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Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 12-08-2006

Ant,Dec 8 2006, 12:30 AM Wrote:How does the universe fit inside a particle?

Edit: Trick question of course. ;)

Hmm, young master, again, many possible answers. Just a few:

Gnostic Xtian: Mustard Seed!

Thoth/Crowleyan: As Above, So Below.

Quantum/Einsteinian: Accelerate the particle to "C". As it approaches the "speed limit", it approaches infinite mass. Neat trick.

Discordian: Five Tons of Flax!

or alternately: "I don't know, man. I didn't do it.."

You are also approaching the "T, tau, teh" multi-dimensional theory of Scholar Jacob Burroughs, a collary of #3 above. Move the particle on the "T" (time) axis.. it pops into another dimension. Then it can be as big as it wants to be.

That made my brain hurt!

Discordian Q & A - The_Dealer - 12-09-2006

I got a question.....I think... :unsure:

The law of fives states that everything happens in fives or is related to five right? :rtfm:

So how come alladin only got THREE wishes?
How come there are only THREE stars in orion's belt?

(religious examples)
How come the wise men are always depicted as three men?
How come the wise men only brought Jesus THREE gifts? (gold, frankincense, and murr)

Why are there SEVEN day's in a week and not five?
Why are there TWELVE months in a year?


Discordian Q & A - The_Dealer - 12-09-2006

OH.....and The Podge will prevail......Order takes effort to maintain....and everything eventually breaks/wears out

Discordian Q & A - Chucc - 12-09-2006

To: Dis
COMM ID: Mypie

Hiya Dis. We primates don't usually get in touch with you direct, but I have a favor to ask. Can you lock Mal in his hold and bring him out to play, just patch the view thru to the hold. Once he see's what he's missing, he will return to us. Until then, just come collect coupons from the people with me.

Oh, and on a side note. With the whole dismemberment and discord within the church, I have decided that the Nasrudin will be the Pope for Rhineland and recruit his flock fromt he area. They seem to be good puppets for such acts these RH boys. Well other than that I will look for you in space. Ciao.


Discordian Q & A - Ant - 12-09-2006

Malaclypse 666,Dec 9 2006, 03:42 AM Wrote:Hmm, young master,  again, many possible answers.  Just a few:

Gnostic Xtian:  Mustard Seed!

Thoth/Crowleyan:  As Above, So Below.

Quantum/Einsteinian:  Accelerate the particle to "C".  As it approaches the "speed limit", it approaches infinite mass.  Neat trick.

Discordian:  Five Tons of Flax!

or alternately:  "I don't know, man.  I didn't do it.."

You are also approaching the "T, tau, teh"  multi-dimensional theory of Scholar Jacob Burroughs, a collary of #3 above.  Move the particle on the "T" (time) axis.. it pops into another dimension.  Then it can be as big as it wants to be.

That made my brain hurt!

I would have gone with "Does it really matter?"
"Ignorance is bliss"

Multi-dimensional? Maybe.
How about if particles as we know them are simply a representation of one moment in time?
When they become light, the past exists.

Hmmm...really don't want to think about paradoxical ideas for to long... :D

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 01-13-2007

Remind me someday to reconstruct an old post:

The Meaning of Synchronicity.

I posted the original to alt.discordia over a decade ago,
under the ghastly pseudonym "Flatulus Gelatinus". (Flat Gelat for short)

It had to do with finding the Bard's first works on twirly racks in grocery stores.


Discordian Q & A - Lt.Cmdr.Olsav - 01-13-2007

ive decided that on the next census i will be a worshipper of Eris, i mean no real downfall and goes with my libertarian outlook.

Discordian Q & A - pchwang - 01-14-2007

Now, to introduce myself to this thread, I am a political moderate, not particularily nationalistic, ethically moderate, and religiously, I'm what my boss calls: "interfaith".

Basically, I believe in parts of all religions, since to me, human religion is one of our failed attempts to create perfection. And the closest one can get to th ONE right religion is to learn as many religions as possible.

This makes me a catholic, angelican, methodist, shia muslim, buddist, taoist, and Zoroastrian.

I would be happy to Add Discordianism to the list. ONE religion that I have never accepted, however, is Scientology.

Your mission:
To "convert" me into being a Discordian.

Discordian Q & A - onca - 01-14-2007

' Wrote:I posted the original to alt.discordia over a decade ago,

Wow Mal, and you're a Usenet punter to boot....

~bows deeply~ We are not worthy! We are not worthy!


Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 05-23-2007

Ah, that's better!

(Let's see Epyon get in HERE without the price of admission.. his Immortal Pineal!))

And now folks, to continue my suggestion in Caribe's thread:

It's time to..

Bash Eris!!

How has the Chaotic Goddess ruined your life?

How has She interrupted your sleep?

Has She ever made you spew milk through your nose?

(Oh, and you other religions, go start your own thread.)

Three.. two.. one... Bash Eris!