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Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Printable Version

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RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - monmarfori - 05-16-2013

CC: Jon Richardson
Callsign: Samana_Andorra, IMG Eagle
My intention is to replace my Eagle with a better and more agile ship such as the Nyx which I'm paying for one. As many ship reviewers say, Nyx is better than Eagle, and I want to replace my Eagle with a Nyx.

Jon Richardson out.


RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - SummerMcLovin - 05-16-2013

[Image: MichaelFrost_zps7e79930a.png]

I was saying that you've made the right choice in getting a Nyx, just come down to Coronado to pick it up. If we started charging for repairs, we'd likely be rolling in it if this is sort of pilot outside the Military... Our old shipyard in '44 will still be equipped to fix you up like new, but any station can patch you together.

*sigh* Sometimes I really wonder why I don't leave this to the Specialists. I'll be sure not to have the nuggets covered by you if you head down south.

Frost, out.

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - monmarfori - 05-16-2013

CC: Jon Richardson
Callsign: Samana_Andorra, IMG Eagle
If that makes sense in getting a Nyx in replacement of my Eagle, I'd be appreciated.

P.S. Can I buy a Nyx in replacement now?

Jon Richardson out.


RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - SummerMcLovin - 05-16-2013

[Image: MichaelFrost_zps7e79930a.png]

Third time's the charm eh?
Nyx. Yours. Coronado. Now.

Frost, out.

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Szpaku - 06-22-2013

* Incoming Transmission *
* Opening pre-recorded message*

Good day Colonials

My name is Gabriel Willson
But just call me Gabe
I wanted to ask ... I the Hydra availabe already?
Since the cruiser is then the gunboat should be also
I am eagerly awaitng your reply

With best regards
~Gabriel Willson

* End of the message *

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Venture - 06-26-2013



I had ordered for a Thanatos hull some months ago...

Is the offer still valid,if yes then i'd transfer the amount Michael Frost had told me to do so.


RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Johnathan Nox Carter - 06-26-2013

:::Data received - Confirmed:::
:::Redirecting up-link:::
:::Commencing single-burst response:::

To Gabriel Willson,

The Hydra Class Gunship is now available, yes. We will relay to you a list of required materials as well as the construction price within a day's time.

To Daniyal Altaf,

Your request has been processed but sadly the ship's construction had to be halted. We will come back to you until 24 hours have passed and let you know if and when will your request be fulfilled, in which case you'll have to send the proper payment.

The Colonial Military.

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Szpaku - 06-26-2013

*** Incoming Transmission ***
*** ID : Gabriel Willson ***

Thank you who ever you may be but before the list of the materials would be sent.
I would request the price in pure credits since im not in possesion of any transport class vessle of my own. I am in need of a Hydra designed to deep space exploration and its flat shape is most apealing to me and should fit the workplace perectly

Yours trully
~Gabriel Willson

*** End of stream ***

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - SummerMcLovin - 06-28-2013

[Image: MurdoStewart_zps4bcc75b1.png]


Got your eye on a Hydra then? Can't blame you, although I'll admit we don't get many Zoners - not even the TAZ - looking for our ships. In fact, very few tend to go for the gunboat at all. However, Seon's had the construction cost at 15 million (plus the materials of course) so triple that to 45 and you're good to go. Snubs and Thanatos cruisers that seem to be the main orders for new ships, so we've got an old Hydra that can be sold to you. Send it to the CR|-Treasury and come pick it up.
Shouldn't be a problem with a Zoner, but obviously don't start shooting up the Miners Guild, Council, Bretonia or Liberty with it.


We'd actually thought built that Thanatos for you since you'd sent payment, but given that you disappeared the Military took it out into the field instead of having it collect dust. I think someone's already mentioned how we'll get it sorted for you, so shouldn't be a problem getting you what you need.

Have a nice day,
Murdo Stewart
Colonial Defence Industries

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Szpaku - 06-28-2013

*** Incoming Transmission ***
*** ID : Gabriel Willson ***

The money has been Transferred
The ship has been picked up from Sabah already

~Gabriel Willson

*** End of stream ***