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SF Message Dump - Printable Version

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SF Message Dump - Firebird - 05-19-2007

Transmit to: SF Personnel
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

Pleased to announce the addition of three new new members to the SF. Raven, Flinn, and Eofi have recently joined and have been assigned to Lion Squadron of Battlegroup Stormpike. They'll be assisting with defending against the Kusari advance and performing border patrols of the outer Bretonian Systems.

As customary when new recruits join, feel free to head on up to the Cambridge Research Station bar and grab a free round on the admiralty from Joanne.


End Transmission

SF Message Dump - Raven_ipb2_import227 - 05-19-2007

Transmit to: Admiral Firebird

Comm ID: Trainee Raven.Corvus

Reporting in Sir!

Training procedures have started in the New London system sir!

As soon as training is completed, will be reporting to Lion Sqd in Leeds at best possible speed!

And may I say Sir! it's a honour to serve Queen and Country


SF Message Dump - Firebird - 05-19-2007

Transmit to: SF Personnel
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

Arrest warrants have been issued for two Xenos terrorist bombers identified as Waterspout and Hurricane for attacks on SF and civilian property. Considered armed and dangerous.

End Transmission

OOC: Good fight:cool:til the lag started:(, oh well next time

SF Message Dump - Raven_ipb2_import227 - 05-20-2007

Transmit to: Admiral Firebird
CC: SF Personnel

Comm ID: Raven.Corvus

Reporting a pirate encounter in Leeds.

Pilot was asked to give a location for a routine scan but did not comply, pilot was when found near planet leeds and scanned. Found with a civilian pilot onboard, I then requested he stop and drop his cargo... he ran sir! I gave him a secound chance to stop, but was ambushed by a group of mollys allowing him to get over 10k from me, he eventually ran into cambridge and then Omega 3, I decided not to follow and leave my post unguarded.

Known details of Pilot:
Pilot Call Sign: Agisdi-Vlenidohv
Liberty Rogue ID
In a Fighter of some sort (didn't get close enough to make it out)
Did not comply to a scan
Did not comply to the dropping of cargo


SF Message Dump - Firebird - 05-20-2007

Transmit to: SF Personnel
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

Arrest warrant issued for the Rogue pilot Agisdi-Vlenidohv for destruction of BAF property and ceasing of BAF/Civilian personnel. Last known sighting was in Newcastle flying a Greyhound.

End Transmission

SF Message Dump - Eofi - 05-20-2007

Transmit to: Admiral Firebird

Comm ID: Trainee Eofi

Reporting in
will head to leeds fast as possible sir!

=Transmissons ends=

SF Message Dump - dude42 - 05-20-2007

[Image: Topper_3.jpg]
Greetings [SF]....

I realize that we are quite fresh on the Bretonian scene but I myself am not fresh.
I have been slinging guns here for some time now.
(OOC: I actually have been playing in bretonia for about 2 years, I used to be the president of the old [CR]Colonial Remnant)
But I intend the Children of Bretonia to be here for a long time. So, I wish to set some level of cooperation between our organizations. Think of us as the dirty half of the [SF], not to sully your reputation, but as you chase a pirate to the bretonian border you would have to end the chase as it is not your jurisdiction. We would be able to chase them too the gates of hell for you. And it wont matter if you like me or not because I will still love you!

All I ask right now is that is the [SF] has any operation, events, or need our service please send me a PM with a link to the thread in question.

Remember, the [SF] gets discounts on our services.
You may view the normal rates in our business card. (which is linked below)

SF Message Dump - Firebird - 05-20-2007

Transmit to: SF Personnel
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

Just realized I never post here regarding the kill count event and I should of...details here.
Kusari Naval Forces Elite - Kill Count

We now return you to our regularly scheduled dump traffic.

End Transmission

SF Message Dump - Raven_ipb2_import227 - 05-21-2007

Transmit to: Admiral Firebird

Comm ID: Raven.Corvus

Reporting yesterdays action report sir!

Having just joined Lion Squadron I started my day by helping trainee Eofi with training in the New London system. All was going well, until we picked up a suspect transport on radar doing it's best to stay away from us. I decided to scan the transport to be sure, and found this;

[Image: couchninjazv3.jpg]

The pilot was ordered to drop all cargo and to submit to a full inspection, the suspect decided to run!
As always I gave him another chance to stop, but this gave him the chance to make it to Manchester, unfortunately Trainee Eofi was not able to catch up as quickly and I was not equipped for the job sir! Trader made it too Cortez, being the higher ranking member of the Wing my call was to call off the hunt, and report all evidence.
Known Details:
Call Sign: Couch_Ninja
Vessel: Large Train
Activity: Transporting Contraband

On our way back to the training grounds we came across another trader in orbit of New London, a scan revelled;

[Image: epyontheboredbs7.jpg]

The trader was happy to be scanned and expected to carry on as normal. I informed him that Light Arms are contraband within Bertonia but before I could explain that he should go back to New London to sell his goods to which ever dealer tricked him into working for them. But the trader was too quick for me, he destroyed all weapons inside his hold! Unfortunately this was partly my fault for not making it clear they should do nothing unless told to do so first, that would have saved the trader some money, who seemed to be genuinely unknowing about the Contraband status of Light Arms. I gave him a warning about smuggling in the future and sent him on his way.

About half way into Trainee Eofi's training, we got word from our Molly informants in Dublin that a convoy of KNF ships had just entered the system. With all other SF assets being tied up in other theatres it was up to me and trainee Eofi. Although we knew our current loadout was not really up to the job, on your orders we moved to intercept.
On first arriving in Dublin a weak wide area scan was made, we could tell the KNF ships were infact in the system, but all the gold fields played havoc with our scanners, the convoy made it to the Omega 49 system. With standing orders not to engage in Omega 49, I ordered a holding pattern near the Omega 49 Jump Hole.

After dealing with 3 Molly gunboats that showed up to harass us, The KNF Gunboat and Bomber/Fighter showed up on "near" radar scan. They made a move to our wing right off, but we knew what our real target was, and kept scanners open for other ships in the area... and Bingo!

[Image: kntconvoy1gh6.jpg]

A KNT vessel sir! fully loaded. But this one was being flown by a clever pilot sir, we was already in cruise by the time we could get near, but we where between it and it's escorts (left a trail of gold dust behind us as we got away from the KNF and their slow reactions), but this Pilot was really clever, he started to run around the BMM Gold field, staying well away from the mines in the field, not only that the pilot must of known the local Molly hotspots as he lead us right into a ambush set by the mollys. I was disrupted twice by these low life criminals which allowed the transport to be lost on "near" radar sir!

At this point I had to make a call... chase the KNT all the way back to his home base (while being at the very least 30k behind) or engage nearest target of opportunity. I was picking up The KNF Gunboat on near Scanners, must of been sent in to kill our wing, we engaged the Gunboat.

[Image: kntconvoy2yt1.jpg]

Unfortunately we did not have the load outs for this encounter, although I believe we made a good showing of it sir! While Trainee Eofi did take some considerable damage, having not being able to upgrade his armour yet sir (normal procedures say to make all upgrades after training is forfilled), while we were able to do some damage to the Gunboat it wasn't enough to cripple or destroy the vessel, but we gave chase until the Edinburgh jump whole, as which point we broke off pursuit and returned to New London for repairs and to continue the training.

I believe Lion Sqd made a good showing of it sir.

Later in the day, Mollys informed us of another convoy, but the information came in too late (I think we need better paid informants in Dublin sir!) By the time Trainee Eofi and me could jump into Dublin the convoy was long gone. I believe with more training for the trainees and proper load outs for the jobs at hand, we won't let another convoy through!


SF Message Dump - Firebird - 05-21-2007

Transmit to: SF Personnel
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

Good report and good work. Couch_Ninja is now on watch, if found to be smuggling through Bretonia again an impound order will be issued on his vessel.

And on one other note, please welcome another new recruit into the SF. Equinox (aka SFF-Silence) will be joining Battlegroup Stormpike in assisting with the defense of Bretonia from the Kusari. Let's give him a warm welcome and if there's any questions feel free to contact me or anyone at the command level.

With that, head on up to Cambridge Research Station bar for another free round on the admiralty.


End Transmission