements. As soon as the last Templar of that patrol, another came out of the Tradelane from Cambridge. The ignorant pawns of Carina! Two gunboats and another Templar went down, but a lucky salvo from the Destroyer had me using the last of my reserves. With a last launch of my combo SuperNova and MiniRazor, I broke off and headed toward the O5 Jumphole. The Destroyer lived, but will be in Southhampton for weeks.

The flight back to Cape Verde was uneventful, and the techs on station are repairing Natalia now. They tell me she'll be ready to go in a few more hours. The Destroyer had blown off my CM dropper, but a spare was found at the station, and no other major damage was found.

Also, while flying back to Cape Verde, an relative of Lt. Whip contacted me on long-range comms, and mentioned that another of his brothers (?) had been in contact with The Brotherhood and Lucendez, willing to talk to Captain Ares about a truce? They must be hurting more than they let on!

Question sirs, what do I do with the captured Bret pilots? They are enjoying the brig on Cape Verde now, but i don't think they should stay long.

Forward the Revolution!

Lt. Alexi Karchov signing out.

Message end

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cmfalconer - 03-06-2008

Escape Pod Beacon detected
Origin: Omicron Theta

Emergency. Jum...ed by TBH. Sephar...nd Bandar... Natalia...hurt bad. None responsive. Did not <cough> want a fight. Ran away, but could not escape. I'm...m s...rry sirs.

Transmission lost

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 03-07-2008

Transmit to: SCRA Fighter Command
Comm ID: Lt. Commander Weise

My Lords, I return from Grand Admiral McIntosh's great mission to the Sol Sector. I cannot say much over such insecure channels, but suffice it to say we shall never have to rely on the dastardly alliance for land to let our people flourish again! The Terra III was nearly destroyed during the great battle, and most of the fleet is still enroute, but the Grand Admiral yet lives, although nearly 40% of the expedition was destroyed by a most foul enemy, of whom I am sworn to secrecy. Commander Totenkopt is now more than half bionics, and is the only survivor of the Recon element sent with the Grand Fleet.

Now, this is a relay message from the Grand Admiral himself.

"Brothers and Sisters of the Revolution! I return, bloody and Victorious, from the Sol Sector. I have looked upon the green fields and blue seas of Terra, and wept, for naught remains of her glory. Blackened ash and blistering fire are all that remains of home. Comrades, we must not falter at this news, we must push on, for the tides of change are upon us, and a new dawn is being born on the Coalition!

Comrades, begin moving all civilians to space at once. All transports are to proceed to Location Alpha and upload as many will fit into the holds. Orders will be passed down on where and when to drop them, and as soon as all civilians are transported, begin moving ther military infastructure.

I have one other small announcement to make, comrades. I have decided, in the interests of the revolution, to retire from the field of battle. I shall lead, not from the Terra, as before, but from the new mobile Fleet Headquarters, which shall roam with our new homes, deep between the stars.

For the Revlution! McIntosh out!"

Brothers, I shall buy the entire bar a round, as soon as I reach it! Only three days travel left!

For the Revolution! For Victory! Weise out.