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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lt.Cmdr.Olsav - 11-12-2006

I felel we should have a reavalution of our position in bretonian space. I motion to towards an attack on Rheinland space due to the low amount of lawful activity there. Secondly, with our basic nonagression pact with the SF political targets in bretonia are closed to us.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aeon - 11-12-2006

ill second that attack on rheinland, but since when do we have a non-aggresion pact with SF??????? we're neutral to them, but we have no treaties as far as i know ( and i should, seeing as i do the diplomatic stuff....)

anyways, lets go blow some rheinlanders up :D

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aeon - 11-17-2006

Incoming Transmission_

Automated broadcast begins_


This is the High Chancellor, providing an update.

I am moving my personal flagship, Dreadnought, into Dublin system to help the SF control the Molly problem. These wanna-be pirates are pests, and should be elimated. If Bretonia loses control of the problem, its already big enough as it is, it may spill over into Omega-49 and other border world systems, which is the last thing we want.

On another note, since the furor with Jonathan Pryde has passed, do not be overtly aggressive to the Ghosts of Razgriz. If we keep out of their way, they will probably do the same for us. Likewise, we should be moving into Omega's 47, 41, and some other nearby border worlds to keep the Bounty Hunter Guild under control as they are becoming prolific again after our previous crackdown.

Forward the Revolution!



Transmission Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 11-19-2006

-------Incoming Tarnsmission-------

This is the Victory. We have been conducting a detailed survey of the Omega's, and it appears that Piracy is beginning to run rampant throught the colonies. i was attcked by no less than 4 pirates in 3 systems, and they only withdrew when they realized that 'Missle Gunboat' is spelt 'Death' to fighters. I would submit a request that we join with the SF in policing that sector of space, or at least station ship at the busiest jump holes, to reduce the threat of allied vessels beaing hit. Our ships would only respond to Requests of Help from allied vessels, or from ships willing to pay cash for a rescue. That way, do not take over the role of police, but rather maintain our own interests, and that of our allies, in that Sector.

Respectfully, ***Classifed***, for the Victory.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aeon - 11-19-2006

Incoming Transmission_

Transmit to: RAGB-Victory
Transmit from: High Chancellor Aeon, RAFC-Dreadnought

Very well, the idea is a good one. I shall petition the SF and Helghast and have a little tete-a-tete with them over this. Even though we all have conflicting interests, I think both factiond would be open to this idea.



Transmission Ends_

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Qunitinius~Verginix - 11-19-2006

OOC: I really need to know what your guys, faction ID is. It doesnt say in your status post.

Verginix Out

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 11-19-2006

OOC: the ID is freelancer, becuase we don't fit into any existing faction. tag is corsair, to piss off the houses.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lt.Cmdr.Olsav - 11-19-2006

***********INCOMING TRANSMISSION**************


I am unsure that I would feel right with the idea of helping support the SF, or even just attack any fellow unlawfuls. I am a member of the Coalition and have membership in both Helghast and the SCRA. If we align ourselves with the SF, i am afraid that i humbly request a discharge from service.

I do not feel right joining again with the forces that have persecuted me, and stand for what is wrong in this sector. I left the Rheinland Navy in anger over their policies and actions. They are the allies of the SF. Also, I have fought against the SF and Bretonia constantly, never letting up, trying to bring the Coalition back to power. It is disloyal to our allies.


Karol Olsav

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 11-19-2006

------Incoming Transmission-----

This is Grand Admiral Mcintosh.

Regarding the issue of policing the pirates: the SCRA has NO INTENTION WHATSOEVER of allying itseft with the SF, or of becoming lawfull. I Feel that it is time that SCRA traders have a little more job security, because without a steady flow of cash, our fleets will not function. I am tired of MY Flagship sitting in 49, immobilized because IT HAS NO SPARE PARTS, because 'Jimmy James and the Kapache Kids' KEEP BLOWING UP THE SUPPLY SHIPS!

So, to this end, there is a new rule in place, for all SCRA ships. If you are in SF space, (not Dublin, or the Omega's) and there is a fight between Helghast/HF and SF vessels, you WILL LEAVE IMMEDIATELY. No questions asked, no "I'd like to, but..." Leave. Once you have left the system, do what you will. But there is to be no attacking of SF vessles within SF space. Outside of SF space, we WILL support our allies. SSO and RM are still fair game, regardless of the area. If, at any point, you are fired upon by an SF vessel without provication, BLOW THE HELL OUTA THEM! Then tell me. However, taunting them counts as provoking them. They are Bretonian, and they are a little slow, so keep the jokes short, and to the point.

If anyone has any questions, by all means ask. Read it twice first though, because if I already answered your question, I won't be happy.

Also, I am a little concerned about the fact that the Helghast feel the need to talk about us behind our backs. What gives you the right to dictate what I do to protect MY traders? The suggestions given by ***Classified*** are not policy, they are just suggestions. As soon as I feel the need to interfere with the Helghast, i will tell you. With a Nova Torpedo, and a whole lotta hurt. Next time, we will not be so lenient towards nay-sayers and backtalkers.

For the Revolution! Mcintosh Out

OOC: Where that hell did anyone get the idea that we were allying with the SF? I'm tired of you people assuming that diplomacy is a 1 way street. IT GOES ABOUT 30 MILLION WAYS PEOPLE! The idea is to get it so that everyone has the best deal they can reasonably get, not to completely get their way, it doesn't work like that. next time, read ALL the posts, and ASK US WHAT THEY MEAN IF YOU DONT UNDERSTAND! Christ...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lt.Cmdr.Olsav - 11-19-2006

****Incoming transmission****

I am resigning from the SCRA. Guten Tag.


K. Olsav

fmr SCRA.Cpt.VHF.Nietzche