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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Zeltak - 06-06-2008

Entering code sequence... Permission Granted...
Please verify identification: Lt. Zarevo Kaputski
Transmission initiated... Loading... Loading...

My Comrades!

Today, both me and Yuri headed back to station Cape Verde (Omega-52), as ordered by Commodore Dieter Zehn. Once we arrived, Miroslav immidetly detected three corsairs on his long range scanners. Apparently they were in Omega-5. He didn't like their presence at all, so he gave off the order to proceed to their system. When we reached our destination, one of the corsairs tried opening a conversation, asking us to state our intentions. Of course we didn't respond, we wouldn't waste precious time explaining to them nor would we care to answer such low-life dogs. Unpatient as they were, they charged towards us. Miroslav saw his opportunity to try lure them into Omega-52, were the terrain would be in our advantage. It worked perfectly. One after the other came in after us. We took out the first corsair quickly but at the cost of Yuri, who unfortunetly got his ship exploded due to mechanical failure, but I quickly tractored in his lifepod.

Me and Miroslav continued the battle in Omega-5 were soon enough it was time for the second corsair to die.

Just one more left, and the victory would rest in our hands. Unlike the two others, this Corsair knew his ship well, and fought with great speed. However, as the battle progressed I eventually found an opening and blasted away my supernova. A full hit, the enemy was dead. Once again, the Coalition proves it's might.

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[Image: Death.jpg]

I would like to thank both Yuri Striatov and Miroslav Baranov for their excellent support!

For the Coalition! For the People!

Kaputski out!

Transmission terminated...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Axe - 06-07-2008

Begin Coalition-wide Transmission

This is Commodore Zehn. This is an announcement for the entire Coalition Revolutionary Army.

Whilst we have been busying ourselves with enemies further afoot, it seems that the filthy dogs at our door have grown to forget our presence. Being transferred over to everyone's neural net as I speak is a visual of what appeared on Corsair communications a few hours ago.

[Image: CZOI-1.jpg]

This appears to be a visual representation of their Zone of Influence as they see it. What the different areas mean are unknown to us. Our spy had enough trouble getting a hard picture of a Corsair's comm screen.

HOWEVER, it seems that they consider OUR system (indicated on the visual) as within their ZoI. This insult will not go unpunished. Those Corsair imbeciles have brought this upon themselves. If any Coalition contingent receives information about any Corsairs in our outlying systems, this includes their own, your orders are to exterminate them, WITH EXTREME PREDJUDICE!! LET US SHOW THEM THE SAME COURTESY THAT THEY HAVE SHOWN US!!


[color=#FFFFFF]End Transmission

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Axe - 06-07-2008

Begin Coalition-wide Transmission

This is Commodore Zehn. I issued orders for the extermination of Corsairs earlier. This order is to be disregarded.

Following my orders again, an attempted assassination was carried out by Lt. Zarevo Kaputski. With the attempt being a partial success (ship was destroyed but pilot survived) I was contacted by our 'Dear friend' Carlos Benitez. As we had a non-aggression pact, he was rather annoyed at the situation. I passed along our anger at the insult and claiming of our space.

I've been informed that the 'Cretian Department of Stuff', or whatever, got it wrong and it's all a misunderstanding. I was also accused of jumping the gun and going for the trigger far too soon. I'd like to say lesson learned, but it'd be a lie. We all know violence isn't the best solution to everything, but it's a damn good one.

And so, the non-aggression pact is now back in order. No Benitez are to be attacked. Their pilot has also been given reparations for his ship and equipment. They have also been informed of the situation through private channels.

[color=#FFFFFF]End Transmission

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Zeltak - 06-08-2008

Entering code sequence... Permission Granted...
Please verify identification: Lt. Zarevo Kaputski
Transmission initiated... Loading... Loading...

My Comrades!

Me and Commodore Zehn were sparring inside Omega-52. I wanted to enchance my combat skills against the Commodores cruiser, Miroslav came to aid me in the training. After some time, Commodore spotted OPG members at Omega-5. The Commodore called of the alarm, and assembled me and Miroslav along with Yuri who was just finished with his paper work at Cape Verde. With the three of us being on our Ravens Talons' assisted by my bomber, we headed for Omega-5. I spotted several of them lurking around Cadiz, a usual hot-spot for thoose Corsair Dogs. Three OPG members were on our radar, but as we reached to attack the enemy, two TBH members showed up! One of them was even an Elder. Knowing that the "non-agressor pact" was still in effect with the Benitez, The Commodore signaled us not to attack the TBH. Though I quickly noticed them firing at us, and even with the Commodores warning, they refused to listen. They wanted us dead.

The battle progressed, we were now facing five enemies. However, the OPG sended out one of their gunboats in an attempt to take our fighters out. Fortunetly I was on my bomber, and with the combined strikes of our three fighters, we quickly dispatched the gunboat. It didn't took long before the Elder and a OPG member died.

Now, our target was to take out the Viper pilot, who continuesly charged at me. I requested fire support and my comrades did a great job keeping him in place. I saw an opening on the Viper pilot, and fired a mine, the explosion caused a fatal hit at his engines.

The next OPG member was shot down by one of my Super Novas. The last enemy, a light fighter was quickly destroyed right after.

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[Image: lolwut2.jpg]

Let us note that it was the TBH who were the aggressors. They shouldn't have crossed our path, now they learned it the hard way.

A great victory! For the Coalition! For the People!

Kaputski out!

Transmission terminated...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 06-19-2008

Comm. ID: Captain Jan Richthofen

---Transmission Initiated---
Whilst on long range patrols in Omega-49, the RACS-Karl.Marx received a distress signal from one Lt. Commander Baranov. Enemy forces had entered Omega 52, a Corsair cruiser-class by the name of 'biShi' to be exact.

After some hassle with a jump-hole not phase aligning correctly, the interloper was pinned down and crushed by the main batteries of our well-named flagship in the asteroids of Omega-5.

To be noted is the extent of Lt. Commander Baranov's bravery in the face of overwhelming odds, keeping tabs on the foe until fire support arrived.

For such repeated tenacity, including this incident as well as his successful attempt to distract a wing of enemy snubs from an attack on s superior... in spite of having sustained utterly critical damage, he is to be awarded the prestigious Golden Halo decoration for dogged dedication to the cause.

-Richthofen out!
---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cmfalconer - 06-20-2008

CommID: Lt. Alexi Karchov
Target: SCRA Command
Message Trace: Freistadt, Omega 7

I am proud to report another highly successful force-recon mission, this time into the heart of Rheinland. Two flight elements of Coalition Taiidans made their way into Rheinland via Omega 7 after a short rendezvous at Freistadt. Those involved were

Captain Adrian "Ares" Jovem
Lieutenant Commander Yuri Striatov
Lieutenant Commander Miroslav Baranov
Lieutenant Alexi Karchov

We first headed to Stuttgart and were happy to pass through onto Dresden, but a Rheinland Federal Policeman by the name of Hans_Hagenschutz decided to open his mouth. The flight group converged on the RFP officer at Planet Stuttgart, where he was briefly joined by a Bounty Hunter Orca Gunboat named Plamen_V. The Gunboat was quickly subdued by multiple SuperNova hits and a planetary atmosphere, and the RFP officer quickly followed. One Phantom against four Taiidans didn't last too long, and although we saluted his bravery, we were saddened by this man's apparent brainwashing by the Rheinland authorities.

After this we proceeded to Dresden, and then quickly through the New Berlin jumphole. The flight group converged on Brandenburg and were engaged by multiple police and corporate rookies(NPC). After some time, the Military got wind of our presence and sent a cruiser battlegroup(NPC), which was quickly dispatched by the flightgroup. After a time, a Rheinland Cruiser named Admiral_Bronson appeared and engaged. A flurry of SuperNovas, MiniRazors, and quick flying put down the interloper.

At this point, Captain Ares called upon a full-scale assault on Brandenburg Border Station to gauge the enemy response. A call to take out the station turrets was answered by the flight group, and bombardment commenced. The assault did flush out a lone trader in a FireFly class transport, but the name was missed by my combat recorder. The fool opened fire on the Coalition fighters, and the flight group was given permission to engage. The target was quickly eliminated.

The response wasn't quite what was expected. After calling a halt on the Brandenburg assault, a single Rheinland Military Wraith was sent to investigate. One Adolph_Gallund of the Rheinland Military engaged the flight group, and after a rather long fight, was finally put down. Rheinland pilots have no shortage of bravery, but no shortage of false belief in their invulnerability either.

Captain Ares called a halt to the mission at this point, and the flight group, with very little damage and no casualties, turned back for the long trip to Freistadt. Passing into Dresden, a Darkwing Gunship ambushed the rear guard ship of Baranov. I was the closest, and turned around with the rest of the flight group hot on my tail and engaged DW-Crunch. The BHG Gunship was no match for the coordinated attack of the Coalition Army. During the fight, another Darkwing ship was spotted and the flight group turned to engage. DW-Max, in a BHG Bomber, tried to outwit the flightgroup by flying a round-about route toward the O15 jumphole, but as Miroslav and Yuri followed the bomber, Captain Ares and I short-cutted to the jumphole, and in a classic pincer maneuver, converged and destroyed the hapless bomber.

The Darkwing Flagship <DarkWing>BS1 was spotted on long-range sensors in O15, and it was decided that it had to go. the flightgroup jumped to O15, and was quickly engaged by the battleship. After a protracted battle, in which my
Natalia took pretty heavy damage, the ship was finally destroyed. It was here that the flightgroup made its way peacefully through Corsair territory back to Freistadt where repairs and repast was had.

Synopsis: Very little coordinated military response in Rheinland to an assault. Planet is well defended with many Battleship patrols, but not many in other places. The Coalition racked up a very nice kill total, with many capitals and fighters while taking absolutely no losses, and little damage to ships as a whole. An overall highly successful raid. Attached is a brief rundown of eliminated targets.

[Image: RheinlandAssault.jpg]

Drinks on me as I've gotten a new deposit from certain friends of the Coalition. Thanks Jayson.

Lt. Alexi Karchov

Message send
Message reroute copy to Cape Verde

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 06-22-2008

Comm. ID: Captain Jan Richthofen

---Transmission Initiated---

This is the RACS-Ho.Chi.Minh requesting an industrial cleanup team to assist our new repair vessel, under our new recruit, Lieutenant Nikolaus Tinkerer, in salvaging possible information units from a destroyed 'Harvester' gunboat in the Bering system.

The A.I on these machines proved advanced but overconfident. Take note.

Hopefully the tech-specialists can extract more useful intelligence from the wreckage. The Commissariat can question released prisoners.

-Richthofen out!

---Transmission Terminated---

Comm. ID: Commodore Alexei Stakhanov

---Transmission Initiated---

Reporting on defence engagement Delta-Niner...

Lieutenant Alexi Karchov set a red alert regarding Mollies with navigational problems accidentally entering Omega-52, compromising our borders. The Lieutenant stalwartly pinned a gunship, a bomber and a destroyer in place without assistance until my crew had the engines of the RACS-Karl.Marx fired up.

Upon arrival, the interlopers were terminated with utmost haste by our gun batteries, as expected.

-Stakhanov out

---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cmfalconer - 06-22-2008

CommID: Lt. Alexi Karchov
Message Target: SCRA Command - Location unknown
Message Copy: Commodore Stakhanov - Cape Verde
Message Origin: Cape Verde - Omega 52

I'd like to make a quick addendum to the Commodore's report.

I was flying a routine Combat Space Patrol mission and noticed the force building in Omega 50. I proceeded to the Jumphole to investigate, and as I approached, the Cruiser The_Reclaimer came through, followed closely by GunShip Murin
and a Barghest UOG D*Shamrock.

I requested intentions by these Mollies, to which I was treated to "i don't answer to the likes of you" by the Destroyer.

I do believe this was either an exploratory mission or a deliberate attempt to breach our system. I think I'll be doing more CSP's in the Viper with my Taiidan at Freistadt.

Lt. Alexi Karchov

Message Send

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Zeltak - 07-02-2008

Entering code sequence... Permission Granted...
Please verify identification: Lt. Zarevo Kaputski
Transmission initiated... Loading... Loading...

My Comrades!

Today decided Captain Ares that we should make a tactical strike against Rheinland. We need to liberate the oppressed citizens that are controlled by the iron-fisted "GottKanzler" though we showed today that this man is no god!

Starting from Omega-7 we moved towards Stuttgart and then headed to the Dresden system. From there we sneaked into New Berlin and managed to stay undetected by the Rheinland Military radars for an amazingly long time. Long range scanners indicated a RFP pilot headed to New Berlin via Frankfurt, so we cut his journey in the middle and had him trapped. Unfortunately the said pilot managed to flee but he died later... We were playing the waiting game for nearly a hour with the defending force, though impatience stroked both teams and so we moved towards each other for the final battle.

Though just as we started , two "DW" Bounty Hunters charged at us, one flying a BH Battleship and the other flying a BH Battlecruiser, both mounted with a 4.0 armour which really only made killing them take a few minutes longer. The Havana managed to damage multiple targets and took down both "DW" members with fire-support by our three bombers.

The battle continued... and now a Rheinland Cruiser joined up to fight us, though he didn't seem to cause any serious damage towards us and it didn't take long before his damages forced him to retreat.

A new RFP pilot came to assist the Rheinland Military but even that pilot retreated after being heavily gunned down.

Now it was only the two RM pilots left who imitated the battle from the beginning. Though two more RM soldiers assisted them but we managed to destroy them all, however one of our bombers had to retreat due to heavy damage.

Loading Data:

[Image: DeathsRM.jpg]

Also, a rather odd "request" occurred from a civilian pilot. Clearly expressing who the real owners are:

[Image: Ownesrs2.jpg]

For the Coalition! For the People!

Kaputski out!

Transmission terminated...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Zeltak - 07-06-2008

Entering code sequence... Permission Granted...
Please verify identification: Lt. Zarevo Kaputski
Transmission initiated... Loading... Loading...

My Comrades!

Today decided I and Lieutenant Commander Miroslav Baranov to make a tactical strike against three Corsairs who entered the Omega-5 system. The following pilots were flying: 1 Gunboat, 1 Bomber and 1 Fighter. Miroslav had to first head back to Cape Verde for a quick repair, meanwhile I jumped to Omega-5 to provoke the enemy via comms. It worked, the Corsairs changed their route and sat course towards me. For a few minutes I was just dodging as they fired upon me, waiting for my Comrade to arrive as backup. Once he did we turn around and swiftly destroyed all three of them.

On the way back to Omega-52, a Order pilot flying a Huntress crossed our path. Unwise choice indeed, as he also got killed.

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[Image: Death53.jpg]

For the Coalition! For the People!

Kaputski out!

Transmission terminated...