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BHG Discussion thread - JIVA - 07-14-2008

for freeport 11 i got no actual character there. - i setup and can mod the contract board as a player, but not as a char there.

BHG Discussion thread - Cosmos - 07-15-2008

' Wrote:Couple of notable things on the agenda:
  • Unifying bounty boards. All bounties will be asked to go through the BHG, and may sometimes be partially subsidized to do so. As a tag along move, "fair play" will be instituted and you won't see people claim bounties on fighters with their gunships and battlecruisers.

do you mean every BH on the server or only you're little group?

BHG Discussion thread - Athenian - 07-15-2008

Did you read ALL of the thread? There are non faction and faction members alike working together here. All Bounty Hunters. You have the i.d., you're a hunter in my opinion. The Sheffield Station Board is up. I'll <strike>gladly</strike> manage the bounties for hunters in one place and save people the hassle of collecting and arranging payment. What do I get? Nothing. Not even special treatment for my own little group who operate out of Bretonia. Not even a thank you. But BH players come together, work together and stop trawling around Sirius like Robocop, and it makes my heart warm.

edit: We're doing this on a trial basis; if anyone has criticisms post please. The Bounty Boards for FP11 and Sheffield are pinned in the employment office.

BHG Discussion thread - Cosmos - 07-15-2008

i know 1, i will take any bounty i want on my BC even if you like it or not?

why have a hunter if you cant hunt?

BHG Discussion thread - Zapp - 07-15-2008

Because that's poor sportsmanship, and not cost-effective. Spend millions on fuel, paying the crew, ammo, etc. and get only a million for a bounty? Doesn't make no kind of sense.

Unless I"m missing your question, it's hard to understand your english.

BHG Discussion thread - sovereign - 07-15-2008

Realize that taking bounties on fighters in a BC is horribly mean. It also contributes to the pathetic image of the BHG.

If a bounty is offered that allows you to use your BC and we don't negotiate an exclusive contract under our rules, feel free to be a horrible sport and do it. You'll have to find your own way of getting the money to you, as well as having no real insurance that they'll even pay you when you find them- both things that organization gives. We've got people spanning timezones, and if someone doesn't pay up then they get a bounty on themselves too. Do you span timezones?

That's what the Guild offers as opposed to freelancing or mercenary work. Organization, and a bunch of people at your back should you need the assist.

EDIT: Point, I'll go fix the title.

BHG Discussion thread - Athenian - 07-15-2008

Is that a question?

That's fine, I just didn't see what you meant by "youre little group". I'm sure you read in the thread that many people are against the idea of trying to force anybody to play the way someone else thinks a Bounty Hunter should be played. So if you want to take bounties in your battlecruiser, off you go. Bear in mind that many open bounties are restricted to certain ship sizes. So while the BPA might offer 100k for a Corsair fighter , you get nothing if you're in anything larger than a bomber. Read instructions carefully.

I can say from my own experience that fighting a Battlecruiser in a Light fighter is not fun. For the light fighter.

Um Sovereign the Battlecruiser mention in the thread title appears to be offensive to Battlecruiser fliers.

//edit: How silly of me. I did have fun when the RHA took out a Destroyer in Omega 3 the other night. We had a bomber and fighters, and I was in me Loki. Pew!Pew!

BHG Discussion thread - Cosmos - 07-15-2008

firstly Zapp, im english ok? i live in england... ive been brought up here, i was born here... i choose not to use full sentances.
pro-nouns and verbs etc because it is an easier way of speaking.

and like i said earlier... why have a BC if you cant hunt with it? there is simply no point... not half as many GB or larger hunts come up compared to fighters...

how would it be millions in fuel Zapp? Hfuel is sold for 24 credits a piece on the gas miner ogashawa and im nearly allways stationed in omi-delta, therefore Fuel is not a problem,

Ammunation is not needed because i fire energy weapons, and i also have servers solar panels that absorb solar energy on my ship.

BHG Discussion thread - Athenian - 07-15-2008

I don't think the issue is the viability of capships, or justifying the reailty of any particular situation in what is essentially a spaceship game. I think there is a simple enough issue at stake; ensuring the game is as enjoyable for the other person as it is for you.
If someone bounties the head of a huge criminal family and his flagship vessel which happens to be a destroyer, then by all means I'll help you drive the BC out of the garage.
I don't think using the same ship against a fighter is at all enjoyable for the person in the fighter, and I would say the BC pilot. I'd say something different if you're taking on umpteen ships by your lonesome.
But using a battlecruiser to hunt a bomber isnt "hunting", it's stampeding. It makes hunting impossible. Anyone in their right mind runs at the sight of the thing. Of course there are the occasional targets of opportunity that show up, but generally trampling around chasing small time criminals in the thing is, simply put, unfair.
But you play as you want to play. That's my two cents.

BHG Discussion thread - Raekur - 07-15-2008

' Wrote:I don't think the issue is the viability of capships, or justifying the reailty of any particular situation in what is essentially a spaceship game. I think there is a simple enough issue at stake; ensuring the game is as enjoyable for the other person as it is for you.
If someone bounties the head of a huge criminal family and his flagship vessel which happens to be a destroyer, then by all means I'll help you drive the BC out of the garage.
I don't think using the same ship against a fighter is at all enjoyable for the person in the fighter, and I would say the BC pilot. I'd say something different if you're taking on umpteen ships by your lonesome.
But using a battlecruiser to hunt a bomber isnt "hunting", it's stampeding. It makes hunting impossible. Anyone in their right mind runs at the sight of the thing. Of course there are the occasional targets of opportunity that show up, but generally trampling around chasing small time criminals in the thing is, simply put, unfair.
But you play as you want to play. That's my two cents.

I understand you point here Athenian but also consider that several times I have seen a lone BH gunboat get pounced on by multiple pirate cruisers. Fairness works both ways and I see no reason to restrict the lawful side as long as the unlawful side continues to parade around in battleships and cruisers.
I really should have gotten closer to New Berlin that one time to get a screenshot of an Osiris and its escort cruisers sitting less then 3k from the planet. RM put up a hell of a fight, but got completly slaughtered.
No pirate has any reason to complain about being in a fighter and having a BC chasing them. The fighter has more then enough manuverability to escape. If everyone wants BH to fly nothing but fighters and bombers, then the same should be done equally across the board. Oh, and when a contract is presented, it should be only the name, ship, and bounty amount, No dictating what ships are allowed to collect the bounty. That is being unfair. I do understand that it should be fun for everyone, but that is not always going to happen.