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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Virus - 01-27-2008

' Wrote:Comm ID: Gaius Baltar
To: Leaders of Rheinland

My name is Gaius Baltar. I have the unfortunate privilege of sharing my name with a man who betrayed humanity to the Cylons eons ago. I am from his line ... but I assure you that while we share the same name, we are truly different in ideology.

That being said. I am an independent mercenary. My family arrived on the Bretonian sleeper ship. My family has been making attempts to live down the negative stigma our name is left with. As such, it has been extremely difficult to find work and kept fed. As a result, I have turned to the mercenary life. I accept work where I can ... mostly through escorting trading vessels. Its not glorious work, but it feeds me.

I have been able to bring aboard a small crew in similar circumstances as myself. The only ties we have are our families still living in Bretonia. We cannot disclose where they reside as this would place them in danger ... considering the work we do.

All introductions and such aside ... let me get to the point. We are looking for work. At present, we are having difficulties finding work due to the ban on our kind in both Liberty and Rheinland. I understand your security concerns and do not know how to resolve this for you. I would like to say ... on behalf of my crew and our families ... we have no intention of causing harm to Libertines or Rheinlanders. I hope this can help in granting us access to Rheinland for finding work.

Why maintain our association as mercenaries? This allows us to operate in both the inner rim and outer rim of Sirius with minimal resistance. While your military and police are busy keeping security of your house, traders have no protection once they leave your boundaries. Bounty hunters are at best an extension of your police powers. They are not suited for escorting traders in the deepest areas of Sirius. And they have very little influence with those who live in such places.

Please ladies and gentlemen of Rheinland ... consider my plea ... give us a chance.

Gaius Baltar
Independent Mercenary

Transmission to: Gaius Baltar
Comm. ID: Rheinland Command

You're well-written letter has shown some strength of character. At the suggestion of one of the Admirals, you have been granted permission to enter Rheinland to look for work. Stay on the right side of law, and it will remain that way.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Baltar - 01-27-2008

' Wrote:Transmission to: Gaius Baltar
Comm. ID: Rheinland Command

You're well-written letter has shown some strength of character. At the suggestion of one of the Admirals, you have been granted permission to enter Rheinland to look for work. Stay on the right side of law, and it will remain that way.

Comm ID: Gaius Baltar
To: Rheinland Command

Thank you for your kindness. I shall remember my place.

Gaius Baltar
Independent Mercenary

Rheinland Military Message Dump - tfmachad - 01-27-2008

Sender: Hauptgefreiter Hans Krieger
Destination: Rheinland Military Command Offices
Subject: Action Report


Under the command of Admiral Hiltraud in the Westphalia I engaged a Red Hessian Cruiser named Varyag spotted some 10k outside of New Berlin between the planet and Dortmund. In a swift action, I took the tradelanes while the Westphalia gave pursuit to the vessel. Getting beside the hostile vessel, I managed to disrupt it's cruise engines and started engagement. After the Westphalia reached the battle area I did my best to help get the cruiser's shields down while the gunners of the battleship literally torn the cruiser's hull to pieces little by little. The battle was a brief one, with the successful destruction of the hostile vessel.

Pilot Janec, in a Large transport, ignored and disobeyed the Admiral's orders to stand down his vessel. As it was leaving the area regardless of the Admiral's orders to stop, I was issued command to destroy the ship. The command was carried out with no delay.

A Unioner flying a IMG gunship entered New Berlin and me, Fregattenkapitan Schprokets and the Westphalia started a search of the system. The Fregattenkapitan tracked down the vessel and spotted it near the jumpgate to Hamburg. I moved to intercept in escort formation with the Westphalia. As we reached the fight between Fregattenkapitan Schprokets and the gunship, it managed to engage it's cruise engines despite our continuous launchng of cruise disruptors. The ship then proceeded to the asteroid field leading to the Hamburg jumphole. The Westphalia ended pursuit not to proceed through the asteroids. Me and the Fregattenkapitan continued pursuit, but were hindered by some minor ships trying to get us. As we managed to resume pursuit, the gunship had already jumped to the Hamburg system.

Fregattenkapitan Schprokets' ship had a malfunction and ended up not being able to continue pursuit. As I reached Hamburg, I gave chase through the asteroid field. At it's border, the gunship turned back confident of facing my bomber alone. Even though I managed to take down the ship's shields, the battle wasn't really favorable to my side. The ship mounted fast tracking and repeating solaris turrets, which continuously managed to hurt my ship. I downed it's shields and switched to my Supernova cannon, but just prior to the projectile contacting the ship's naked hull, the pilot managed to re-establish his shields. With my bomber already severely beated, the Admiral saw fit recalling me to the planet and so I did. The gunship tried to give chase, but I managed to lose it and returned the bomber to base.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - tfmachad - 01-31-2008

Sender: Hauptgefreiter Hans Krieger
Destination: Rheinland Military Command Offices
Subject: Action Report


As I launched from New Berlin for my routine patrol I picked up comms from a ship apparently involved in pirating activities. I moved to the Sigma-13 jump hole to find a single Red Hessian fighter moving towards the planet. I cancelled the TL sequence and moved to intercept. A preliminary scan of the ship showed it was equipped with a torpedo launcher in a similar configuration to that used by the Workers Front pilots. With that in mind I assumed a more evasive approach to the fight, yet still I managed to issue severe damage to the ship's hull. A Bounty Hunter battlecruiser of the HUNTER group entered the area and offered assistance. I thanked and declined but it opened fire anyway. A local police officer entered the fight as well. Completely surronded and outnumbered, the Red Hessian ship was quickly destroyed.

As the trading vessels started entering the system again, I spotted garbled comms of what appeared to be a Lane Hacker tapping to the trade lanes. A known Unioner gunship also showed up on sensors and the traitor Jack Archer. Two Outcast ships and a Golden Chrysanthemum also entered the system at the same time. Completely outnumbered by hostiles, I issued a general alert instructing all civilian ships to dock until the threats were dealt with. I then stood ground around the planet decided to do my best to defend the civilian ships.

At this point Stabskapitanleutnant Krupinski and the Gunboat Feuer came in to assist. Apparently the Outcasts and Golden Chrysanthemum lost interest and left without making an appearance. The Stabskapitanleutnant went on a scout mission while I stayed back. He contacted me and ordered me to Kreuzberg, as all hostile ships were found there. I moved in to engage. The Feuer joined us too. We quickly disposed of Jack Archer's Virage VHF and moved on to the Unioner. The Lane Hacker didn't engage us. The Unioner, surrounded and outnumbered fled the area. Me and the Stabskapitanleutnant pursued the ship as far as the O-11 JH in Dresden. The Feuer stayed behind to deal with the Lane Hacker ship. Apparently it fled as well.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - mwerte - 02-01-2008

"Open Program: Message. Create blank message"
Specify Recipiant
RM High Command
Create Message

"Gentlemen, today I heard some comm chatter from pirates in New Berlin so I launched my gunboat Just Cause to shoo these fools away.

As I left New Berlin's atmosphere I encountered a strange sight, a Kusari Gunboat in New Berlin space. Curious I pinged the IFF of the ship and it came back that he had a RM ID.

[Image: RMIDandKusariGB.jpg]

I thought I would pass this information on to you for you to deal with as you saw fit. I hailed this individual but received no response. I did not want to order him out in case he was a RM member in a covert ship but decided to report it to you here."

Victor Remond

"End Message. Seal, stamp, and send."


Rheinland Military Message Dump - tfmachad - 02-01-2008

Sender: Hauptgefreiter Hans Krieger
Destination: Rheinland Military Command Offices
Subject: Action Report


One of the TT tradeships entered New Berlin space yesterday night. Mission control ordered me out to intercept. I left the planet and ordered the ship to turn around and leave Rheinland. It ignored me and proceeded. As it engaged cruise engines I disrupted them, but the ship continued its way towards the Ring station. Since the ship didn't respond nor comply to my orders I opened fire. The ship made a run for it and before I had a chance to terminate it completely, it managed to acquire docking clearances to the Ring station (blast those control tower operators, all drowsy again).

I orbited the station until the ship undocked. I said Rheinland will not tolerate the financing of the Corsair war machine at the expense of our compatriots' work. The ship never replied and didn't even stay to listen. It engaged cruise engines and tried to make it to the nearest tradelane. I cut it short and it fired at my ship. I fired back and destroyed it.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - mjolnir - 02-03-2008

Sender: Lieutenant Walter Krupinski
Destination: Rheinland Military Command Offices
Subject: Action Report


Patrolling in New Berlin today a RepEx trader warned me about pirate presence at the Sigma 13 jumphole.

When I came there were 3 Corsair ships: El Vaquedo Nomada, Mateo Benitez and Ingenioso[TBH]. I engaged then and managed to kill Ingenioso before Lieutenant Commander Rall arrived.

Just as he came a Corsair GB call signs Templar jumped in, but his ship was quickly destroyed by our combined firepower. Then more millitary ships came in. A Wrath, a Rheinland Cruiser and a BHG Battlecruiser. Facing this firepower the two remaining Corsair ships fled to Sigma 13 under heavy fire.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - mwerte - 02-03-2008

"Open Program: Message. Create blank message"
Specify Recipiant
RM High Command
Create Message

"I am just going to say that if this is who the Rheinland Command hands out CRUISER class ships too then I have lost all faith in the RM.

[Image: RN.jpg]

I was ready to engage the pirate and die to protect New Berlin, while this Captain *spits chatted him up.

I talked to Herr Kreiger and he noted my concerns. He was not on duty at the time of this incident though."

Victor Remond

"End Message. Seal, stamp, and send."


Rheinland Military Message Dump - caylith - 02-03-2008

Message to: All RM officers
Comm ID: Admiral Kaiser

If any of you see this abomination of a Rheinland Naval Officer...I want you to take him into custody immediately. If he won't comply you will take him by force. Pinky has been under suspicion for quite some time and his most recent interactions with a known pirate are despicable and traitorous

If he's not apprehended today, he has 24 hours and 24 hours only to turn himself in. If not, he will be considered an enemy of the state and will be shot on sight with extreme prejudice.

I will reiterate. Take him into custody or kill him and destroy his ship.

That is all.

Admiral Hiltraud Kaiser

----message ends----

Rheinland Military Message Dump - tfmachad - 02-03-2008

Sender: Hauptgefreiter Hans Krieger
Destination: Admiral Keiser
Subject: Rheinland Cruiser [RN]Pinky&Brain Commander


This is not the first time this "individual" displays indications that he is not only unprepared to serve the Kriegsmarine with diligence, but also that he has an inclination to be permissive towards criminals. I had already demanded of him that he display proper military decorum. It seems to no avail. This man is a disgrace to the Kriegsmarine and to Rheinland.

Ma'am, I apologize for not bringing my concerns to the command's attention before, but I have never been witness of such travesty as displayed in these logs. I will devote all my efforts to have this mock of an officer brought before you for debriefing.