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RE: Forsaken - Misha_Gottlich - 04-02-2023

[Image: Taden_Harrs_Character_Portrait_01.png]

[TARGETING]: Scanning...
... ... ...
[TARGETING]: Scan=[color=#880000][NEGATIVE]
No hostile targets in range...
--->---> :Power Level:[FULL]
--->---> :Threat Level:[LOW]
... ... ...
... ...


Taden looked around the bridge area. The place was a total wreck! Bodies lay strewn about the floor, equipment consoles and bulkhead panels were smashed in several places, sending sparks into the air at random intervals. At first he didn't see the Guildmaster, but after just a moment his AI picked out Daniels signature, collapsed on the floor. Lea seemed to be the only member of the bridge assault team still standing, and she was rushing to the Guildmasters side. He noticed he relax slightly when she noticed that he was still breathing. Then Taden picked up some good news on the comms. It was the boarding party that had come with Centurion Whesto! They had been successful in securing the engine room and had returned to the transport. At this moment, the Voidstalkers were waiting for their commander to return before boarding the troop transport for extraction. Taden keyed his comm:

"Voidstalkers, this is Guardian Taden Harrs, Centurion Dwanian is down and in need of immediate medical attention! I am transporting him from the bridge to the hangar. Prepare for immediate extraction upon our arrival."

Taden didn't wait for a response. He bent down and picked up the unconscious soldier as gently as he could. "UUUnngg" Dwanian let out a groan as Harrs picked him off the floor. Perhaps he was not as unconscious as Taden had assumed. That was good. It would have been a bad sign if the fallen soldier had not regained some semblance of consciousness soon. Taden slung Whesto across his left arm and shoulder and began to carry him out of the chaotic scene on the bridge. He had to step over debris and maneuver around broken panels, but thanks to his augmentations Whesto was not much of a burden. With each jolted step or bump in the road, Taden's passenger let out small grunts and curses. He was slowly regaining awareness as they got into the lift-pod to descend to the hangar level.

Dwanian stirred slightly as the lift progressed downward. He shifted and looked up at the person carrying him out of hell.
"Taden? ... Wha... Where?"
He began to tense up as pain and panic took hold.

"Please try to relax sir. We are getting out of here. Your Voidstalkers are waiting for us in the hangar."
He rushed out of the lift-pod down the corridor toward the hanger.

"Ahhhh!" My legs!" Whesto cried out as Taden took off at a good pace. 'And why can't I fucking see straight! Damn my face hurts!"

Taden was headed for the hangar as quickly as he safely could. He was sure the ride was bumpy and uncomfortable for Centurion Whesto, but he would be glad to be out of this mess. The assault team had done a fantastic job as well! Taden's CPU didn't register a single live hostile on the way to their extraction point. It was all clear except for the bodies and broken ship bits he had to avoid quite often. And speaking of ship bits, Taden was noticing that the ship itself seemed to be running rough. It sounded louder than it should and there was a constant shuddering vibration throughout the entire hull, almost too subtle to register, but Taden could feel it.

Taden skidded around the corner of the last corridor into the hangar. The Voidstalkers had done their job to perfection. Not only was the hangar clear of hostiles, much like the rest of the ship apparently, but a path had been prepared through the debris to make Taden's approach much smoother. As Taden rounded the corner, it was clear to the boarding party that their commander was in shock and somewhat delirious. He had begun screaming about 'augmentations' shortly after they left the lift-pod. He kept shouting 'My god-dammed eyes are shot' and 'I knew I needed better fucking legs!' and angrily demanding that someone take him to a surgeon at H+. When he got to the transport ship, Taden gladly handed Dwanian over to some of his men. He was still screaming and it seemed the pain and discomfort was becoming overwhelming. Taden hoped the assault team had some kind of sedative or at least something to calm him down.

"Here is your commander. Excellent job Voidstalkers. Its time to get out of here..." Taden glanced around the hangar bay. He doubted there was anything besides the transport craft that would be able to fly out of this mess. He looked back to the acting captain of the Voidstalkers, "looks like I might need to catch a ride with you guys... I left my wings in the bridge of that other cruiser and I think its been towed" Taden let out a little chuckle as he and the Voidstalkers boarded the troop transport and headed toward the Voidmourn, accompanied the whole way by Dwanian Whesto screaming on and on about "AUGMENTS". Taden was just happy to be alive. It had been quite a harrowing adventure, but the Guildmaster should be safe in the hands of the Rheinlander Lea. Hopefully he had accomplished whatever it was he had been trying to pull off here. For Taden Harrs, he was just looking forward to a good rest in his Sleep-Dock. He had taken some serious damage himself and it would feel good to be in top condition once again.

All in all, Taden was pleased with the mission. None of his new friends died. He was looking forward to formerly meeting the Guildmaster in the near future. His resolve and loyalty to the Core was made stronger that day, and Taden vowed to himself to let nothing stand in the way of their destiny!

... THE END!

RE: Forsaken - Implosion - 04-11-2023

Daniels, barely alive at this point, opened his eyes and whispered to Lea.

" the"

Speaking was a monumental undertaking for him, each word followed by a heavy cough. So he decided to instead patch in Strix into the combat HUD inside Lea's helmet. His condition was dire and the only chance of survival was to be extracted from the ship. However, that was nigh-impossible, given the current circumstances, so instead, Daniels instructed Lea to extract the ship itself to Rho, where the med teams could take over and hastily attempt to save his life.
Meanwhile, Lea's HUD feed was insane. Strix began using it as access point and spread it's influence to the systems on the bridge.

"...he'll help...!"

And with these words, Daniels passed out, his faith now completely in Lea's hands.

RE: Forsaken - Lea Kaufman - 04-23-2023

26th February 830 A.S - System: Omicron Nu / Battleship Illustrious

She had no time to say anything before Jack decided to patch Strix in her combat HUD. The feed was going crazy and Lea did not know what was happening. She then looked at Jack who whispered ''...he'll help!...'' She had now the responsibility not only to bring Jack Daniels alive but the battleship to Omicron Rho. Then, the guildmaster lost consciousness.

For a while, the woman simply looked at the guildmaster. She then stood up sighing because of the heavy duty she had at this moment. She walked toward the bridge looking a bit around and then asked Strix how to pilot this battleship. It wasn’t easy alone even with the help of that artificial intelligence.

2nd March 830 A.S - System: Omicron Zeta / Battleship Illustrious

The Core was escorting the battleship Illustrious to protect it from any danger able to compromise the hull of it. It was already bad inside and outside. However, its commands were functional. That is why they managed to come in the system Omicron Minor and then, Omicron Zeta. The journey was not over yet and Jack Daniels was still on the ground unconscious. It was bad and Lea Kaufman had a bad feeling.

She asked Strix if there was a shortcut to Omicron Rho and fortunately, the artificial intelligence had set course to a jump hole. It will take a few days before they reach it due to the bad condition of the Illustrious.

11th March830 A.S - System: Omicron Rho/ Battleship Illustrious

The battleship finally reached the Alabama Shipyard. Lea Kaufman, with the help of Strix, moored the battleship and from there, a medic team entered the capital ship to take Jack Daniels. Let to herself, the Rheinlander decided to follow the medic team.

Once they arrived at the medic center, Lea was waiting a moment, looking at the guildmaster lying on a bed. Before they arrived, Lea contacted the guildkeeper, Jessica Scarlet about the guildmaster’s conditions.

Now that her job was done, not only to bring back Jack Daniels but also bringing the battleship, Illustrious to Alabama Shipyard, it was only a matter of time to be paid. She passed some weeks on Durban Station and then, she left for Rheinland.

RE: Forsaken - Implosion - 05-23-2023

23th May 830 A.S - System: Omicron Rho, Durban Station, Guildmaster's Personal Headquarters

Daniels was sitting in a huge leather recliner. The majority of his body was in bandages. He had received countless grafts of artificial skins and a handful of new cybernetic limbs. His old ones had to be replaced, due to the extensive damage they had received. The man was staring out of the illuminator, wondering why the hell he couldn't die in peace yet again.

"Guess my number ain't up just yet."

He slowly stood up, careful not to put too much strain on his body, moved to the center of the room and stood in front of a massive holo table. For the next hour, he carefully reviewed the footage and tactical data of the whole "Illustrious" incident.

Daniels then waved his hand swiftly and the table lit up. Before him floated the schematics of the Illustrious and live data from the ongoing repairs. He crossed his hands behind his back and observed. The operation was going as planned. Everything had gone according to plan. Lea had managed to bring the ship back in one piece. A marvelous display of sheer willpower and determination.

"Oh..." Said the man to himself "I almost forgot..."

His eyes lit up, as he authorized an unprecedented reward for Lea Kaufman. She was now half a billion richer.
Daniels smiled at the thought of pulling off such an operation. Everyone that participated had gone above and beyond. It was a miracle they managed to storm a Liberty Navy Dreadnought and survive, let alone capture it.
Jack had finally found out what it felt to be truly proud of his men and women in the Core.