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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Zeltak - 04-27-2008

Entering code sequence... Permission Granted...
Please verify identification: Lt. Zarevo Kaputski
Transmission initiated... Loading... Loading...

Greetings Comrades! Today. Me, Varnava, Baranov and Captain Ares decided to pay a little visit in New York. First encountering a Gunboat and then a Battlecruiser which were quickly taken down by our wing of bombers. Later a Bounty Hunter Destroyer appeared and felt the need to eat some of our torpedos. They were all lacking of cordination and we used it to our advantage. Using stealth tactics we engaged lonely foes.

As we were near to call it a day, a handful of Liberty Fighters appeared. The fools were fighting for something they called 'freedom' yet it is they who steal money from the people and place them in their own corrupted pockets. Knowing that the space was their second ally, they tried several times provoking us to their stationed Battleships. Fortunetly, Captain Ares kept his cool and eventually got them to come to us.

The battle progressed swiftly, one by one were struck down by our Bombers. Our formation was flawless and so were my Comrades. The last Fighter perished and we were setting course to home as a Junker Cruiser engaged us inside the Badlands, trying to test his luck. It took us no more than thirty seconds until he was eating space dust. The Junker never knew what hit him.

A glorious victory! For the Coalition! , For the People!

Transmission terminated...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - pchwang - 04-28-2008

//Incoming Transmission...
CommID: Lt. Chief Sitting Bear
TargetID: SCRA
Re: Skirmish in NY


Sitting Bear is here to report events of today. After launching from Hudson, I jumped to Texas. As the confused Alliancers awaited my assault, I made my way to California, and snuck by unnoticed.

In New York, I found a den of theives and piracy. The Libertonians obviously cannot keep the foxes out of their most secure areas. There were reports of pirating in a so called "Zone 21" while I was making my way deeper into the system. Somehow, through an advanced AI Computer, the LSF learned of Sitting Bear's location, and used trade lanes to reach me while I was in cruise.

Surprised, I engaged. While outnumbered 2 to 1, I was able to hold my own, until LSF and SA reinforcements arrived, and I was becoming worn down. But then, =LSF=Evangelion ordered the other ships to back off. The Alliancer wanted a duel!

At the same time, Lt. Alexis Karchov arrived and Sitting Bear radioed Karchov to assist near West Point.

We engaged Evangelion, and his comrade "GothicLord" in combat, but as the two VHFs focused fire on Karchov... Lt. Karchov fought valiantly, but like the smoke in the wind, he was gone that quick. Soon, my ships controls began to malfunction, and Sitting Bear was taken down as well.

Sitting Bear was rescued by a passing Xeno convoy. Unaware of Karchov's whereabouts.

Sitting Bear, out!

//Transmission End...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cmfalconer - 04-29-2008

CommID: Lt. Alexi Karchov
Target: SCRA Command
Message Trace: Barrow Base, Hudson

I have to agree with Sitting Bear's assessment. He was holding his own very well while Natalia and I were cruising to his aid. But taking a Bomber into a fight with 2 VHFs isn't a good idea I guess. Almost got that Raven Claw, but he just wouldn't fly into that Nuke.

Unless ordered into my bomber, I will be taking out the Viper for the time being. My spatial combat skills seem to be waning more than I'd like them to be.

See you in space comrades.

Lt. Alexi Karchov

Message sent

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Blodo - 05-05-2008

ID: Lt. Yuri Striatov
Location: Nome Base, Kepler

Comrades! Victory beckons! We, the Coalition executed a perfect strike into the heart of Liberty today, completely crippling it's operations for an extended amount of time. No force mustered by the capitalists could overcome our cascade of successes! Not even the Hellfire Legion could stand against us, sided with their enemies to force us out. Are they that corrupt that they are willing to put on a cease fire just to attempt to stop our righteous forces? No matter.

Our force consisting of four bombers and two fighters first tactically stricken Norfolk to find but a single Liberty gunboat, completely unprepared for the strike. It fell back and we followed, all the way to West Point where a hastily clad defense awaited us. We charged into the fray and engaged enemy forces, obliterating them all without a big struggle.
The Liberty forces were recieving constant reinforcements along the way, even so far as throwing Assault Frigates at us. Then to our surprise the HF arrived, with their battleship. Vin'Gyr was it? Our elite bomber force switched targets, and that Van'Gir was soon out of action. I have to underline that it was myself who put in the finishing supernova shot into the Vyn'Gor's engine, causing an explosion that severely damaged the remaining enemies - but not our own forces, as we were tactically smart enough to back off before it exploded.
With the Von'Gar destroyed, we dismantled the rest of the defenders until losing controls due to an ion storm. We found ourselves scattered as all our ship systems went back online. The storm threw us all across the system, however we managed to rejoin each other before resuming the attack. After the storm the only one that was left was a lone Hellfire Legion fighter. Alas we forced him to run after a few minutes.

That was the end of resistance in Liberty. We encountered a couple cowardly Jupiter Guild members afterwards. It is unfortunate that they all had to be spaced. We also encountered an LSF Spatial roaming about, probably trying to gather info on us. It was destroyed (or sniped) in approximately a second.

Holding ground some more and scaring the LSF director into hiding like a rat on one of his bases, we decided that Liberty is going to be hard pressed to regain composure after this strike and that we should retire for now, to strike the corrupt another day.

I have kept careful count of our kill tally in the assault. All in all it amounted to:
- Six fighters
- Five gunboats
- One assault frigate
- One Liberty Police Prison Liner
- One Hellfire Legion Battleship, also known as Ven'gor

All that by a force of two fighters and four bombers. I daresay, we are the best of the best. Attached below is but a handful of the death messages from the battle. Many more were fighting us, a few escaped, a few were simply disregarded. The proof of our victory still stands!

[Image: deathmsgsvp9.jpg]

Striatov out.

- transmission ended -

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 05-06-2008

Comm. ID: Captain Ares

---Transmission Initiated---

To all involved in the assault earlier, fantastic work. Coordination was perfect, discipline was flawless and the piloting skill shown was superfluous.

All pilots who have been involved in our campaign to liberate Liberty shall be receiving the Freedom Ribbon in honour of the effort put in to aid the oppressed of this ill nation.

Lieutenant Zarevo Kaputski is to be awarded the Star of Terra decoration for a very impressive kill count in a very short time period. Nice job, Lieutenant, carry on as you're doing.

Also, Lieutenant Yuri Striatov is receiving a promotion to Lieutenant Commander, effective immediately, for his diligence and responsibility in his duties and sharp awareness on communications and scanners in combat which served him well as he correctly timed the killing blow on the Van'Gin. New responsibilities and opportunities await him. If you're of lower rank, this means you call him 'sir', 'chief' or whatever now.

Good work, my brothers and sisters, but there is more to do after tonight's victory celebrations! Today's kill ratio of 14:1 was brilliant (especially with over half of the enemy vessels having large crew complements as opposed to our fighter pilot who safely ejected)... but next time we'll do even better. Mark my words!

Ares out!

---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Zeltak - 05-10-2008

Entering code sequence... Permission Granted...
Please verify identification: Lt. Zarevo Kaputski
Transmission initiated... Loading... Loading...

Greetings fellow comrades!

Today we decided to make a tactical strike at Liberty. As I was launching from Ouray Base I immideatly
spotted a LSF pilot near New York jumpgate. He asked my intentions, and I showed them clearly by blasting out his hulls. Though the pilot requested backup and soon a Missile Gunboat engaged me. I responded by calling in my comrades, Captain Ares aswell as two other skilled pilots named Yuri and Miroslav joined up to assist me. The LSF pilot was a step ahed of me and knew that help from my side was incoming, therefore another Missile Gunboat came to engage me. My faith was sealed, if it wasn't for Yuri who first entered the combat to rescue me. A few minutes later Miroslav came along with Ares, though their reputational names attracted even more pilots which resulted in multiple bogeys in different ship classes. One by one the enemy was turned into space dust but at the cost of Miroslav quickly leaving the conflict as he was targeted first. A brave comrade indeed who risks his life for the sake of revolution against the corrupted. The battle was coming to its end when our three bombers were up against two last surviving members of the Southern Alliance. Theese two enemy pilots showed great skill and were fearsome with their guns. However, two more pilots came and we decided to pull off before any casualties was set. Fortunately, after a cruel chase against us, we all managed to slip off to Tau-45, a system heavily guarded by Xenos provided us with excellent defence. The Navy understood the danger of entering that system, so they disengaged.

All in all, it was a great assault on Liberty. We managed to take down many pilots and bring forth terror to the corrupted ones with us being able to survive the whole ordeal!

*Loading Data from unkown source.... Class vessels and numbers identified...*

1 Liberty Battlecruiser
1 Liberty Cruiser (Data error... can not retreive snap shot)
1 Bounty Hunter Battlecruiser (Data error... can not retreive snap shot)
4 Liberty Gunboats
2 Liberty Very Heavy Fighters

[Image: SCRA1.jpg]

[color=#FF0000]For the Coalition! For the People!

Kaputski Out!

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Othman - 05-12-2008

Comm. ID: Lieutenant Commander Baranov
Relaying Node Control Command
Operation 'Maroon Dawn'

---Transmission Initiated---
Liberty, the other name of despair, have once again faced the ultimate might of the Red Wing! Their fool scouts and the fleet evoked upon our beaconing response via Detroit Munitions were no match for us. The afflicted puppets are yet arrogant enough to face us! Result? Keeping a track of their casulties is funnily getting harder. A pair of Xenos were active as well this time, aiding us to sweep the trash out.

Here is today's lucky list..

[Image: bhggb.gif]
[Image: indie.gif]
[Image: indielf.gif]
[Image: jgbomber.gif]
[Image: lsffighter.gif]
[Image: lsfgb.gif]
[Image: screen7-2.gif]
[Image: screen8-1.gif]
[Image: screen9-1.gif]
[Image: screen11-2.gif]
[Image: screen10-5.gif]

While a shame to recall, their cumulative losses are in less than a week, we are yet to lose something. Brilliant teamwork once again, and congrats to Lt. Kaputski for the successively placed razor shots on the light targets of LPI and HF.

Baranov out!
---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - desecrator - 05-16-2008

--- Incoming Transmission ---
-Trace Detected; Ouray Base, Colorado System - Transmitting Message-

Message to; SCRA
CommID; Commander Nikolai Varnava

Greetings my fellow pilots! The Coalition have once again succeeded in the destruction of Libertys main base of operations, the New York system. Detroit was out first target, Ares, Kaputski and I engaging on our own disabling Detriot and leaving it to burn. Only one came to defend it, a Liberty Assault Battlecruiser which was quickly destroyed by our Bombers.

Miroslav and Striatov joined us as we made our attack on West Point. Several ships came to defend the Military base, but also attempted to attack it as well. Police, Military, Bounty Hunters, Rogues, and Outcasts engaged us. Over 10 gunboats were destroyed, along with 6 fighters, a Liberty Cruiser, and various other ships as we moved between West Point and Planet Manhattan.

One Meg Scott was captured during our raid, one very fat women that has some form of an addiction to donuts among other things. Her pod was ejected directly in to space to let her sit there and waste away. Even so she was quite amusing, returning her to Verde would of been a mistake, as she probably would of consumed our entire food supplies on her own.

A brilliant day for the Coalition! Liberty has once again fallen, it won't be the last.

Varnava out

--- Transmission Terminated ---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Othman - 06-05-2008

Communication Identification: Lieutenant Commander Baranov
Relaying Node Control Command;
Classified Operation 'Morning Star'; Tau-29

---Transmission Initiated---

After a considerable period, our first lofty ransack into Bretonia space has been brought to fruition under my disposal. Lieutenant Kaputski contacted the snap dog of the BMM at Freeport VI as planned, retrieved vital information about the BMM exportation dates along with the Armed Forces escort routes through Leeds and Tau 31,29. (Refer to disc-I)

Exterior survey drone view of Nagasaki (Refer to drone discs) on our path through Tau 31 below,
[Image: scrasurveydrone1.jpg]
According to Zarevo's report, the man compromised two data discs in exchange for 5 millions to be transferred into his neural account. Snap received the remaining alimony for passing the second disc after breaching the security protocols of battleship York, while we were busy with a stormpike group outside, those who relentlessly kept trying to disable our survey drones. The coordination was engineered with perfection as they failed miserably to prevent our intractable wing from gathering the required intelligence and exfiltrate back to Freeport VI in no time. I also learned that the snap dog slipped his way past York through a BMM escort run launched from the LD-14, in order not to arouse further suspicion. My operative old hawk in Kusari will ensconce him around for a while, in return for his valuable service.

[Image: scrasurveydrone2.jpg]
Shortly after, we moved on to facilitate the drones around Macduff this time. The expounded intel components can be procured via the drone discs.

[Image: scrasurveydrone3.jpg]
Comrades, a new era is on the horizon now. We have the key information regarding any bit of the fleet movements of the already enervated Armed Forces, which means that our strikes will be made within the designated time intervals with pinpoint accuracy. They will have no clue about what exactly knocks them!

Personnel in charge: Lt cmdr. Baranov, Lt. Kaputski
Estimated mission duration: 00:45:00:000
Expended mission duration: 00:34:17:862

Civilians encountered: 3
Hostile targets encountered/eliminated: 1 (Bounty Hunter Orca Gunboat)
Casualties: -
Baranov out!
---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Axe - 06-06-2008

Begin Transmission

From: Commodore Dieter Zehn
To: All SCRA
RE: Battle movement

General Orders

All ships currently stationed at Freeport 2 in Bering are to be re-positioned back to Cape Verde.

Liberty and it's inhabitants have served to show us exactly what we knew in the first place. That we can defeat them any time we want without worry. The capitalist fools rush into every battle, prepared to die for their pathetic cause. And they shall, in time. However, we now have a new objective:

The intell from Lt Cmdr. Baranov and Lt. Kaputski have shown us the extent of Bretonia's defenses. Nothing we've seen seems to pose a great threat to any organised 'intrusion' from the Coalition's mighty hammer and sickle. However, we shall use the same treatment as with Liberty. Incursions into Bretonian space will begin as soon as the task force from Bering has returned.

Not only will this affirm our assumptions about Bretonia but also serve as a training ground for a much harder target in the future. The SCRA mopped the floor with Liberty, as we should have done. There is, however, always room for improvement. The SCRA does not need pilots who can't keep up with their comrades. As with any tumor in the body, cancerous pilots will be removed with due force. Keep that in mind.

End Transmission


Begin Transmission

From: Commodore Dieter Zehn
To: Omega 52 Defense Fleet
RE: Firing squad

Ok, do you pilots want to remind me what your orders are? Do you even know!? I highly doubt it, since I 'dicovered' a Bounty Hunter wandering around in 52, aswell as two GMG transports using our system as a trade route.

You pilots better do your job. As you've seen, the task force is heading back from Bering so I'll have no problem replacing you if your heads decide to relieve themselves of your bodies. Get to it... NOW!!

End Transmission