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Top 10 tips for traders - Printable Version

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Top 10 tips for traders - AeternusDoleo - 08-30-2010

I didn't see this on the 7 previous pages, but one of the points made is infact false:

Quote:3. Don't dock on an unlawful base at the start of a system with pirates in it
If you're going through a system which either has pirates in it (hey, we all look at the player list) or is a common pirate haunt, then contrary to belief it is not a good idea to dock on a pirate-aligned base at the start of that system. Sure, if the pirates kill you then you can respawn in the same system and try to get through to the other end of your trade run in order to go somewhere else (assuming you use a trade run with more than two stops of course). However, the pirates can demand tax from you again and again. If you get killed again, you respawn at their base again.

Now see PVP rule 5.7:
Quote:5.7 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not enter the system where the fight took place with any of the characters on his/her account(s) until four hours have passed from the time of his/her destruction.

If the player respawns in the same system, he/she must leave the system within 10 minutes of his destruction without attacking anyone, except in self-defense. Other players are not allowed to attack one who is leaving.
Continuous killing a respawning player is a server rule violation. If a pirate kills a person, that person is oorply ejected from the system, and must be left alone while leaving (without cargo of course). I've been hit with this problem before, pirates -continuously- killing a person who has been killed and wants to leave the system, typically low RP pirates extorting a high fee from an (near) empty trader.
It's grieving. Don't do it.

That said, I enjoy a good pirate (usually I'm in my miner) and typically give them a run for their money. I will run, and surrender when my hull drops to half. I'll only surrender directly when met with overwhelming force - like a wolfpack of 3 or 4 pirates working together. The only ones who never get credits from me are the "2 mil or you die" variety. Roleplay is rewarded, just plain muggery is not.

Top 10 tips for traders - Shardphoenix - 09-05-2010

Today`s typical pirate:[attachmentid=379]
They`re not afraid even of Shire.

Top 10 tips for traders - convoy hunter - 09-10-2010

helpful tips

Top 10 tips for traders - Ascalon - 10-21-2010

One advice - employ escorters

Top 10 tips for traders - Jack_Henderson - 11-25-2010

There should be a thread and a guide about "How to pirate responsibly".

This game is made for both players of pirates and players of traders/miners. A game is only successful if every role is fun and players decide to play this role because it is fun.

Basically, pirates (often quite experienced players with good equipment) feast on the new players that still feel the need to earn money. They must, if they really want to participate in the game on equal terms.

Thus it would help if the pirates thought about the other player's situation behind the characters as well, when he pirates.

Some thoughts:

Demanding ALL cargo e.g. of a mining ship is an OORP loss of time of about 1 hour that you were sitting in a mining area shooting rocks, getting taxed at least once (since you are chanceless and it's easy money and people like to be on the side of the winner and not the loser!). The loss is about 20 million. That's way too much loss to be fun. Don't do it. I'm not a bad loser and I know that losing can be much more fun in roleplay than winning, but I can#t find any fun in losing sums like this.

Taking a little money doesn't hurt. It's part of the game. Pirates need to play their roles, traders too. Why not say "okay" to an offer of 500k, or 1 million? All money? 8 millions? This ruins the fun in gaming. If I spend 1 hour shooting rocks, I want to have a chance to get something from it to move on in the game.

Half an hour ago somebody (he was RPing nicely, everything okay from that point of view - so this stays anonymous) took ALL money I had (not too high sum, but everything) and I died later on because I had not even the possibility to repair the hull damage. Great. It was much fun to lose 8 millions to a pirate and to be killed later on and lose all the cargo as well. 2 hours of playing resulted in a loss of about 30 million credits in less than 5 minutes. Wow. Great thing. I don't know how many of you would enjoy that. I can't.

Just another thing to think about when pirating: It's also not nice to shoot a trader to zero shield (just to make your point, he agreed to pay or he already stopped) in the middle of an NPC swarm. How can I type, pay, defend myself against the NPCs, and pay afterwards for the hull- and equipment damage if I have nothing left? It's metathinking and a bit of "How would that feel if we changed positions" that could keep things like that from happening.

The situation that prompeted this post seriously made me reconsider whether mining/trading makes sense or whether it is just an aweful, stupid waste of time while other players profit from my time spent in mining areas by ripping me off in a 2 minute play in which a trader has no chance at all and no real roleplay possibilities. Sorry, I don't see the fun of roleplaying a situation that is completely clear from the start.

So the plea of a quite new player would be:

Be kind to the players behind the characters you pirate. I don't want all my efforts to buy a new ship be ruined by a player encounter. Tax me, ok. Shoot my shields and hull, okay. But give me the chance to get out of this as an OORP content person.

Just keep your demands moderate so that I can enjoy losing a little but winning enough to make the game move on smoothly for both sides.

Have a feeling for "what is possible" in the roleplay. If you see that it's a small ship and not very high player level and not even full armor class, and if the player tries to find an ingame solution that works for him, why not agree and leave both sides happy?

This is how it can work because the game needs to be motivating for both sides. We can't have only gunboats and stronger ships in the game bscause playing smaller, weaker vessels renders you a victim to everybody.

Mature gaming attitudes should make metagaming thoughts like the presented ones obligatory. They are obligatory for me.

Sorry for the frustrated tone. It was just a bit too much.

Andy - just another player on the same game who wants to have fun.

Top 10 tips for traders - Xenosaga - 12-02-2010

As a pirate, I also have a piece of advice to all traders:

Goddamn, be faster in the transfer window

Noone can tell me, that typing in "2000000" and clicking "accept trade" takes more than 10 seconds. If you take too long, one might think you alerted someone.

Top 10 tips for traders - podgie_bear - 12-02-2010

Another thing that pirates have to realise is that if a trader says he doesn't have enough to pay them...he may mean it!

I bought a new transport, and fill it with cargo and used nearly all my money to do it, but one trip would make me my money back with profit. All I had left was 600k roughly. When pirated for 2 million, said I couldn't pay, said I only had 600k, offerd it, got blown to **** and lost everything!

My experiences with pirates now make me so damn stubborn that if they don't RP then I say f*** you, blow me up and I will take the loss rather than pay them. If they do RP I pay no problem!

Top 10 tips for traders - dodike - 12-02-2010

' Wrote:Another thing that pirates have to realise is that if a trader says he doesn't have enough to pay them...he may mean it!

I bought a new transport, and fill it with cargo and used nearly all my money to do it, but one trip would make me my money back with profit. All I had left was 600k roughly. When pirated for 2 million, said I couldn't pay, said I only had 600k, offerd it, got blown to **** and lost everything!

My experiences with pirates now make me so damn stubborn that if they don't RP then I say f*** you, blow me up and I will take the loss rather than pay them. If they do RP I pay no problem!
Make sure you have some money next time or offer your cargo if it's of any value. Every second trader claims not to have money or to have only pocket change.

Another thing, if you have complied it's good to say something before starting cruising away as pirate may fail to notice that you have send money to his other character or that you have just jettisoned your cargo and threat it as non-complying.

Top 10 tips for traders - podgie_bear - 12-02-2010

' Wrote:Make sure you have some money next time or offer your cargo if it's of any value. Every second trader claims not to have money or to have only pocket change.

I sorry, but I don't play this game just for the benefit of the pirates. Who really thinks "Oh I must carry sufficient money to pay those poor unfortunate pirates whose lives revolve around robbing me"

S*D them! We have to put up with being mugged and they have to put up with not everone can give them what they want. Want more credits? Work for them!

Or are we going to end up with a server where the pirates have to rob each other because the traders have buggered off to another server?

I already have, I do my trading and mining on another server where pirates have learned how to RP properly and don't think of traders as cash cows. I only keep my fighters on here now! So do you want to drive all the others away too?

Top 10 tips for traders - dodike - 12-05-2010

' Wrote:I sorry, but I don't play this game just for the benefit of the pirates. Who really thinks "Oh I must carry sufficient money to pay those poor unfortunate pirates whose lives revolve around robbing me"
You don't do it to pay the poor unfortunate pirate who wants your money, you do it to save the unfortunate trader (yourself) from being blown up.
For all I care don't pay just don't come here and complain about being shot. Piracy is an important part of the game whether you like it or not.
Read the tips above again or join a trading faction if you want to learn how to trade successfully without being a "cashcow".