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Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Printable Version

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RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Pinko - 06-21-2013

Discovery's had the strange and nearly unique (in my experience) tradition of disliking the term 'clan'. For most old timers here, it's more about belonging to the community as a whole than to a group of friends, which is why there's a lot of people who'd find you suspicious.

But hey, I don't care myself. More activity is nice, if you bring it.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - GrnRaptor - 06-21-2013

(06-21-2013, 09:33 PM)LucasDarkhaven Wrote: I never said 50 of us jumped on at one time. Generally around 10 or 11 of us play in groups. Our clan is a multinational clan with players on at all times. Our team speak averages about 50-60 people at any given time.

This make more sense.

(06-21-2013, 09:33 PM)LucasDarkhaven Wrote: Currently I have a route that I can buy at 2k and sell for 10k 8k*5k=40,000,000.

Ah, there's the confusion. It seemed like you were saying you were making 50 million per player, which is absurd. 50 million for a group is totally reasonable.

Even now your statement is a bit confusing. Are you saying that individuals are buying items for 2k a piece and then selling for 10k? You must be selling Trade/Gate Lane parts then. The trick with that is that those take 5 cargo per unit, so the buy/sell price is multiplied appropriately. You're not making any more/less than anyone else who would do the same. Glad we got that sorted.

(06-21-2013, 09:33 PM)LucasDarkhaven Wrote: I assure you we are on the discovery 24/7 rp server, the most active one. I'm surprised a vet like you doesn't know about the most lucrative trade routes in the game, and a guy playing two weeks has found them.

Maybe your spending all your time in Liberty space...

This discussion has degenerated in me defending myself instead of getting useful information. Plainly I feel words are cheap. I like to speak with results anyway. Look forward to seeing you on the server.

See the above for the confusion about what server you're on.

As for the words, I gave you five valid reasons as why your story(not you) wasn't worth addressing. If you feel that's an attack on you, that's your issue, not mine. I've not seen that you've addressed any point I raised except to dismiss them as irrelevant because you're going to do as you want anyway. I've also given you plenty of useful information on how to integrate into server life here.

You're welcome to do as you want, of course. It would help if you took into consideration the playerbase that already exists before determining what you want to do, though.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - LucasDarkhaven - 06-21-2013

I don't understand why your being so difficult. Simply put we were interested in getting involved politically and were trying to go about it the right away. I'm here trying to gain an understanding what would be in the best interest of the player base and understand the established rp. And no I am not trading in lane parts, and I honestly would rather keep the trade route to myself to avoid being pirated.

According to the server rules if I wished we could buy Cap ships to our hearts content and do what we want anyway. And it would take a whole lot of Skype messages to hinder us. Liberty is at war with Rhineland. There is nothing preventing us from invading Rhineland with liberty cap ships according to the server rules.

I was simply trying to create a back drop rp story for it.

I came here because I noticed the servers population and didn't want to make any dramatic changes to the rp without understanding what is going on.

From what I have gathered Galia seems like the best choice for us. Its most likely where we will go next.

Thanks for the info, but from what I've gathered from your posts, the majority have been attacking my integrity, and honesty. Once I proved mathematically you layed off the money issue and moved on to challenge the validty of who I play with.

You've refused to rp with me in the faction forum, even negatively to help create a back story for us either helping liberty or giving us an excuse to breath life back into galia.

I appreciate your criticism, but I don't see how you have helped me, or the people I represent one bit. All I have seen from you are veiled threats, negative attempts to intergrate us into the community, and attacks on my integrity.

For those that proposed the usefull advice on galia I truly do appreciate it. You have been a lot of help.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - GrnRaptor - 06-21-2013

(06-21-2013, 09:56 PM)LucasDarkhaven Wrote: I don't understand why your being so difficult. Simply put we were interested in getting involved politically and were trying to go about it the right away.

I was simply trying to create a back drop rp story for it.

Swaggering into the H.C. of a House military and saying "Bless me or I give away your technology" is hardly the right way to go about anything anywhere. I addressed all of this in my first post to you. That's not "being difficult".

(06-21-2013, 09:56 PM)LucasDarkhaven Wrote: According to the server rules if I wished we could buy Cap ships to our hearts content and do what we want anyway. And it would take a whole lot of Skype messages to hinder us. Liberty is at war with Rhineland. There is nothing preventing us from invading Rhineland with liberty cap ships according to the server rules.

I don't remember saying you can't buy capitals if you want and fly under the Navy ID. As several people have pointed out, most people do that already. There are certain Zone of Influence rules(that certain people ignore) that say you can't fly to the capital of the enemy or to the other side of their territory. Those rules will be enforced more in the next version of Discovery, though.

(06-21-2013, 09:56 PM)LucasDarkhaven Wrote: From what I have gathered Galia seems like the best choice for us. Its most likely where we will go next.

Gallia could use the activity. It's a bit of a mess right now geography wise, but that'll be addressed in the next version as well. Make sure you fly with the appropriate IDs and ships while there to fit into RP. It'd be good if you read the in RP House Laws before you do anything else. Server Rules too.

Server/Forum Rules
House Laws

I hope this helps.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - LucasDarkhaven - 06-21-2013

Thanks again for the advice. I look forward to rping with you.

By the way action speaks louder than words. I just donated 40 dollars to the server and my clan pledges 40 dollars a month as long as we play here.

I've read the server rules and scimmed through the house rules already. I plan on studying the house rules more later, a lot of information to take in.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Pinko - 06-21-2013

(06-21-2013, 10:31 PM)LucasDarkhaven Wrote: Thanks again for the advice. I look forward to rping with you.

By the way action speaks louder than words. I just donated 40 dollars to the server and my clan pledges 40 dollars a month as long as we play here.

I've read the server rules and scimmed through the house rules already. I plan on studying the house rules more later, a lot of information to take in.

Throwing around the word "clan" so much is what unsettles the people here so much. What some see as a huge problem on the server is what we nickname 'skypelancer', where a group of friends unite on skype/whatever and conspire with each others, with little regards to others opinions. I'm not saying you are, but quite a few perceive it as elitism. Feel free to do whatev you want though. Always good to see more people.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - LucasDarkhaven - 06-21-2013

Sorry, I am just a completely transparent person. If you saw 20 or so ships cruising around together and this wasn't brought up it people would think I am trying to hide something.

We don't use Skype. We generally use team speak. Our clan is build upon integrity, honesty, and providing a positive gaming experience to those around us. Once I found this game I got several of my friends to download it.

Once we began amassing wealth I decided to come here to find out what's kosher.

I am nearly 90 percent positive we will be rebuilding the house Galia, but I want to run it by my people first and lay low for a week or so while I learn the rules.

There is absolutely nothing to worry about. If a clan member gets in trouble on a server he gets in trouble in the clan.

I've also donated 40 dollars and pledged to do the same every month. I've also taken the time to come to these forums in an attempt to find out what would be best for the community.

I can understand why some people would find it threatening, but a game that does not get new players dies, and having 50 active players who respect the rules, and the community is a good, not bad thing.

Since I have been playing I , nor any of my clan mates have received one sanction, nor do we intend too.

We simply are beginning to understand the rules and I am learning the community and we are ready to make our mark.

I look forward to playing with you.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Sabru - 06-21-2013

As you have suggested, perhaps hold off on big things until you get used to being part of the community.. Once the Community sees you and your group are ok, and wont be stupid, then try big things.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - LucasDarkhaven - 06-21-2013

We like to do things big, that's our style.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Pinko - 06-21-2013

(06-21-2013, 11:41 PM)LucasDarkhaven Wrote: We like to do things big, that's our style.

I actually enjoy your attitude, go getters and whatnot, not afraid of difficulties you might have to face. I hope you bring lots of fun to the server. Don't mind the negative attitude on the forums too much, it's been like that around here since .86 was released, pretty much. I'm curious about your group, though, mind dropping me a PM with a link, perhaps?