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Dublin 6400 Race Cup - Printable Version

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Dublin 6400 Race Cup - Klaw117 - 02-28-2009

---Commence Transmission---
To: Georgy Ambramovich
From: Carlos Rivera
Location: Battleship Hood, Dublin System
Subject: Time Change

I've noticed that the time is now changed to Friday. Unfortunately, I will have to drop out of the race because of this. I'm usually occupied down on Planet Crete at that time, so I will no longer be able to make the journey to Dublin to join the race. If the time could be changed back to Saturday, then I would still be able to participate. If not, then I will be dropping out.

Carlos Rivera

---Transmission Completed---

//I'm still in school on Friday, 2000. I don't get home until 2030 (3:30 PM EST).

Dublin 6400 Race Cup - Vergil - 02-28-2009

//could we set it back by a half hour or an hour?

Dublin 6400 Race Cup - Banza - 02-28-2009

Alright. New time: 21:00 Gmt0

Dublin 6400 Race Cup - Klaw117 - 02-28-2009

//That works, thanks.

Dublin 6400 Race Cup - swift - 02-28-2009

// So it's now Fridays.. 21:00 GMT? Crap.. Ok I'll try to make it

Dublin 6400 Race Cup - Death.RunningVerminator - 03-01-2009

***Incoming Transmission***

OO! W*ats this? A *ace? In Du*l*n? Hmmm...Si**n me u*! Just ma*e ***e Hol* on....................
Alright, sighn me up!

***End Transmision***

//ok... what's GMT? and whats 21.00?

Dublin 6400 Race Cup - Banza - 03-01-2009

21:00 is 9:00 PM
GMT is Greenwich mean time
GMT0 is GMT+0. If you live in GMT+1 zone(example) race for you will start at 22:00 (10:00 PM), or if you live in GMT-1 race for you will start at 20:00 (8:00 PM)...etc etc

This might help:

Dublin 6400 Race Cup - Banza - 03-06-2009

...Incoming Transmission
Comms voice: Sounds like Georgy, seems he have a flu

*Cough* Chaps! *Cough*

Warm your engines, becouse we are rolling today at 21:00 Gmt0 *Cough*

Signed by: -- --

...End Transmission

Dublin 6400 Race Cup - Banza - 03-07-2009

...Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Georgy

First place Robert - earned 10 points
Second place Haka - 7 points
Third place Mr.Stone - 6 points
Snow - Off

Current Cup point standings:
=CR=Smokescreen - 80
Mr. Stone - 57
Mr. Robert (Velox) - 56
Tobias - 45
Hakkinen - 45
Carlos - 27
Mr. Liam(Andy as replacment) - 22
Onyx (Zane)- 11
Acheros - 4
Gazella - 4

Next race will be: Nothing until May becouse of illness of Mr.Georgy.

Dublin 6400 Race Cup - Klaw117 - 03-07-2009

//Oh man, my sincere apologies. Heavy school workload caused me to forget this. Sorry to hear about your flu also. Hope you get well soon.