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Red Hessian Cruiser - centauri5pirate - 05-22-2009

Well said Jinx.

I suppose I'll bust my pilot down to a well-equipt bomber and give Stuttgart one more merciless pirate to deal with. After all, someone's gotta pay for the poor farmer's hardships, right?

You have taken my land, and foresaken your own people.
You have corrupted and raped my planet with your greed.
You have disgusted my people with your foreign allies.
You gorge yourselves on SynthPaste.
I say no more!!


It's party time baby!! Time to Boom-Boom with the bombers!!


Red Hessian Cruiser - n1kodemus - 05-22-2009

I've seen RHA using Falcatas.
Don't they have their own bombers, too?

Red Hessian Cruiser - MarvinCZ - 05-22-2009

iKone Wrote:I've seen RHA using Falcatas.
Don't they have their own bombers, too?
Quote:Series ZX "Falcata" Border Worlds Bomber
What's wrong with using BW gear? It's even sold on a Bundshuh base (on purpose).

Also there is a huge difference between sharing a few bombers or a huge capital ship.

If a Hessian wants to fly an OC Dessie, I won't feel sorry for him. If he creates a good enough RP to get it legally, he deserves it. It wouldn't happen too often in RP though. (Purely my view of the RP)

Red Hessian Cruiser - Benjamin - 05-22-2009

Oh my god, there is an LWB indie?

Red Hessian Cruiser - n1kodemus - 05-22-2009

Thor is meant to be used by Red Hessians.
Why use Falcata if you have your own bomber?

I don't see any other reasons, except PvP ones.
And as far as I know, this is a roleplay server.

Red Hessian Cruiser - MarvinCZ - 05-22-2009

It is perfectly in-RP for Hessians to use BW gear. Most of the NPCs fly BW gear, and it's an important part of the faction's RP. It isn't too common, but it's used. BW gear is shared between a large group of factions (including Hessians). It's a Hessian gear as well, in a certain point of view.

RP isn't neccessarily "use your own stuff and nothing else." It's "Use stuff you can reasonably be using."

Red Hessian Cruiser - Robert.Fitzgerald - 05-22-2009

Quote:Thor is meant to be used by Red Hessians.Why use Falcata if you have your own bomber?I don't see any other reasons, except PvP ones.And as far as I know, this is a roleplay server.

The Falcata is also our bomber, as we use border world ships. So it's fine for hessians to be using it.

Red Hessian Cruiser - n1kodemus - 05-22-2009

' Wrote:It is perfectly in-RP for Hessians to use BW gear. Most of the NPCs fly BW gear, and it's an important part of the faction's RP.

Yes, because at the moment Oucasts and Red Hessians are allied.
The Outcasts have most likely sold their ships to Red Hessians to aid them.

But now they want to cut the alliance and still keep buying Borderworld Series shipline.
I don't think Outcasts would be really happy about that, wouldn't they?

It's not fair to use other's shipline when you have your own, and when they can't use yours.

' Wrote:The Falcata is also our bomber, as we use border world ships.

So using other's shipline means it's also yours?
I don't see any Outcasts here saying the Red Hessian cruiser is also theirs, because they use them.

Red Hessian Cruiser - Robert.Fitzgerald - 05-22-2009

The Borderworld Shipline is not outcast, it is produced and used also by the bundschuh, hessians, lane hackers and presumably the zoners.

Edit: Hessians using the Borderworld line is in RP, as they are our ships as well. Outcasts using rare hessian cruisers is a completely different situation.

Red Hessian Cruiser - n1kodemus - 05-22-2009

' Wrote:The Borderworld Shipline is not outcast, it is produced and used also by the bundschuh, hessians, lane hackers and presumably the zoners.

Who do you think gave them the schematics?

The Outcasts.
When Red Hessians didn't have their own ships, they were generous enough to share their own with them

If you're going to deny other's access to your shipline, I strongly recommend using it by yourselves, too.