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Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Printable Version

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Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Zapp - 04-06-2009

The new Necrosis is a beast. If you're a small ship, you got the constant 'incoming missiles' of a lot of gunboat turrets. If you're a larger ship, you got big guns to worry about. And the infocard is awesome (my first encounter, last night, I had to dodge around as I read it).

All I must say is: you has win, Mr. Mon'Star. The LPI have a cell in their secret supermax with your name on it, ha ha.


Mon'Star Feedback Thread - JakeSG - 04-06-2009

By the way, Dreygon? I'm still coming for you. Just gotta hope that no more little things get in the way.

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Tavarez - 04-06-2009

' Wrote:The LPI have a cell in their secret supermax with your name on it, ha ha.


Nice my first sighting of the infamous ship, when the call for ALL LPI CONVERGE ON MON'STAR was called I have to say I didnt feel any different cuz I didnt know any better!

Once we got to him, all I could say was HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! how are we supposed to take that down?!?!

Well with about 8-10 Bombers/VHF's and a little over 8 minutes of incessive fighting, Mon'Star bit the dust. He did managed to take a parting shot as I died at the same time he did, man those GB missles leave a mark...

Keep up the good work Dreygon, it was a blast!!

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - JakeSG - 04-07-2009

Out of curiousity, is Mon'Star a heavy drinker?

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - hack - 04-07-2009

Monstar? HOLY MOLY, Everyone hide!

Heh, You can not have the light without the dark... keep it up.

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - hribek - 04-08-2009

I like Mon'Star. He's entertaining at times, but dangerous indeed. Extreme caution is absolute necessity. I met both Necrosis and his Outcast gunship. Just scanned the Necrosis, had to fire on the gunship to protect some Outcast smugglers. But overall ... fun!

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Dusty Lens - 04-08-2009

' Wrote:Out of curiousity, is Mon'Star a heavy drinker?

That depends, is the wound a gusher?

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - reavengitair - 04-08-2009

Mon'star. You are stalking me.
Every time I trade, I see you in leeds. You're allways there. Stalking me. Hiding in the shadows.

Anyway, usually I only see you withing Bretonia and Kusari. Do you often go any other places? Maybe it's just me at the moment, but it does seem like you're allways there. Oh and a certain trip to minor.

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Benjamin - 04-08-2009

He was out and about in Stuttgart the last time I was on my LWB. Luckily we didn't meet.

Also what's the deal with his little Psi-Borg buddy/sidekick/pet thing?

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - JakeSG - 04-08-2009

He goes to Liberty on most weekends, I think.