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Mining - Syndic - 05-08-2009

Ok--you fixed mining to actually make it RP-able AND profitable and as a result had tons of people mining. Now you are re-fixing it where it isn't so profitable and tons of people won't be mining.

Back to square one. Net is no change.

Is there some reason why mining can't be profitable? Doesn't have to be as profitable as a golden trade route but what the heck? As to "do it with friends" because we want interaction...that comes down to "join a clan".

Having people in the same place on a regular basis IS interaction. Pirates will figure it out too and start hitting them, traders will come, etc. I like the idea of mining spots closer to the best selling point so players can sell their ore to other players.

AS it is, its not much worth it to mine.

I have tried to rp a Corsair miner--gets shot up by BHs, Nomads, Players all while Corsair players sail by doing nothing. As said before, I make more on simply equipping fighting guns and armor and "mining" BH npcs and Nomads.

The way you had it was a step in the right direction. The way it is now is simply stepping back to where you were.

Mining - Cannon - 05-08-2009

' Wrote:Is there some reason why mining can't be profitable? Doesn't have to be as profitable as a golden trade route but what the heck? As to "do it with friends" because we want interaction...that comes down to "join a clan".

After reading this feedback, I have a new question. How profitable should mining be?

In profit per hour per person, for a low-risk of losing ship/cargo place
10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 million?

In profit per hour per person, for a medium-risk field (some hostile NPCs and some player pirates)
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 million?

In profit per hour per person, for a high-risk field (lots of hostile NPCs - think delta or/and lots of player pirates)
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000 million?

Mining - Grumblesaur - 05-08-2009

' Wrote:After reading this feedback, I have a new question. How profitable should mining be?

In profit per hour per person, for a low-risk of losing ship/cargo place
10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 million?

In profit per hour per person, for a medium-risk field (some hostile NPCs and some player pirates)
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 million?

In profit per hour per person, for a high-risk field (lots of hostile NPCs - think delta or/and lots of player pirates)
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000 million?

Thirty, forty, and fifty million respectively.

Mining - tazuras - 05-08-2009

I would say that is about right, but how many people need to be working to make those amounts of profit per person, the most ideal number?

Mining - Encheta - 05-08-2009

' Wrote:Thirty, forty, and fifty million respectively.

I'd say that as well. That is, if the average trade profit is 40mil/hr.. (everyones been touting that but I've also heard some changes to prices have been made this beta.)

Considering the amount of pirates out there on the more poulated places of sirius, I'd say a medium risk mining spot should earn the same as trading would. Thing is what would be classed as low, medium and high risk feilds? o49 low risk I suppose, I've never been pirated there at all, but I have heard once of others running into pirates there... T37 High risk for sure - the outcast NPCs there alone warrant that.. But what about say, that Kruger(?) diamond field, around that sun with the intense radiation? I don't think pirates frequent there, but at the same time it's gonna rack your repair bill up and newter you at the same time..

Also how about places like the T23 or colorado feilds, where it goes from one extreme to the other? One day you're happy as larry, and on another it's a pirate/terrorist free-for-all..

Mining - pragun - 05-08-2009

I agree with the 30,40,50 mil profits

This is assuming that the mining is done alone. THere should be a lsight impetus for group mining... (although i dont think you need to do anything special for that...)

And omega 49 was certainly not low risk... For the last couple of days, no matter when i go there, there is atleast one pirate operating...

Mining - Enko - 05-08-2009

I'd go with 30,40,50 allowing for a good 5 mil each way variation.

If anyone can provide a large average trade figure for trading then Id go with something like the lower bracket being on par/slightly lower than trading then it goes up from there. High risk mining would be the most profitable on the server as it requires a group effort and has a large chance of "Accidents" from pirates.

Mining - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 05-09-2009

mining should be in the following brackets

Low risk- new player mining zones, great for setting up a miner Heavy lawful NPC presence with decent guns and occasional cap patrols, pirates are the ones at risk even w/o players. Penny, NY should have these. ABSOLUTLEY not worth it for a set up player. Prehaps add in smaller mining vessels for new players with a mining bonus, but nothing compared to the mining ship.

Mild Risk- Sometimes player pirates, sometimes NPC pirates, low risk to larger mining vessels but still low end profits, not worth it for setup players execpt for a slow few mil for resupply.

Medium risk fields- Average mining zone, profits sub-par to trading, 1-2 zones on par with it. Players that dont wnat much of a risk of pirates go to one of these. The most common by FAR, but still sub-par to trading

High risk fields- Equal to trading, with 1-2 a slight ammount better than average trade routes or even equal to the best power trade routes. The fully kitted miners go here. Bring your own escort, or mine solo at your own peril, as pirates will adapt and roam these, and they will moderate or far distances from lawful support, if have access to it at all.

EXTREME risk fields. MUCH greater than trading (nearly as good as pre-nerf omega49, 60-70milhr solo profits). Pirates favorite hunting ground, lotsa rich miners. Prehaps add a 'die here, mine or not, 4hr rule applies' rule to enforce the danger, and deal with those that simply ignore the pirates and run. High odds of phantom/keeper/pirate presence, but high profits to make the risk worth it. Omega 49, and prehaps some of the other omegas, making ingame RP/diplomacy with the pirates a must to not get flattend.