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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - bluntpencil2001 - 11-06-2008

To: BAF High Command
CC: HMS-Churchill
Comm. ID: Commodore Sir Andrew Stuart, Q-Ship Flotilla Commanding Officer

---Transmission Initiated---

Right, I'm sure everyone received that message from one irresponsible battleship Captain, so I'll get to my point quickly.

We don't have resources like that to squander, boys and girls. In spite of the vast amount of resources which my flotilla has confiscated for our war effort, it isn't enough to repair or replace battleships lost in needless engagements in territories which are beyond our jurisdiction.

To the Captain of HMS-Churchill, I have to congratulate him for preventing an act of piracy... before I must harshly reprimand him for squandering thousands of times the resources which he had rescued.

Pursuing into unknown territory via jump-holes unmapped by the BAF is so utterly reckless, it makes me sick. We hire Bounty Hunters for a reason. They can hunt in Magellan all they want... our Dunkirk classes are needed to guard the Leeds border. Losing the noble men and women under our command is nigh-criminal in such pointless endeavours.

Mentioning Bounty Hunters, I would like High Command to note that, after some investigation, I have received some reports from the Search/Destroy Agency, which revealed that the HMS-Churchill had received communications from one of their Agents who could have assisted, yet had ignored his presence, instead of requesting that he pursue the Lane Hackers instead of the Dunkirk-class, which should have been consolidating and guarding the trade lanes from further assaults.

Furthermore, we already know that the Mollys are back to their old tricks, the Republicans having burnt our Treaty in public. Additionally, if Outcasts are thieving from our boys in Trains, it's our (and by that I mean 'your') job to shoot the bloody border-hoppers. Of course, one can expect such Outcasts to open fire if one brings a battleship into unmarked territory which they may consider to be of their interest.

So, to conclude, the Captain of the HMS-Churchill, in my most humble of opinions, is guilty of vast negligence, recklessness and ignorance. Such behaviour does not befit a ranking officer of Her Most Revered Majesty's Armed Forces. Losing crewmen and resources in assaults into unknown territory, against unknown foes and neglecting one's assigned duties is ridiculous in my opinion. Ignorance about who our foes are just adds insult to injury.

If it wouldn't get me arrested and court-martialled, I'd challenge the gentleman to a duel this very instant. Unfortunately ,however, I recognise that I have responsibilities to see to. I know that the men and women under my command are my responsibility, and that our job is to win a war or three. I won't be neglecting my duties, unlike some of our Captains.

-Stuart out!

---Tranmission Terminated---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Reverend Del - 11-06-2008

----Transmission Incoming---

---Civilian Comms encryption---

Unauthorised access to Bretonian defence Communications network detected.

Notifying Authorities: Tracing Source

Trace Complete:

Communications Identity. Lord Gregory Bayliss

Location: Waterloo Station, New London System

Whilst I don't doubt the foolhardy decision to take a battleship into Magellan, it must be noted that the lanes up to the freeport there do belong and have always belonged to her majesties Navy. To bawl out one of her officers out for going where his jurisdiction allows is quite beyond the pale, my good man. The rest may however be spot on.

Apologies for the not exactly legal method of communication, but some things need to be said. No doubt I'll have my Lord's privileges revoked. I'm sure I can buy them back, working for the IND has it's benefits, eh?

Lord Bayliss

----Communication Terminated----

Awaiting further instructions

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - bluntpencil2001 - 11-06-2008

' Wrote:----Transmission Incoming---

---Civilian Comms encryption---

Unauthorised access to Bretonian defence Communications network detected.

Notifying Authorities: Tracing Source

Trace Complete:

Communications Identity. Lord Gregory Bayliss

Location: Waterloo Station, New London System

Whilst I don't doubt the foolhardy decision to take a battleship into Magellan, it must be noted that the lanes up to the freeport there do belong and have always belonged to her majesties Navy. To bawl out one of her officers out for going where his jurisdiction allows is quite beyond the pale, my good man. The rest may however be spot on.

Apologies for the not exactly legal method of communication, but some things need to be said. No doubt I'll have my Lord's privileges revoked. I'm sure I can buy them back, working for the IND has it's benefits, eh?

Lord Bayliss

----Communication Terminated----

Awaiting further instructions

To: Lord Gregory Bayliss
Comm. ID: Commodore Sir Andre Stuart

---Transmission Initiated---

One: He wasn't near the trade lanes, having used unmapped jump holes.

Two: Where the hell did you get military High Command communication codes!? If that bastard Captain has revealed military secrets, or spoken of a military matter before declassification, I shall be most displeased. Sending messages is one thing, but eavesdropping like this is ridiculous. A Lordship doesn't give one the right to poke one's nose into military affairs, neither does a privileged position in the Interspace Neuralnet Department. Even if it did, I would make sure to note your name on the telegram, squire.

However, I will thank you for revealing the weaknesses in security. Now we're going to have to have MI600 see about capturing spies.

-Stuart out!

---Transmission Terminated---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - bluntpencil2001 - 11-06-2008

Comm. ID: Commodore Sir Andrew Stuart

---Transmission Initiated---

Due to recent security breaches, all communications from this point on are to be sent in code. A translation shall be provided to trusted officers on paper, as opposed to in a hackable electronic format.

I apologise for the inconvenience, but we don't want dogeaters to drum in, do we?

-Sierra in the sunlight.

---Transmission Terminated---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Athenian - 11-06-2008

Comm. ID: Lord Commander Sir Roger Bertram Brinkley

---Transmission Initiated---

Received update of possible breach of secure communications channel. Transmitting report using encryption keycode Gainsborough.

Message reads:


Until such time as breach is located, will continue using rotation of keycodes as per Order. 1278346HJASDHG

---Transmission Terminated---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Akumabito - 11-07-2008

To BAF Command

It seems the queens insanity has spread to her privateers who would hand Leeds over to the lane hackers willingly, people who have no concept of honor, and who see the citizens of Leeds as expendable.

Fortunately the privateers keep far enough from the Homeland that their stench is seldom sensed, however, it does beg the question of what these privateers have promised the outcasts to allow them passage through the tau's, that they now think attacking Bretonian military in Leeds is acceptable?

I smell treason here. An alliance between lane hackers, outcasts, mollys and junkers in our own backyard cannot be ignored.

And obviously the jumphole is known to all, as I have chased these lane hackers back to it on numerous occasions.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - bluntpencil2001 - 11-07-2008

' Wrote:To BAF Command
It seems the queens insanity has spread to her privateers who would hand Leeds over to the lane hackers willingly, people who have no concept of honor, and who see the citizens of Leeds as expendable.

Fortunately the privateers keep far enough from the Homeland that their stench is seldom sensed, however, it does beg the question of what these privateers have promised the outcasts to allow them passage through the tau's, that they now think attacking Bretonian military in Leeds is acceptable?

I smell treason here.

To: Captain of the HMS-Churchill
Comm. ID: Commodore Sir Andrew Stuart

---Transmission Initiated---

Cider Gainsborough Skipper! Don't let dogeaters viddy diaries! Norse dragon dances pink wise! Dark bonfire eats cowboy leather!

One meringue on the side or mother strikes right.

-Sierra in the sunlight

---Transmission Terminated---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Reverend Del - 11-07-2008

---Communication Incoming----

---Unauthorised Access Detected: Informing Authorities----

---Attempting to Jam and Track Source---

---Trace Complete---

---Jam Unsuccessful---

Communication Identity: Lord Gregory Bayliss

Location: Roppongi Station, New Tokyo System

Dear Lord in Heaven, Has her Majesties forces gone quite irrevocably insane? The Gainsborough code was never meant to be used, half of it is undecipherable even by those using it, the other half changes daily dependent on some esoteric function that Gainsborough himself couldn't define.

Anyway can't stay long, this technology isn't as rtobust as it's maufacturer's claim and I don't particularly wish to pay a further cost.

Cheerio and toodlepip

Lord Bayliss

---Communication Terminated----

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - MarvinCZ - 11-07-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Commodore Mark McKenna]

Engagement report


-Canoe in the sunlight

[Transmission terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - bluntpencil2001 - 11-07-2008

' Wrote:[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Commodore Mark McKenna]

Engagement report

This one is a little overdue, fortunately this time. Using Gainsborough, message begins.


-Canoe in the sunlight

[Transmission terminated]

To: Commodore Mark McKenna
Comm. ID: Commodore Sir Andrew Stuart

---Transmission Initiated---

Are you sure? That's roast beef in the late afternoon! Are you sure it is bulldog as opposed to boxer passant?

Relinquish Herod's pineapple on Easter Tuesday.

-Sierra in the sunlight

---Transmission Terminated---