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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Ichtan - 02-03-2008

CommID: Conrad Quentin
TO: RM Command
RE: Pinky&Brain

This evening I had a brief encounter with the pilot in question here while I was engaged against a Hessian Cruiser above Planet New Berlin. I had not yet checked the comms today since last night was rather uneventful, and didn't know he was to be arrested.

I hailed Pinky for assistance against the cruiser as I was in only a Wrath and the defense grid was malfunctioning. He replied something garbled, but attacked the Hessian anyhow. He made short work of it in his Rheinland produced Cruiser while I fought a Corsair that had popped up in the area.

In short, I don't know much about this pilot other than that he surely saved my own life along with others I would assume.

Awaiting orders,

Conrad Quentin out.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - tfmachad - 02-04-2008

Sender: Hauptgefreiter Hans Krieger
Destination: Rheinland Military Command Offices
Subject: Action Report


While on patrol, I've been contacted by a trader that reported a pirate taxing in Dresden. I moved to intercept. As I entered Dresden, I found the said pirate. Shimada, a Red Hessian in a Odin VHF. At the sight of me, the pirate made a run for it to Vogtland, I followed. One of our patrols disrupted his engines and I managed to get close and engage. The fight was brief, as his ship neared destruction the pirate begged me to let him leave. Preposterous! I destroyed his ship mid-sentence.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - tfmachad - 02-05-2008

Sender: Hauptgefreiter Hans Krieger
Destination: Rheinland Military Command Offices
Subject: Military vessel [RN]Pinky&Brain arrested and debriefed


After a few minutes on patrol with Obergefreiter Quentin, my wingman detached formation to return to the planet. As he did, the wanted vessel [RN]Pinky&Brain showed up on scanners. I hailed it and ordered it to stand down and return to the planet for debriefing by the admiralty.

[Image: pinky-arrest-724252.jpg]

The commander of the cruiser complied obediently and landed his vessel as ordered. I promptly contacted Admiral Keiser who asked me to stand as witness to the man's interrogation.

[Image: pinkys-debriefing-724253.jpg]

I stood there while the admiral debriefed the man. It was a disheartening experience. The man is but an excuse for a soldier. I'm currently waiting the results for the exams performed on him. I will personally see that those are handed over to the admiral once they're ready.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - tfmachad - 02-05-2008

Sender: Hauptgefreiter Hans Krieger
Destination: Rheinland Military Command Offices
Subject: Action Report


I received a distress call from a trader asking for help for there was a Red Hessian near the Dortmund station. I moved to intercept to find a firefight between the pirate and the trader's escorts. The Red Hessian was in a Odin VHF, marked [RHA]Wilhelm.Wetin. As I moved in to engage, the Hessian tried to make a run for it and leave. I followed suit. He managed to avoid fire for sometime. But felt too comfortable too soon and stopped evading. Both a Razor shot and two salvos from my weapons connected. That ship is no more.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - Daniel_Feenix - 02-05-2008

Message to: RM Command
Comm ID: Phil Rocconan


My name is Phil Rocconan and I work for the Liberty Security Force. I was asked by Hans Krieger to make the following complaint about [RN]_Pinky&Brain:

Today, [RN]_Pinky&Brain flew his Rheinland Cruiser (almost fully equipped with Nomad Turrets) into Liberty space and was spotted by me outside Planet Manhattan, our capital. Even without the current tension, I doubt that either of our Houses would appreciate it if the other came deep into their space with a cruiser, unannounced. Thankfully, after a brief conversation (transcript below); [RN]_Pinky&Brain left Liberty space without incident.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - DBoy1612 - 02-05-2008

Run Messaging Program
Run Command "To"
Message to Phil Rocconan of the Scottsdale
CommID: Vice Admiral Meric Freelamen

Usually I wouldn't accept transmissions for the ones of Liberty, nor really even allow them to hack our comms, but the news you bring is most intriguing. The Rheinland Naval Cruiser shall be noted of the wrong actions he has committed, if he refuses to accept them we'll handle it in our usual ways.

Thank you for the information, Rocconan, but I must ask you never to try and log on our comms agian, before I take it as a threat...

End Message
Run Command "Send"
Message Sent
Terminate Program

Rheinland Military Message Dump - PinkydaBrain - 02-05-2008

' Wrote:Run Messaging Program
Run Command "To"
Message to Phil Rocconan of the Scottsdale
CommID: Vice Admiral Meric Freelamen

Usually I wouldn't accept transmissions for the ones of Liberty, nor really even allow them to hack our comms, but the news you bring is most intriguing. The Rheinland Naval Cruiser shall be noted of the wrong actions he has committed, if he refuses to accept them we'll handle it in our usual ways.

Thank you for the information, Rocconan, but I must ask you never to try and log on our comms agian, before I take it as a threat...

End Message
Run Command "Send"
Message Sent
Terminate Program

Begin Comm :

This is Officer Pinky I being of sound mind present myself before you if judgement is merited. I willingly went into order space to aquire technologies in fighting the nomads and the pirates invading my homeland. After being approached by an order agent which his idenity is of the upmost security. I asked if he had any tech to fight off the wild which still manages to plague rhienland i took a route suggest by him that leads thorugh alaska their secret shipyard . Upon entering liberty i was aware i was not wanted and quietly and without arguement left. I also have been repromanded by the admiral of Rh military due to actions of going to nomad space and recieved a physical checkup if any other transgressions i will accept the said penalty without question. I will hereby not enter liberty space without consent by lsf or liberty command .

Ship: Rhienland Cruiser Weapons of Order/Nomad Orgin Acquired on Classified Planet

Rhienland Navy Officer Pinky Reporting End Comm:

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Unit-sk855 - 02-06-2008

//Transmission Inbound//

From: Katharina Guntram
To: Rheinland Command
Subject: Healthy again, and into the fray.

//Beginning message playback//

Katharina Guntram reporting,

On February 6th, extreme early morning patrol, I took flight in my overhauled Wrath to calibrate its.... wonky?... sluggish... um.... The flight controls were not attuned to the ships weight. I needed to run some tests, some light work non combat, to re distribute the commands and ratios... ahh... sorry, i dont mean to be too technical.

While recovering from my last sick leave, and while stuck in quarantine on that station, i overhauled my wrath with new engine shielding, and that new type of armor plating. The slightly stronger metal allows for thinner armor, but more room to work on individual components. The weight overall is the same, the the displacement changes. A repaint was in order as well, and standard green and... well the teeth i earned are all redone.

The control calibrations however did not go well. Upon launching in the... well, unrefined fighter, i was immediately alerted to weapons fire and hostilities in Dresden. A pirate cruiser, and fighter were engaging forces by our battleship stationed in the system. Knowing full well that my ships condition was not that of fighting, but being unable to ignore the call of duty, i opened a com line to the pirate cruiser. After a parlay, and some diplomacy i found out that there was some confusion with the lawful forces, and their damages were ignored it seems. I ordered the pre damaged ships to cut their losses, and fall back to fight another day, and take their defeat today as that. They complied, and i continued diplomacy.. I had multiple warnings blinking, a miss aligned thruster, and overheating weapons. So, i tried to keep a cool head, and talk my way into a correct situation.

Without backup in sight, the pirate and I conversed about a peaceful resolution to the night. After some breakdown of.. negotiations and some weapons exchange, we returned to talking. I called upon the pirate code of honor that some pirates respect, and the cruiser allowed me and my fighter to leave, and he retired to a "hessian" space for the night due to our talk. Let me say again, because of the dialog, we both live, and no more violence occurred between that pirate and anyone for the night.

The next issue arising was on my way back to new berlin, i came across a RHA pilot. The cruiser assured me that if i attacked the RHA, he woudl return to his activities as our parlay would be breached. I entered diplomatic discussion again, being when the RHA and i got close, some dauman opened fire on the pirate, ignoring my orders to move along. I cant blame them, and i understand their viewpoint. It was mine that is... different, and probably wrong.

The RHA popped a couple dauman escorts, but the pilots live. I asked him to stop and that he had proven enough to them, and he did. He moved on to hessian space as well, and when i returned to new berlin to finish my calibrations, the only hessian that was active was in systems outside of rheinland control.

A semi peaceful night without destruction between us and our enemies, even though the two of us met. With no backup in sight, and only a slightly operational ship, it was the best that i could do. I think it turned out rather well, though i doubt it will end this way as often as i would like...

It did benefit us all in some ways. Wile there were no victories for the chancellor, there was a victory for humanity. If only it was always this... well it was not quite easy, but it was close..

Katharina Guntram, reporting alive and well... And as as I always try to do, Pirates have been removed from our area of influence for now.

One last thing... I know my duty.. I stray not from the way i was trained. I just saw no victory possible if i handled this with the more... direct approach. I report in full as always, and take responsibility for my actions. I know that tonight was a slight deviation of procedure.. I just do not see the loss of a pilot and a wrath beneficial, when the temporary delay of pirating could be acheived even if only by keeping them buisy. The pirates may live, but so do I. The imediate problem was resolved, the threatened ships escaped, and... and im making excuses for my inability to kill the enemies of our house. I apologize... If my performance is... lacking, please let me know. I... I live to serve.. Death is failure of duty. I hope that this action report's details are satisfactory at least in regard for maintaining order in our space.

Forgive my awkward method of aleviating the situtation... I just... no.. nevermind..

Guntram out.

//End of Playback//

//End of Transmission//

Rheinland Military Message Dump - trekster - 02-06-2008

|Begin Transmission|
To:Rheinland High Command
from:Trek Centauri Flying NCC.Trekker

Your Majesty and royal officers,

I am a merc Named Trek Centauri Flying NCC.Trekker, and I have to prove to you that I am a worthy ally in helping you defeat pirates in Rheinland and Escorting lone trades through Fatherland. I have been following orders by your officers to stay out of Rheinland even though the pirates have seeking refuge in the Fatherland. Hans kreiger and Officer Quentin have seen my respect for your fatherland. If you still need prove I submit a transmission from a well known pirate asking for lawful targets.


I await you most need response

Trek out
|End Transmission|

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Hunter-Seeker - 02-07-2008

To: All leaders of Rheinland military, intelligence, and law enforcement forces.

From: Zheng-He

Commencing transmission...

Greetings friends! My name is Zheng-He, an explorer in seek of adventure throughout Sirius. I understand that certain men-of-opportunity like myself, so commonly called "mercenaries", are generally forbidden to be present in the systems under your jurisdiction. Although I may be characterized as such, and although I was raised as a Hogoshan, be certain that my intentions are most noble! I am well-taught in history, and am fully aware of the proud tradition of the Rheinland people. Their strength is legendary and has been so since the ancient times of the Holy Roman Empire. There are tremendous opportunites in Rheinland and it would be most unfortunate if I were to be forbidden from your space when there is so much adventure to be had. Thus, I most respectfully request rights of free trade, travel, and employment within Rheinland space. Although my vessel is quite humble, in return for this great generosity I will be most willing to assist in combating those who would threaten your citizens and would be honored to do so, although unfortunately I can not in principle battle Corsairs. Fear not, however, as my relationship with them is as acquaintences at best, and I usually disagree with their methods. I am very grateful for your time and I eagerly await your response.

May your life be full of blessings,

Ending transmission...