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RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Vendetta - 08-01-2016

[Image: TVPB01H.jpg]

NEURAL NET ID: Keeper Endurance
TOPIC: Promotions & Announcement


Inge Wexler. The countless times you've put your life on the line in servitude and loyalty to Auxesia has proven that you are truly deserving and capable. You are given the rank of Paladin, and I as well as the others within the Inner Phalanx wish you a speedy recovery.

Nesrin Khan, your continued dedication and frequently glowing aptitude both on and off the field has proven your ability time and time again. You've been awarded the title of Paladin.

Johan Schmidt, you've proven yourself capable and intellectual in the field. Your actions in Cambridge did not go unnoticed, nor did your patrol with Templar Khan. You have been granted the title of Guardian.

Tristan Fresnel, despite your quiet demeanor, you've proven yourself more than qualified and able to handle the stress and work of our daily lives. Your actions in Tau-117 did not go unnoticed, and you've been awarded the rank of Guardian.


In addition, you're all advised to increase local area patrols and be on watch for the former Core pilot Rosalina Romanov, who has seen fit to align herself with the local infested forces of Tau-117. Do not travel alone and be aware of your surroundings. In addition, it's possible we may have a joint operation with - to our own surprise, the External Security and Research Division in the near future. Be advised, and as usual, do not engage any Republic forces outside of self-defense, nor should you attempt to provoke them in to a fight.

Expect further updates in the future.

- Keeper Endurance


RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Kauket - 08-01-2016

[Image: HZ1dgdY.png]

CONNECTED ID: Sapphire Raven
RANK: Keeper
TOPIC: Data Logging

Priority Announcement
Due to the on-going siutuation in Liberty and possibly dangerous to fatal Nomadic activity - including the death of the Fifth Fleet Admiral Jack O'Neill and the capture of Navy Admiral Alexis Hunter with the Wild, I will be resuming command again.

The situation there is becoming dire, and I ask of you all to keep strong through the upcoming times. Keep on the alert for a person named Rosalina Romanov - they're infested and not to be trusted. I have already alerted some Junkers, and you should pass on the word of their infestation to the locals.

Coronado and the Liberty borders should be observed carefully for any anomalous traffic and for any information regarding the missing Liberty Navy Admiral.

Keep vigiliant. Keep aware. Stay safe out there.

Paladin Foulke, Templar Nagase, you are to withdraw from the Liberty frontlines and to return to the Eidolon Wraith for further debriefing with the Inner Phalanx regarding the Liberty incident, effective immediately.

Note for High Command,

After annihilating some obnoxious Division Nine vessel, I couldn't help but notice some Liberty Navy were after it too - of course, that meant they did something to annoy them. I inquired the ESRD agent afterwards to understand the bigger picture.

Admiral Jack O'Neill of the Fifth is deceased, and Admiral Alexis Hunter was kidnapped. As you can imagine, this is most likely an abused situation by the infested pilots, to cause even more discord within Liberty.

What we do know that the blackbox is that the personnel somehow managed to evade security protocol within the Navy, and within the secure system known as Alaska. Operation Hecate is going to have to be amended in light of this, we must formulate a new plan. We cannot let the Admiral get into the hands of the infested. This is a prime opportunity to prove ourselves to Liberty too, an invaluable chance at redemption.

As such - I'm requesting a meeting for the next solar day - as soon as possible on the Eidolon, Keeper's Chambers.


RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - SeaFalcon - 08-02-2016


COMM ID: Inge Wexler, Auxesian Paladin
TARGET ID: EIDO Network Communications Uplink
SUBJECT: Rosalina Romanov

823 A.S. 2th August

Hereby my personal report on the encounter and event surrounding Rosalina Romanov's infection. I was on assignment, set up by Keeper Endurance, to look for this woman as she had been spotted in the vicinity of Liberty. The focus of the mission was to find out what her business was as she is known to have worked with the Core which made her presence in this sector note worthy.

I had located her in New York midway through the lane between Fort Bush and Norfolk shipyard. She was flying a Military tagged Wraith but it appeared to not be linked to Rheinland anymore directly. This was later confirmed by Romanov as she explained to me that she used to work for the MND and BDM but had joined the Core and was now flying a Black market Wraith. The story seemed to be on loose footing but I managed to gather that she had her training in Rheinland before leaving to the Core. There she fought for quite some time before she ran off with certain assets. She mentioned owning a Bergelmir, Wraith and this larger Core vessel.

As for her reasoning to be in Liberty, she mentioned she was looking for friends of her father. Apparently a D9 unit was supposed to be able to help her with that. We talked in a private channel but before I could get anything really conclusive the channel was cut off. It remained silent for some time before I received an emergency call from her vessel that hailed all Auxesian vessels in the vicinity. I headed out to investigate and found her Wraith in Colorado.

As I approached her vessel I noticed that it was without power. Further scans indicated nothing conclusive about life-signs, however I did hear a faint screaming which I couldn't explain. I couldn't tell if it came from my communicator or from my head. I had to act quickly and decided to board the Wraith. It had visible marks that indicated a firefight which also made entering the vessel fairly easily. Going EVA I latched onto the vessel and boarded it. The screaming became louder and continued even after shutting my communicator off which proved to me that it was all in my head. This also explained why I felt a headache growing by the second. Distracted by it I was caught off guard and I felt a gooey substance latch onto my back. A sizzling noise followed as it was some alien substance that started to eat through my suit.

At this time a Navy patrol moved to our location and I had tried to fill them in on the situation. There appeared to be no sign of a pilot within the vessel and with this substance attacking me I had to bail. The Navy send out support to pull me on board the Thallia Grace. They treated me by cutting a part of my suit out however it appeared to have eaten through it already and I felt my skin aching. Even when I was onboard the vessel I still wasn't out of harms way as a Nomad body managed to find its way into the vessel and started to attack the marines. As a quick response the compartment was vented after me and the Marines found some Navy EVA suits which kept us alive.

At the same time a D9 unit opened fire on the Navy escorts. I had to wait this out before I would be allowed to return to my Falcon that was left unattended. Surprisingly Rosalina's escape pod surfaced and was pulled onboard of the vessel, I am unsure on what followed but one can safely assume that this woman is compromised and this was proven with the recent events.

The Navy let me go without trouble something that surprised me but I didn't protest against it. As soon as I got back in my Falcon I headed back to base to seek for medical attention.


To summarise, Rosalina Romanov was located in Liberty and explained vaguely why she was here. Communication was lost and a emergency alert was soon send out to which I responded. Arriving at the location I was caught off guard by a Nomad presence which had set up a trap. Everything indicated that Rosalina has been taken by the Nomads. The trap's purpose appears to be to try and gain access to the a larger vessel, which the Navy happily provided.

There were no Auxesian casualties and I only sustained light injuries and should be back on my feet within the upcoming days.


Inge Wexler



RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Operator - 08-04-2016


[Image: 97hbI9M.png]

Neural Net ID: Johan Schmidt

Rank: Updating... Guardian

Encryption Level: Unbreakable

Priority: High

Topic: Deliveries/Tau-117

Frau Keeper and herr Curator,

I had received a sheet of requiered commodities and delivered most of them tonight. However, I was followed by Division 9 agents and I had to ask Templar Cromwell to assist me, and looks like a sight of Auxesian Templar has shacken them off. Everything was delivered to Barrier Gate Station and left in Storage Zeta-7.Just to mention, we all could notice that infestee activity has increased for the last two weeks. We should stay warned and... Probably investigate one of their key systems, Tau-117. However, such operation would be quite risky.
Schmidt out.


RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - GuapMan - 08-08-2016

[Image: 6cJx4ay.jpg]

NEURAL NET ID: Initiate Orlando Spiteri
TOPIC: Save Nesrin



Today i was sitting around Coronado system with another vessel of ours named Katana, Was the first time meeting her it was great we sat around and she greeted me, I then got a mess up with my comms, It somehow told me that Nesrin was in trouble, So i checked my long range scanners and she somehow ended up in Omicron Kappa.
Katana wasn't very happy, Neither was I but i've realised you have to do things that you don't want to do sometimes, and well.. We wanted Nesrin to be safe, we went through Coronado System all the way to Kappa, we then reached the Location she was under attack by some nomads, we then moved in to help her get rid of the vessels.
We later on saved her, we sat there and had a big talk to Nesrin she explained to us she missed her home and she wanted to come for a visit so we were quite fine although Katana did have her say, which wasn't unusual as she is speaking to her we had a vessel come in-range of our vessels, It was an order.. I then proceeded to intercept it as it was coming in dangerous so normal procedure i Intercepted it. He wasn't very happy that i stopped him but we then told him why we intercepted him as he was coming in like he was about to do something, He later on left the scene as he knew what was right.
We then proceeded on our way home, we made Nesrin pack up her stuff and then we were on the Journey back home, I have to admit it wasn't a pleasant one having two girls bicker the whole way, Wasn't something i'd put anyone else in that's for sure.

We finally got back to Barrier Gate all safe, we told her never to do something silly like that again, what if she got killed..
So yeah I had an eventful day, That's all.

- Initiate Orlando Spiteri


RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Operator - 08-08-2016


[Image: 97hbI9M.png]

Neural Net ID: Johan Schmidt

Rank: Guardian

Encryption Level: Unbreakable

Priority: High

Topic: Smoke Break, Unknown Gates, Topeka, The Neumann and Foulke

Frau Keeper and herr Curator,

Yesterday, I was on my assignment in Kansas system. The mission that I was assigned to was about exploring the Smoky Hill Nebula. I was there few days ago with my bomber, didn't really liked it. However, it was way better with my personal equipment. At least, I could defy why this place is such special. The electrostatic activity in this nebula was higher than normal. I decided to start the survey immediatelly. However, my scanners were showing nothing for five minutes. And finally, I had picked a strange activity. It was a faded Baxter Object, Nevertheless, there was a barelly seen Thermal-Nuclear trail. I had compared this trail to the ones that were left by Nomads near Azurite Chamber in Delta. They look quite simular. I decided to follow this trail in case if I find something.

The way where this trail ended was in Tuttle Creek nebula. Looks like, the Nomad that passed this system recently, has jumped through those gates. I can't even imagine how ancient they are. Maybe even older than definition of the time. However, I thought that entering those gates would be... Problematic. Everything I heard about the other side of those gates are rather rumors or nonsense. So I decided to keep those gates... Until the right moment.

Afterwards, I had met Paladin Khan and we neglected that some scanning operations of Planet Topeka's surface and atmosphere won't be bad. The results of our survey were quite... Peculiar. As you may noticed, almost a half of planet's atmosphere is filled with the unknown to chemistry gases. However, there is a small Azurite Gas Cluster in the crossing of planet's equator and prime meridian. Although, this cluster is surrounded by several unknown gases, which makes me think that their fusion might generate it. Fantastic, isn't it?

Therefore, there was a strange gravimetric anomaly, closer to the surface of planet. Once I tried to launch my probes, they were literally thorn apart by it. The closer scans has showed many twisted gravitational surges... Probably an unstable gravity field. However, I wasn't able to scan through it - the signal was jammed, so I think that something valueable can hide behind this anomaly.

The other weird thing was The Neumann - a mobile lab with few scientists and possibly broken AI. They were acting rather... Strange. Some of them were neutral, the other ones - insulting... Not the good sight. They claimed to be a researching group which were following the Baxter Objects, however, their motivation still remains unknown. Scanning results didn't showed anything suspicious. Once they simulated the appearence of Baxter Object, we all headed over there... But there was nothing but the Junction. Apparentely they were mad or some sort, so frau Keeper had asked them to leave Kansas once and for all. They refused. For a few moments. Once they had realized that they're not in charge to dictate they own rules, they'd finally abandoned the system.

However, we had an another problem. Paladin Foulke has gone missing. We were searching for him for about a hour, until herr Curator and I had found him near those bloody gates. Then... I can't really remember. I had a strong headache and... Maybe some sort of vision. I don't know. Should work on it. Probably.

Schmidt out.


RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Spectre - 08-11-2016

- - -{Transmission Initiated}- - -

[Image: e0a6c02895e4994b56251d24e69773ee.jpg]

[Comm ID: Guardian Tristan Fresnel
[Recipient: EIDO Network Comm Uplink

{Encryption Level: Alpha - High
{Priority: Iota - Medium

(Subject: After-Action Report - Securing the North


A couple ago, Sentinels Pike and Venus, Guardian Kensington and myself were put up for an assignment to slow the Maltesian cardimine trade and to deplete their fleet a bit. The first of the two days we flew out was by far the biggest, where we found two ships passing through Coronado: A Serenity by the callsign of 'BigBoy', and a Maltesian trader by the callsign of 'Josephine.Heart'. The Maltesian craft was taken out by Guardian Kensington's guns, and the trader BigBoy succumbed and dropped his hold's worth. A whole 3,535 units of cardimine.

The second of the two days was a bit more one sided. While I didn't actually partake in the destruction, an Outcast warship by the name of the Arrosa was detected by Sentinel Pike and an IMG convoy in Tau-37. They engaged it, and eventually it succumbed to the guns of the Sentinel. Another assignment completed, and not a single casualty throughout either day.

Truly wondrous work.

To the stars and beyond,
Tristan Fresnel, Guardian.

- - -{Transmission Terminated}- - -

RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Operator - 08-14-2016


[Image: 97hbI9M.png]

Neural Net ID: Johan Schmidt

Rank: Guardian

Encryption Level: Unbreakable

Priority: High

Topic: Data Logging #1

Frau Keeper and herr Curator,

Another successful mission. And, surprisengly, without any occasions. Myself and Guardian Fresnel were on the mission, which was about getting scans of Liberty Navy Capital ships, and exactly - "Archer"-class Liberty Siege Cruiser and "Defiant"-class Liberty Gunboat. Those ships are indeed interesting. Especially Cruisers... Anyway, here are the scans.
Despite of fact that we know a little about "Archer", I think that I have a theory of how it's Forward Weapon works... I will inform you as soon as I prove it.

Schmidt out.


RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Enkidu - 08-15-2016


[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

Neural Net ID: Nesrin E.E Khan

Rank: Paladin

Encryption Level: Unbreakable

Priority: High

Topic: Shadows and Knives.

Keeper, Curator.

Mission update on objective code title ‘Still in the Dark’.

Whilst this update invalidates the terms for mission completion (not executed in Coronado or Baffin), I was still able to derive data from Order pilots pertinent to the operation. Callsign Tacitus was not present, and whilst Orlando Spiteri was, his diplomatic presence may be described as anti-productive, other than in a defensive role. To summarise, the Order may be considered to be completely fractured, with Admiral Hunter, Admiral Golanski and other, unknown representatives running completely separate, detached commands from each other. This may be fabrication, designed to cause us to prioritise assets away from watching the Order.

In short, a group of Order operatives, names enclosed in the logs, made contact with our wing on routine patrol of Inverness. Our contact was abrasive - Spitieri has been provocative since the demise of Guardian J.Jenkins to the Blood Dragon warship, the Mount Fuji, in collaboration with Overwatch agents. His conduct was highly unprofessional and he will be disciplined accordingly.

The facts as detailed are enclosed in the logs below - but the key points remain:

1) There are a significant number of Order agents who remain disillusioned with the organisation’s methodology. The descriptive noun “madman” was used synonymously with Grand Admiral M.Golanski. General dissent is high.

2) The Order is actively patrolling Inverness from the Osiris battleship stationed within, but is not patrolling with the intention of engaging us.

3) They have no extensive knowledge of Order operations within Coronado outside of our own.

4) They have at least superficial knowledge of our collaboration with Navy ESRD.

5) At least several members of their organisation were patrolling without official licence from their high command.

6) They don’t trust us, but they’re willing to collaborate if our goals are in synchronisation.

7) None of the forces present had been even informed of the Razgriz’s operations in Coronado - with the exception of their flight lead, who communicated that contact between the Razgriz and the Overwatch had been wilfully and intentionally severed by somebody higher up the command chain, within highest echelons of the Overwatch cabal. His belief is that the Razgriz has been operating in the total absence of logistical and intelligence support for over a week - a circumstance, if true, must be causing Tantalus no small degree of unease. His ship cannot operated unsupported forever, nor will those who believe in the Order’s cause aboard his ship tolerate his command much longer if they believe he’s the subject of a purge.

8) There is no unified operations chain within Order asset deployment within Coronado - each deployed asset group appears to be responding to a different set of commanders - concerningly, each operation appears to feature a differing target, and one of those targets are us. Whoever is in charge of the Atum appears to be providing us with the benefit of the doubt for now - a situation we should attempt to perpetuate unless we wish to provoke the ire of a fully armed Osiris and its airwing right in the heart of Inverness.

Assessment: Contact both Tantalus and the Atum’s commanding officer before the situation degrades. Consider all Order assets to be unreliable within Coronado until proven consistently otherwise.

Khan out.


RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Vendetta - 08-15-2016

[Image: TVPB01H.jpg]

NEURAL NET ID: Curator Endurance
TOPIC: Promotions


Orlando Spiteri, even though there have been some discrepancies in your performance in regards to a situation in Inverness, the Inner Phalanx has decided to promote you to the rank of Guardian. We expect great things from you in the future as your performance improves.

- Curator Endurance