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RE: Sunbucks Cafe - NebulaCloud - 10-04-2012

The amused grin spread a little wider on her face as he finished his explanation, and she tilted her head slightly. "I bet I could say the same thing about home," she observed, eyeing the bit of tobacco he stuffed in his lip without further reaction. "Guess I just assumed Manhattan was more prim and proper'n that. But then, what I don't know about anything offworld from Houston would fill a warehouse."

RE: Sunbucks Cafe - TBone - 10-04-2012

Bonesteel spit some of the tobacco into his empty coffee cup.

"Yeah it is quite 'prim and proper' but when you get with a rowdy bunch of fireman the whole idea goes right out the window. For better or for worse - you can decide," he said with a smile."

He spit again into the empty coffee cup.

"So, Planet Houston, eh? Tell me about that. Oh, and you don't mind, do you?" he asked pointing to his makeshift spitter.

RE: Sunbucks Cafe - NebulaCloud - 10-04-2012

Carina cocked her one eyebrow up again, still smirking. "A bit late to ask, ain't it?" she replied jokingly, and then shrugged. "Doesn't bother me. Used to work at a steel mill, and then as a stooge on a prison transport. You find a way to offend me, you deserve a medal."

She leaned back in her seat and ate the last bite of her crescent roll, idly surveying the crowd in the cafe. Glancing down at her right shoulder, she brushed a speck of lint from her pressed uniform, and wondered if he would act as surprised as everyone else who found out that she, a smallish framed young woman, would or could work in such an environment.

"Houston is Houston," she continued as she finished sweeping off her shoulder, looking back up at him. "Can't say I've seen the whole planet, but the city of Montgomery is hot, dirty, and overcrowded. And the locals ain't all too cuddly either; not sure if you already knew it, but pretty much the whole of Texas is one big prison-slash-war zone. Not many people live there by choice."

RE: Sunbucks Cafe - TBone - 10-05-2012

He spit again into the empty coffee cup.

Bonesteel couldn't help but admire the work ethic and heart it must take for someone of her stature to survive in those types of environments. He could only imagine the type of ridicule a woman would endure working at a steel mill, much less on a prison transport.

He rocked onto the two back legs of his chair.

"I can't say I've ever been to Houston before. So a steel mill worker who served as a stooge on a prison transport in a big war zone... Sounds delightful," he said sarcastically, "What in the world would ever make you want to leave a place like that?"

RE: Sunbucks Cafe - NebulaCloud - 10-05-2012

She laughed dryly, drumming her fingers on the tabletop. "Oh, ya sabes que it was tough to pull me away from it," she replied, obviously joking, but didn't hold eye contact with him either. "But somehow I managed." She turned her head back to his, changing the subject, a laugh still lingering here and there, intermingled with her speech. "What about you? What's the LPI got to offer that could possibly compete with a bunch of rowdy jotos in plastic suits jumping into fires?" she asked, knocking back most of her remaining coffee. It was getting cold, so she waved the waitress down to bring her a warm up.

RE: Sunbucks Cafe - TBone - 10-05-2012

He figured it must be a sore subject and thought he might revisit this topic later.

He spit in his coffe cup again, "Between you and me it has to do with one word - money. The opportunity to get money up in space is far greater than staying on land. And I honestly do want to help out around Liberty as well. I'm not a fan of Rhineland either."

Bonesteel figured he needed to gain a bit more trust with her before he let her in on some more motives he had for joining.

RE: Sunbucks Cafe - NebulaCloud - 10-05-2012

She slid her empty mug to the edge of the table with her fingertips when the waitress approached with a fresh pot of coffee. "No me vengas con chorradas. You and I both know the money ain't THAT good," she replied. The smirk tugged one corner of her mouth upwards again as she looked at him sideways. "I dunno. I've wanted to be a cop for years now - on orbital patrol, not just a CP planetside. The war, believe it or not, doesn't affect us onworld as mich as you might think. Security's so tight you can't hardly use the head without someone askin' questions." She watched as the steaming hot java refilled her cup. "So aside from all the coffee you can drink, I guess I'm like you. Thought I could make a difference and all that."

She glanced around at some of the fatter, more slovenly officers sitting throughout the cafe, pursing her lips tightly before looking back at T-Bone's refreshingly unspoiled physique. "Makes us quite the pair of crusaders, huh?" she remarked, lifting her coffee mug in a mock toast. She wondered how real the danger was of either her or her fellow recruit ending up like so many of the veterans in here - overweight, apathetic, an embarrassment. She sincerely hoped that some of the heaviest were at least confined to a desk - she didn't think many of them could handle being on their feet for more than a few paces at a time, to say nothing of a ground patrol, or the g-forces one was subjected to inside a cockpit. And she figured her disgust was probably apparent.

She took another sip and savored the sensation, trying to refocus her attention. Barely even a couple weeks on the job and already she was letting it erode her spirits. At least this T-Bone seemed promising enough. She breathed in the aroma of her coffee and sighed. "Ay, this stuff is amazing," she muttered, as much to herself as to her company. "Nothin' like the sh*t back home..."

RE: Sunbucks Cafe - TBone - 10-07-2012

Bonesteel also took note of the somewhat sorry gathering of personnel that were at the cafe ad nodded in agreement. He continued spitting into the empty cup.

"Yeah, I don't want this job to make me become jaded. It seems to be a popular effect amongst the crowd."

He began to feel that he could trust his new companion more but was still unsure about revealing his deeper motivations for joining. Time would only tell.

"The coffee is pretty good here. Overpriced though, so I'm glad we get the discount," he said. He figured me would try and prod one more time about Carina's past, "So what did you leave behind on Houston? Anything, anyone?"

RE: Sunbucks Cafe - NebulaCloud - 10-07-2012

She looked away again.

"Mother and sister," she replied, casually taking another sip of her coffee. "I still try to get back as often as I can, and help out with the bills, y'know, make sure there's food on the table and visit with 'em long as I can. Didn't grow up exactly rich, but we look after each other." She turned her head back to him. "What about you? Family still on Manhattan?"

RE: Sunbucks Cafe - TBone - 10-08-2012

"We all leave something, don't we?" he asked rhetorically. "Ma, Pa, girlfriend. You know the whole nine yards."

He immediately regretted bringing up the topic. Bonesteel was not very fond of discussing his past. Not for any bad reason in particular but because he didn't like dwelling on the past. He was a bit afraid of what this job may do to the relationships gf had left on Manhattan. Amongst all of that were some things he may have left out of his resume that he was not very proud of.