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max size transports - Ironfoot - 02-07-2009

They all look great, but the Kusari one looks awesome.

It would be a good idea if certain ships were allowed to only carry certain products, in rl if you don't have a lorry with a freezer you don't carry meat, and to carry liquids or gases you need a tanker etc...

max size transports - CCI45-px/Probe149 - 02-07-2009

' Wrote:It would be a good idea if certain ships were allowed to only carry certain products, in rl if you don't have a lorry with a freezer you don't carry meat *snip*

I guess a freezer in space would be obsolet, no? Well, perhaps when you fly near a sun you'd need one, but normally space is, you could say, a cold place.

Quote:*snip* and to carry liquids or gases you need a tanker etc...

This GMG ship that was made for carying H-fuel could surely also carry gases. Of course, it's only GMG, but we also have the Heavy Tanker.
And i think some of the available cargo pods for Trains are also made for transporting liquids/gases.

max size transports - Nadis - 02-07-2009


For bretonian train i was hoping something like Bretonian bs meets whf . You know fish tail and big engine beneth it. That track is totaly unnecesary. Still having something is better than nothing.

What about liberty train could you post here how that one going to look like?:) If you do i even dont coment it .just want to see how it looks like.

max size transports - MarvinCZ - 02-07-2009

Liberty won't get a Train, they have the Supertransport as a 5k ship. Btw, I think some other angle would make the Lib. Supertransport look much better.

max size transports - Markam - 02-07-2009

Compared to the other 3 trains, the kusari train looks as if it hauls much less...

either the other trains are too big, or the kusari one is too small, like most kusari ships..

maybe more cargo pods on the kusari transport? or less on the other 3.

max size transports - gekerd - 02-07-2009

actually will the liberty transport be disruptable by NPC's?

max size transports - Varyag - 02-09-2009

The Lib one is pretty ugly but the rest are awsome.

max size transports - Joshiee - 02-09-2009

They all look really good! I especially like the Kusari one.

Good Job !! :D

max size transports - Navycross28 - 02-12-2009

' Wrote:They all look really good! I especially like the Kusari one.

Good Job !! :D

I agree with Joshiee, once again Jinx, you do an outstanding job of designing space ships for Disco.
I only hope that these new transports will not be stopped by standard Warp Distruper missiles.
I look forward to seeing these ships in the future...

max size transports - Barracuda-007 - 02-12-2009

Nice Work Here, I'd like to see this variety out there.
And, I'd also, like to see admins maybe keeping things a little tighter. As such.
Rehinland <-> Liberty, No Trains/Transports of their kind found in there, if found they be taken as a act of war, or some sort.
Same with other house factions.
Also, If possiable. I'd be nice to see Outcast & Corsair. Junker's have theirs, the Pirate Train/Transport. And, What not.